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Hello! ((Note: I would put links to wikipedias of the timelines and such, but I haven't posted on GoG much to do so. If I happen to be able to post links eventually, I will update this appropriately.))

I've been thinking of 'attempting' to get a Heavy RP/Story PW going for a while now. I have virtually -no- experience on the technical and mechanical sides of things (building, scripting, setting up the server), so I don't know what is all involved on that side of the spectrum. If I did, I would've most likely attempted quite a long time ago. However, I am looking into attempting building or scripting if I can find a dummy-proof tutorial. I am very determined to attempt this!

So, I decided I would ask here, and see if I could possibly get some help to try getting one off the ground, and maybe get something dedicated going. I know there are quite a lot of servers out there already, however they aren't -quite- what I'm looking for.

What I Can Do:

-- I do have some DM experience in the DM tools thing and all that, so I can do IG stuff, and DM, once we're all set up (which I'm sure will take time and dedication before we're ready in that aspect)

--I can get us a forum board, or even a decent website set up for getting our information compiled, checklists, groups for builders, DMs, etc. set up. If we end up truly getting this off the ground, I will put money into it, however I would most likely need some help on donations keeping the server going; unless there is an alternative that would be easier.

--I am an RPer that is rather experienced; 10+ years under my belt on various platforms, from Instant Messengers to MMO's, and as well as forum boards.

I am open to discussion on server space, and generally how things will be set up.

The Setting:

Start Year of the Server in Forgotten Realms Lore: 1375 DR

Setting: Baldur's Gate and surrounding areas; we should see areas that are within the Dark Alliance game itself, as well as an Underdark setting, which will be within Old Shanatar mainly; perhaps areas surrounding that with portals and the wilds for a full Underdark experience.

I would like it to be within the timeline, and setting of the Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance series. The timeline will begin before Eldrith the Betrayer is killed, and it will progress through those timelines. After the server starts, we may follow the timeline's happenings loosely, but players will have an influence in the server's direction based on actions. The world will also change around them, based on actions. What happened in the original games of the Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance series 1 & 2 will come to pass, and players will be able to take part in this plotline, perhaps even help their favorite characters from the game itself. This will continue past these timelines as well, into 1377 DR and beyond. However, once the years and events of the canon 1375-1376 DR pass, we will begin shaping the world and story with the player's actions.

Events that have transpired in the year 1375 DR:

--Eldrith the Betrayer is found in the Marsh of Chelimber. The Betrayer's defenses are taken down one by one and she is slain.

Events that have transpired in the year 1376 DR:

-- Continuing on Eldrith's plan, Mordoc SeLanmere attempts to use the Onyx Tower to destroy Baldur's Gate. He fails and his allies are extremely angered at his death and failure to turn Baldur's Gate into a zombie civilization.

Mods/Plugins/Hakpaks I'd like to Support:

-RP EXP (Not sure where to find that one, but since most RP servers have the script, I imagine its easy to throw in.)

- Charlie's Item Appearance Changer :

- Custom Calendar GUI (Faerunian Harptos Calenadr included):

--And more as they are discussed amongst the team as we are building. These things are all up in the air, but I would like to add scripts, mods, custom classes (lore appropriate) etc. to make the world as immersive as possible in every way, providing that we have the techies to do it.

So, please let me know if you are interested in helping out with this project. I would really love to get this started as soon as possible if there is some interest in it.
Post edited January 02, 2014 by DemonJester
Also, please ask questions if you have any at all! I doubt I'll have any solid answers since this is simply a concept right now, but, I'll answer anything to the best of my ability. If there is a concern, please air that too. I -really- hope this can become a reality!

Also, something that I'd really like for our builders to do, is possibly get as close to lore-appropriate mapping as possible. I wouldn't expect things to be 100% accurate, but for immersion, I like the idea of seeing landmarks that stand out (in descriptions of cities), and if there is a module map for that city or area, we could follow it as close as possible to the original. Again; I will not ask that everything is perfect; especially in the beginning. We can always have a very rough look to our world at first, and as we have time to update it over time in the developmental process of the world, it can be refined better.
I would also like to note, we would be primarily based in EST time zones, however I am open to builders, DM's, helpers, as well as players from any time zone. I tend to have odd hours when I can because I have a lot of friends around the world that I can only see/talk to at certain times.

--I will probably put out some random 'facts' or whatever as I go to get my post count up; I'm helping spread relevant information as well. :)
This will be updated over time with important answers to questions. Please feel free to post and ask something here if you don't see your question on the list.

Q1: What is your purpose for coming up with this concept? Why Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance's setting?

A1: I am a long-standing fan of the old game of Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance. I played both BG: DA 1 & 2, and was -devastated- when I heard the third installment of the would-be trilogy was canceled. I used to play Neverwinter Nights 1 when I was much younger, and I always wanted to make my own server with that setting. But, I never knew the ways to go about such until now; and with Neverwinter Nights 2. I hope that we can see a living world in this setting, and with Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance's 'feel' it had for it's many fans. It won't be hack-n-slash of course, but I hope that together, the server can have fun as a whole with living in the events of the setting and story, interacting and witnessing it as it comes.

Q2: What type of server are you? Will you have PVP or other elements similar to an MMO?

A2: We are a Roleplay server, first and foremost. We will have PVP, but it will be highly reigned in with In-Character conflict. What does that mean? There must be an IC reason for the character to attack another character. It can be any reason at all, but there will be NO random PVP without consent and reason ([i]RP-outs, and emotes BEFORE your character attacks so that the person can react in-character. For drow and monster races, we will have different ways of dealing with that; but I'd like to get a team together first to discuss that. We may have an OOC arena or IC arena as well for people who want to do lots of PVP.)

Q3: Will all deities in the Forgotten Realms be present within this time period/server? Will deities have an effect on the character?

A3: As long as the lore states that the deity lives during the given timeline, and IG player-actions do not alter this, ALL DEITIES WILL BE PERIMITTED(AS LONG AS IT STATES IN LORE THAT THEY ARE NOT KILLED OR DORMANT.) The deity your character chooses certainly does have an effect. If you play a Paladin of a Goodly-God, you must do what a follower of that Goodly-God would do. The same for a Non-Goodly God. If you are caught doing good deeds when you are evil in alignment, you will lose favor of your God, and be given Good points toward your alignment. If you end up falling out of your character's chosen alignment, you may gain spell-failure until you repent to your God (through DM-oriented events.) You can also choose to have your character fall from that God and choose another, but it must be through logged RP proof.

Q4: I am new to roleplaying, and I am new to the setting. Do I have a place here?

A4: Yes! We will try to open our doors to those of all different styles and experiences. Some may be a bit less experienced than others, but it is my hope we will gain a community that will accept others, and teach others so they can get better and learn. As long as YOU are willing to accept help, and you are willing to try becoming a better roleplayer (aka, don't get frustrated or angry if someone tries to kindly help you or suggest something) you DO have a place here. Just listen to the DM's, and try your best, and you will be getting better in no time! :)

Q5: What age-group do you hope to accumulate?

A5: Unfortunately, as it is Forgotten Realms, and not everything is unicorns, fairies and rabbits having a teaparty, right now, I have to say we'd be 18+. That means, some gore, and somewhat 'gross/nasty' things might happen during roleplay.

Q6: What is your stance on cybering/ERP (Erotic Roleplay)?

A6: We will NOT condone cybering, or public erotic roleplay. If you DO erotic roleplay at ALL, we'd best not see it public. Just keep it behind locked and closed doors, and you will be fine. And there IS a fine line between cybering and erotic roleplay--erotic roleplay can be used IC, and sort of 'romancy' way. IF this is done, it must be consented between both players OOC, and both players must respect eachothers limits on detail. It would be preferred in most cases to do a fade-to-black if it must happen. If your character is a bad character and is a 'defiler of women (or men)', this also MUST be consented OOC prior to the scene. If you are reported for disregarding this rule, you will be swiftly banned. PERIOD.

Q7: Do you allow children of characters? Pregnancy?

A7: Yes and no. Children can be roleplayed in their infancy (such as a mother holding its newborn child in the market) however cannot be made into characters themselves. A character must be 18 years or older to be made into a physical character. Pregnancy will be allowed, however we will expect some logged RP over a rather long period of time, and your character suffering the consequences if she should adventure while holding their child in the womb.

Q8: Do you allow surface drow? Goodly-drow?

A8: Yes, however! We will be making them application-only. The reason behind this is, so we have record of who our goodly drow are, and to possibly put a bar to make sure people who are roleplaying a goodly drow understand the concept of playing a goodly drow. This also helps out evening the numbers of evil and good drow so we don't have an influx of only good drow. Most servers plain out ban surface or goodly drow, but I hope this can work out. WE WILL NOT HAVE GOODLY DROW PLAYING THE VICTIM OR WHINING THEY ARE BEING HUNTED. You are still a drow, and people WILL distrust you GREATLY. You should be considered a 'monster' race as orcs are, nearly. If a person or citizens suspect you of ANY treachery, you will be thrown out, or killed on the spot and thrown out to be left for carrion birds.

Q9: Do you have a perma-death policy?

A9: Generally, we will not. HOWEVER. This CAN be enforced in some circumstances. If your character does things that are VERY stupid, or is dying every day or every other hour by another player, or DM-controlled guards, we will reserve the enforcement for those times. AT A DM's DISCRETION--they CAN decide to use perma-death within an event if they see fit. However, taking risks on surviving this event, you may get better rewards for participating. The DM may also use different routes (if there is a party making a decision to go with the possibility of perma-death route, or the non-perma death route, that can be done too, at the DM's discretion.) DM's will be required to make it known to the rest of staff if their event has perma-death enforcement, as well as the players coming to participate. A player will have the option to bow out if they do not want to take the risk. Otherwise, if you happen to die more than three times in casual roleplay over time, you may be asked to retire the character if the staff talks it over and decides the suggestion should be brought up to you (if you decline, it will not be enforced, again, unless in extreme circumstance).

Q10: Will there be player guilds, as well as lore-guilds players can join? How can a player-guild be created? Will there be guild housing? Single-character housing/renting?

A10: Yes. We will have player guilds, as well as some lore-guilds players can join. However, some lore-guilds may be NPC-only. As for player guilds creation and guild housing, I don't have anything set in stone yet, but we may use Roleplay Tokens, and large amounts of gold for getting a house put in. The same will go for single-character housing. It may be rather high because of server space, and availability of space in general. We may also require a minimum of so many players 'signing' an OOC charter to get it created. You may also have a forum-space. Custom player guilds must also adhere to lore and DM help with lore, if the DMs feel it appropriate. The staff will reserve the right to decline your guild if it does not adhere well. (Aka, we won't have a guild called "Fluffy Bunnies of Doom".)

Q11: Will there be a token system or ninja DM-exp?

A11: Yes! We will have a token system, and we will also allow some ninja-DM EXP for good RP.

Q12: Will there be the ability to grind all the way to 30?

A12: Somewhat. HOWEVER, as you level higher, you will get less and less XP for grinding. You will get more XP for roleplaying. There will be quests to do as well, but they may only be reset once per week, depending on what the quest rewards. As we are an RP server, we want the focus to be on ROLEPLAY. Not grinding. Quests and grinding will only be an assistance to roleplay.

Q13: Will DM's have things players do not playerside?

A13: No. DM's playing on playerside will only have gear that the players can have access to. Nothing more or less. They may be given DM XP for their time and activity on the client, as well as forum activity (answering questions of players, etc. We may have a more structured way of doing this, but overall it would be a reward for their volunteering to DM and help players. It won't be too over-done, either.
Also, if anyone happens to have a concern with something in the FAQ, please ask or suggest. I don't want it to come off as intimidating what so ever. :)

I read about the server idea that you have here and I am interested in becoming a DM on your server should you decide to move forward with this project.

I was a DM on quite a few of the popular NWN servers that many people played on so I know how to handle different situations that can arise from people doing RP and causing trouble.

I have been playing the Neverwinter Nights series for about 7 years. (both NWN 1 and NWN 2 combined)

If you are interested in learning more about my experience e-mail me at
