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have a sense of progression back concerning upgrade modules ?

I've just been through a casual session of reverse-engineering. Stats of upgrade modules are solely based on the order I installl them. Based on this, I went and bought the cheapest S Class Modules I could find, and a bunch of C class ones for fillers.

My B Class 22 Slot Experimental Hairdryer nets me up to 520K Units per (rare) Fauna, and a reliable > 80K Units per Flora.

Hello Games, could you please try and, as stated earlier, gain the upper hand in creative challenge ?
Post edited September 04, 2018 by ksj8ak2
ksj8ak2: have a sense of progression back concerning upgrade modules ?

I've just been through a casual session of reverse-engineering. Stats of upgrade modules are solely based on the order I installl them. Based on this, I went and bought the cheapest S Class Modules I could find, and a bunch of C class ones for fillers.

My B Class 22 Slot Experimental Hairdryer nets me up to 520K Units per (rare) Fauna, and a reliable > 80K Units per Flora.

Hello Games, could you please try and, as stated earlier, gain the upper hand in creative challenge ?
Frankly I don't understand why HG has changed at all the upgrade systems on exosuit, starship etc. It was good before in that the more upgrade you did put in slots the less place you had for other upgrades, so the player could decide what to focus on. I don't see the need to change all that, there was no exploit or such that justifies it.
But be it as it is: there are still important upgrades missing, espcially for the freighters, this is the most wanted feature if I read Steam forum.

Also lots of my multitool upgrades, the lower ones, don't seem to show any effect...
There's quite a few nuisances / inconsistencies with the Modules. Having the jump range of the giant powertrain of my 'Capital Ship' easily dwarfed by my upgraded starter ship is certainly one of them.

Another one is, that the remaining charge of environmental protection modules isn't shown above the Hazard Protection status bar, if installed in the Exosuits Technology inventory.

I still remember finally finding the Freighter Warp Reactor Theta in Atlas Rises, which allmost made me pop a bottle. I think I even posted the coords somewhere in this forum. In NEXT, at least for me, upgrade hunting has been turned into a non-rewarding, repetetive one-time task, since I can literally max out stats just sitting in a station selling the S Class module(s) I want.

Making S Class modules unavailable on Space Stations, as is done with the Underwater Protection one, and instead sprinkling them randomly across planets just makes me ignore them completely. Especially, since it's just the order of installation that decides about the actuall stats. And of course that's the reason the game doesn't display the stats of a module, just until after you actually installed it.

Add to this, that displayed stats, again depending on order of installation, do not neccessarily reflect the actual stats a module has. I've accidentially found out about this by timing Movement Upgrades, where non-S Class modules displayed stats they didn't deliver.

From a technical point of view, the current solution is quite elegant -- it doesn't require care once a Module has been defined, since variation is introduced by rolling (pseudo-random) dice.

But from a gameplay perspective, the Upgrade Module mechanics seem to be in dire need of some care, because to me they are one of the main progression indicators. Reducing this to order of installation simply makes me take away the stick from the game, and then beat it repeatedly, to see which carrots it hands out.