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Fellow 76'ers, I've not had such good luck with CPU grabber for the wheel wobble issue; mostly my own fault since I am too lazy to alt-tab back and forth trying to set the affinity. Seems like too much work to me. That being said, I have had great luck with a little utility that some nice fellow wrote called 'turbo' that allows the affinity to be set from the program itself. Was extremely helpful getting X-COM to slow down on my newer hardware.

Additionally, for the mission 13 crash issue, I found a copy of the 1.06 patch, from which I grabbed and overwrote the i76shell.dll file, and the problem went away.

I don't have links for the proggies, so if I can figure out a way to attach them here, will do. Otherwise, will look for the links and and post them here if found.

Win 7 X64 Ult.
Athlon XP 3800+
3 GB Ram
Post edited August 01, 2011 by jestersyx