Posted February 02, 2024
Bought it on Steam and found vanilla version has no 16:9 options, with ugly black bars
EDIT: I know "Crossworlds" edition fixed this, but I was looking for a vanilla fix
EDIT2: seems fixed: redownloaded it and now has 1920x1080 too, so never mind
EDIT3: argh! The game does have 1920x1080 video option, but in-game there are still black bars left/right and cutscenes have borders on ALL sides, so a fix would be really appreciated for the vanilla version of KB: Armored Princess :-(
EDIT4: creating my own edition of @CkNoSFeRaTU 16:9 fix re-adapted to King's Bounty: Armored Princess, more info here:
Post edited February 05, 2024 by hexaae