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Hello everybody!

Yes, I have this game on Steam and every time I play it I ask myself: Why the hell isn't it popular?!

Honestly I don't know the answer, I don't know what happened for this game not to become popular. What I do know is that, strangely enough, it has all the elements and more to become popular:

- The sounds in general are great;
- Very good graphics considering it was released in 2008;
- A bestiary (This is not seen in most indie games);
- Trophies that you acquire within the game and can see your trophies in a trophy room;
- Lots of cool weapons! There's even a SWORD! (starting weapon);
- All menus are elegant, something difficult to see in an indie game these days;
- ARPG system! Your character levels up and you can distribute points to your attributes;
- Lots of side quests! And 13 missions in the main story;
- Roguelike system (not to be confused with roguelite) that generates secondary missions all the time, and the maps in general are also included in this essence;
- Everything is very atmospheric and the story is interesting.

Well, there are many more details that I could mention, but it would be a much longer text than this, hehe, so I'll leave it to you to discover it on your own... That's the best part, isn't it? ;)

However, I have a few suggestions for publisher Meridian4 (since developer Rake in Grass no longer owns the rights to the game), so here we go...

- Add support for 16:9 screens and the option to change resolution, this would benefit larger monitors. Note: In its current state the game is stuck on a 4:3 screen without the option to change the resolution;

- Add full support for the Mouse, allowing you to move the character with the Mouse, just like what is seen in Sigma Team games (Alien Shooter). Note: In its current state, the character's movement is trapped in WSAD and the Mouse is only used to shoot and throw dynamite. And if memory serves, there is no option to remap the keys.

Finally, I want to thank Rake in Grass for making an extremely polished game in every way! And I hope Meridian4 sees, reads and considers my suggestions. =)

Cheers! And happy holidays to everyone! \o/
Post edited December 24, 2023 by SilentMRG