Posted April 09, 2021
I really enjoy this game, which is the first MoO2 inspired game I have played, which holds my interest for longer due to its many similar aspects but also its interesting differences to MoO2.
Up to now I encountered two minor (if one is theoretically game-breaking) bugs, which I would like to share here, in the hopes, the developers see this bug report:
1) (Game-Breaking) Bug: I had a Psy-Ops running on Cerixx Sentinels, with one remaining turn left. In the next turn I vanquished the Cerixx Sentinels in a concerted attack on all their remaining colonies. I was able to capture the last enemy colony leader during one raid of this attack. My Psy-Ops leader was prompted to influence an enemy leader of the Cerixx Sentinels, but since the Cerixx Sentinels were defeated and/or all leaders were gone, there was no leader to influence. There was no way to abort the spy-mission (the leader could be sent to a new Psy-Ops mission in the leader screen, but it would not stop the prompt to influence a leader of the Cerixx Sentinels) and as the End-Turn button was replaced by "Influence Leader" I could not end my turn to continue. As the Game was set to Autosave every turn, I had only to repeat one turn and abort my Psy-Ops beforehand to avoid this to happen again. So it was no major problem even if it is technically game breaking.
I could imagine that this might also happen if the the leader to be influenced would get the "Trusting"-trait, but I am not sure, I think in normal gameplay, the Psy-Ops spy mission is aborted at the start of the turn, if no eligble target is found... so it might only be a problem if you defeat the rival faction or there is no leader left.
2) Minor Bug: Colony Leader had the desire to colonize a specific planet (4th planet) in his system. That was a large barren Heavy-G world with the negative "Extreme Flares" planetary special. As I played a low-G race and I was also on the verge of discovery of "Planet Construction" I decided to rush the research, trade the necessary antimatter with other factions to achieve ideal biome for constructed planets and transform the barren world. This worked out and the desire of my leader was not failed by this. But after colonizing the world the desire was also not fulfilled. It seems the planet which needed to be colonized was "deleted" and replaced by a "new" planet, which does not count as the fourth planet of the system, which the leader asked for to colonize in his desire.
Either make it clear, the planet may not be changed and let the desire fail if a planet construction is done or change it, that the desire will be fulfilled (I would prefer the latter).
(1) After playing a low-G Race I found out that it seems to be impossible to adapt an heavy-G planet to the low-G gravity, as the anti-gravity generator is only reducing the gravity by one level. I have not tested it, but probably the Micro Gravity Generators may stabilize gravity for three pops completely but If you have a planet with 24 population you would need 8 infrastructures to stabilize gravity for the whole population, which is not effective.
I would propose one of the following:
a) allow to build multiple Antigravity/Gravity Generators per planet to push gravity by two levels up or down (you can already build multiple Micro Gravity Generators) [low-g/heavy-g races would get still penalised by needing one more construction slot to counter gravity effects]
b) set a Antimatter/Darkmatter- Strategic Ressource cut-off, which allows it for heavy-G and low-G races to change the gravity level by 2 [would make low-g and heavy-g negative picks less negative]
c) let Micro Gravity Generator buildings interact with the gravity/anti-gravity building so the Micro-Gravity Generator full protection is offered to the whole planet and not just 3 POPs [same as a) but a second technology would have to be researched and it would be an synergistic strategy to first build micro gravity generators in early planet development and add the real gravity generators later]
d) introduce a new tech which can be researched, which allows to build stronger gravity manipulating structures. [same as b) but a second technology would have to be researched]
-> I would prefer a) or c) as I think that is easily adapted and it would still come at a cost to colonize a hostile gravity environment.
(2) Planet Construction:
Add an option during "New Game" generation to define if constructed planets have fixed attributes depending on the "source material" or if it is "semi-random" like right now. I don't like the semi-randomness as it invites to safe-scum to get a better result. And if you cannot get tempted in the first place that would be nice.
I would propose the following fixed stats:
Eco-Level and Biome:
result with 1-2 antimatter (AM): Eco 1 + Tolerable Biome
result with 3-5 AM: Eco 1 + Ideal Biome
result with 6-20 AM: Eco 2 + Ideal Biome
result with 21+ AM: Eco 3 + Ideal Biome
Source | result with 1-2 AM | with 3-5 AM | with 6-20 AM | with 21+ AM
Small Asteroid Belt | Small Suff. | Medium Suff. | Large Suff. | Huge Suff.
Medium Asteroid Belt | Medium Suff. | Large Suff. | Huge Suff. | Huge Rich
Large Asteroid Belt | Large Suff. | Huge Suff. | Huge Rich | Huge Ultra Rich
Gas Giant | Huge Suff. | Huge Rich | Huge Ultra Rich | Huge Ultra Rich + "Caverns" planet special: giving something like 5 fixed extra population-space
either make it size dependent -> small = low-g, huge = heavy-g maybe with a shift at higher antimatter availability to the ideal race gravity
as it is a planned construction -> make it always more ideal for gravity needs of the building race:
heavy G- race gets heavy-g from Medium size worlds upwards and small size worlds would get medium gravity.
low-G race would get low-g for small and medium size worlds and large and huge worlds would be medium gravity.
medium-G race would always get medium gravity.
Thanks for reading. And if there are opinions or further ideas regarding my suggestions feel free to write some lines.
EDIT: There is a third suggestion coming to my mind right now: I am a bit frustrated by the way, leaders get new skills by events or buildings like for example the "Imperial Archive" or "Galactic Surveilance Network"-Wonder: These buildings and one event I encountered offered free Spy-Skill Level-Ups for my leaders (or new leaders appearing, which never happened) - in theory nice, but as you cannot control, which leader shall improve and which skill shall be improved [even as the event with some shadow league or something stated "2 skill of my choosing" would be improved), it usually destroys my leader-setups, as my full colony support-leaders get their free skill slots trashed with unnecessary spy skills effectively making the leaders unsuitable for long term development.
In case of the event I tried to safe scum to get the spy-skill level ups to my two ship leaders, which already possesed spy-skills. But in maybe 10 reloads both skill level ups were always given to 2 of my three colony leaders, which should not get any spy skills. In the end I took the 500BC option (the third option for recuiting the legendary leader was not available (no explanation why)) as the game seemed to actively provide the skills only to the exact leaders which should not get these skills. I would propose, that the player should be able to choose, which leader shall learn a new spy skill or that the AI behind choosing the leaders should be optimised to prefer leaders, which already have a spy skill, so that they can improve it. Or offer a choice like "improve existing skills" or "make new spys".
I really enjoy this game, which is the first MoO2 inspired game I have played, which holds my interest for longer due to its many similar aspects but also its interesting differences to MoO2.
Up to now I encountered two minor (if one is theoretically game-breaking) bugs, which I would like to share here, in the hopes, the developers see this bug report:
1) (Game-Breaking) Bug: I had a Psy-Ops running on Cerixx Sentinels, with one remaining turn left. In the next turn I vanquished the Cerixx Sentinels in a concerted attack on all their remaining colonies. I was able to capture the last enemy colony leader during one raid of this attack. My Psy-Ops leader was prompted to influence an enemy leader of the Cerixx Sentinels, but since the Cerixx Sentinels were defeated and/or all leaders were gone, there was no leader to influence. There was no way to abort the spy-mission (the leader could be sent to a new Psy-Ops mission in the leader screen, but it would not stop the prompt to influence a leader of the Cerixx Sentinels) and as the End-Turn button was replaced by "Influence Leader" I could not end my turn to continue. As the Game was set to Autosave every turn, I had only to repeat one turn and abort my Psy-Ops beforehand to avoid this to happen again. So it was no major problem even if it is technically game breaking.
I could imagine that this might also happen if the the leader to be influenced would get the "Trusting"-trait, but I am not sure, I think in normal gameplay, the Psy-Ops spy mission is aborted at the start of the turn, if no eligble target is found... so it might only be a problem if you defeat the rival faction or there is no leader left.
2) Minor Bug: Colony Leader had the desire to colonize a specific planet (4th planet) in his system. That was a large barren Heavy-G world with the negative "Extreme Flares" planetary special. As I played a low-G race and I was also on the verge of discovery of "Planet Construction" I decided to rush the research, trade the necessary antimatter with other factions to achieve ideal biome for constructed planets and transform the barren world. This worked out and the desire of my leader was not failed by this. But after colonizing the world the desire was also not fulfilled. It seems the planet which needed to be colonized was "deleted" and replaced by a "new" planet, which does not count as the fourth planet of the system, which the leader asked for to colonize in his desire.
Either make it clear, the planet may not be changed and let the desire fail if a planet construction is done or change it, that the desire will be fulfilled (I would prefer the latter).
(1) After playing a low-G Race I found out that it seems to be impossible to adapt an heavy-G planet to the low-G gravity, as the anti-gravity generator is only reducing the gravity by one level. I have not tested it, but probably the Micro Gravity Generators may stabilize gravity for three pops completely but If you have a planet with 24 population you would need 8 infrastructures to stabilize gravity for the whole population, which is not effective.
I would propose one of the following:
a) allow to build multiple Antigravity/Gravity Generators per planet to push gravity by two levels up or down (you can already build multiple Micro Gravity Generators) [low-g/heavy-g races would get still penalised by needing one more construction slot to counter gravity effects]
b) set a Antimatter/Darkmatter- Strategic Ressource cut-off, which allows it for heavy-G and low-G races to change the gravity level by 2 [would make low-g and heavy-g negative picks less negative]
c) let Micro Gravity Generator buildings interact with the gravity/anti-gravity building so the Micro-Gravity Generator full protection is offered to the whole planet and not just 3 POPs [same as a) but a second technology would have to be researched and it would be an synergistic strategy to first build micro gravity generators in early planet development and add the real gravity generators later]
d) introduce a new tech which can be researched, which allows to build stronger gravity manipulating structures. [same as b) but a second technology would have to be researched]
-> I would prefer a) or c) as I think that is easily adapted and it would still come at a cost to colonize a hostile gravity environment.
(2) Planet Construction:
Add an option during "New Game" generation to define if constructed planets have fixed attributes depending on the "source material" or if it is "semi-random" like right now. I don't like the semi-randomness as it invites to safe-scum to get a better result. And if you cannot get tempted in the first place that would be nice.
I would propose the following fixed stats:
Eco-Level and Biome:
result with 1-2 antimatter (AM): Eco 1 + Tolerable Biome
result with 3-5 AM: Eco 1 + Ideal Biome
result with 6-20 AM: Eco 2 + Ideal Biome
result with 21+ AM: Eco 3 + Ideal Biome
Source | result with 1-2 AM | with 3-5 AM | with 6-20 AM | with 21+ AM
Small Asteroid Belt | Small Suff. | Medium Suff. | Large Suff. | Huge Suff.
Medium Asteroid Belt | Medium Suff. | Large Suff. | Huge Suff. | Huge Rich
Large Asteroid Belt | Large Suff. | Huge Suff. | Huge Rich | Huge Ultra Rich
Gas Giant | Huge Suff. | Huge Rich | Huge Ultra Rich | Huge Ultra Rich + "Caverns" planet special: giving something like 5 fixed extra population-space
either make it size dependent -> small = low-g, huge = heavy-g maybe with a shift at higher antimatter availability to the ideal race gravity
as it is a planned construction -> make it always more ideal for gravity needs of the building race:
heavy G- race gets heavy-g from Medium size worlds upwards and small size worlds would get medium gravity.
low-G race would get low-g for small and medium size worlds and large and huge worlds would be medium gravity.
medium-G race would always get medium gravity.
Thanks for reading. And if there are opinions or further ideas regarding my suggestions feel free to write some lines.
EDIT: There is a third suggestion coming to my mind right now: I am a bit frustrated by the way, leaders get new skills by events or buildings like for example the "Imperial Archive" or "Galactic Surveilance Network"-Wonder: These buildings and one event I encountered offered free Spy-Skill Level-Ups for my leaders (or new leaders appearing, which never happened) - in theory nice, but as you cannot control, which leader shall improve and which skill shall be improved [even as the event with some shadow league or something stated "2 skill of my choosing" would be improved), it usually destroys my leader-setups, as my full colony support-leaders get their free skill slots trashed with unnecessary spy skills effectively making the leaders unsuitable for long term development.
In case of the event I tried to safe scum to get the spy-skill level ups to my two ship leaders, which already possesed spy-skills. But in maybe 10 reloads both skill level ups were always given to 2 of my three colony leaders, which should not get any spy skills. In the end I took the 500BC option (the third option for recuiting the legendary leader was not available (no explanation why)) as the game seemed to actively provide the skills only to the exact leaders which should not get these skills. I would propose, that the player should be able to choose, which leader shall learn a new spy skill or that the AI behind choosing the leaders should be optimised to prefer leaders, which already have a spy skill, so that they can improve it. Or offer a choice like "improve existing skills" or "make new spys".
Post edited April 09, 2021 by Eolowyn