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Hello. So I purchased Metro 2033/Last Light from the GOG sale. So as a result, I've been having issues. Both games, no matter what settings, the objects in game were missing and or flickering constantly even though I met the minimum requirements.

I've tried setting my physx processor to my GPU. I've tried reinstalling Direct X, net framework, I've tried forcing the game to run in DX9, ect ect ect.

So to the point. Nothing worked.. But then I tried something. Instead of tinkering with the graphical options, I decided to lower the resolution. And what do you know, it fixed the problem completely.

For some reason on my machine and probably others, the game hates being run anything above 720P. I know it sucks to basically cut your resolution in half, but for those of you that purchased the game and are experiencing this issue, I hope this fixed it for you.