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I've just started Storm of Zehir and would like to import the NPC companions from the previous campaign (MotB). Any way to do so? The "Export" option in the main menu seem to affect only the main character.
Post edited May 18, 2019 by AlexHawke
This question / problem has been solved by Belsirkimage
AlexHawke: NWN2
I've just started Storm of Zehir and would like to import the NPC companions from the previous campaign (MotB). Any way to do so? The "Export" option in the main menu seem to affect only the main character.
Yeah, NPCs are not exportable.
Also, Zehir is supposed to be a new character from level 1. Even if you import your character from MotB. All his background will be ignored by other NPCs on the campaign.
Thank you for the information.
I've reached the Keep and, indeed, the main character of Storm of Zehir isn't the one from the original campaign.