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First of all, let me thank you:
Jeff Ludwig for your wonderful work on MM3 (utility that uncompresses the file and fixes two bugs, arena bug and damage bug. I recently finished an entire MM3 game and it worked flawlessly and much faster than the original game.)
Cedric Busch (wonderful MM4-5 utility that halves experience when below Level 15. It works wonderfully.)

I wanted to ask you (or any other knowledgeable person) if you know those damage formulas in MM3 and also MM4-5:

The Knight and the Barbarian definitely get a boost to their Attack bonus. (And I mean the hidden stat , the final "chance to hit", the one boosted by the weapon metal, accuracy stat bonus, and not the number of attacks), I noticed it when I played and it was confirmed by most FAQ writers.
How does it work?
It it based on level? A low level Knight/Barbarian seem to miss as much as a low level Paladin.
Or would it be based on Accuracy maybe? Getting twice the accuracy bonus ?
Would the Archer get a similar bonus to his bows?

In MM6/MM7, there is (was?) a bug where luck bonus would not be added to resistances if the resistance was 0.
Does such a bug exist in MM3-4-5?

Thanks very much in advance.
Post edited November 06, 2023 by UndeadHalfOrc