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Few questions/troubleshoot about this game.

There is no intro or other cut scenes! They only exist in Polish version. English and German versions were not tested properly (or at all) during translation process. Just use Polish version, menus are not that complex.

Intro lags in few places, what can I do? Increase cycles to about 85000 (hotkeys ctrl+12 and ctrl+11), that should stop the lag. With more cycles game audio might start to crack. Remember to turn them back to 15000 or things might be a tad unplayable.

Levels Lona and Kadmar II are laggy. Increase cycles (ctrl + 12). Target/standard FPS for this game is 24, try not to go over that.
Can load times be any faster? Within game directory there is dosbox_leon.conf (DO BACKUP JUST IN CASE). Open it with notepad. Inside find memsize=16, change it to 512. Save, start game again. Going over 512 will do nothing. More cycles help too, but they speed up the game, so take care.

When I use windowed mode game looks squished. How to fix that? In dosbox_leon.conf, open in notepad, change aspect from false to true. Consider changing fullscreen from true to false if you want start windowed.

Game is stretched in fullscreen. What to do? This is 4:3 game with no proper aspect fix in full screen mode. Play in windowed mode.

Windowed mode is dang small. In dosbox_leon.conf again, change windowresolution from original to something you like (for example 1280x960 or 720x540) . Just keep it 4:3 and you will be fine. Next change output from surface to ddraw. Save changes afterwards.

What's with this notepad editing? I'm too lazy for this! Fine. Go to and download Dosbox config file. Unpack and replace old dosbox_leon.conf in Leo the lion folder (DO BACKUP BEFOREHAND).
What to do with crackling audio during cut scenes? Sadly there is no perfect solution. Those audio issues are random, so one time everything might sound perfect, other half of cut scenes will be ass. In dosbox_leon.conf there is blocksize for audio mixing. Increasing it's value stops audio cracks in one place and makes new ones in other. Keep as little programs on as possible. Otherwise wait for patch or try your luck with Dosbox Pure.

Where save file is stored? It's leo directory\cloud_saves\STATUS.LEO
Post edited September 05, 2021 by themicu