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Hi All,

Does anyone know how to resolve this?

I have saved my games and could see the files created in the saved folders.

C:\GOG Games\Heroes of Might and Magic V\bin\Mac\Home\Documents\My Games\Heroes of Might and Magic V\Profiles\Game1\Saves

However, when I try to load, I cannot see any of the saved games.

Thanks in advanced!

5 years later but I think I solved it.

Running Windows 10. My computer has personal files on a network drive, so instead of `c:\Users\<username>\Documents` I have `n:\Documents` and that `n:` is on a server in the network.

It seems that H5 has issues with this. It saves my profile and games to `<installDirectory>\bin\<server>\<path>\Documents\My Games\Heroes of Might and Magic V\Profiles` but is not able to load them.

Solution 1 - Safe
If you want/can, move your Documents directory to the local machine, ideally default `c:\Users\<username>\Documents`.
1. Open File Explorer
2. Right mouse button click on Documents and click Properties
3. Go to tab Location and set the new path
* All your existing documents will be moved to the new location and OS should be able deal with most updates automatically
* Depending on size of your Documents, it might take a while and obviously you need to have enough space on the target drive
* If you specified the path to Documents in some other SW, e.g. backup tools, review it!
* You may need to reinstall the game after you moved the Documents
* This will not work if your path to Documents is set by the group policy

Solution 2 - A bit of a hack, be careful
If the location of Documents is set by the group policy but you have a local administrator account, you may update the registry. **WARNING**: Be careful and make a backup of the original values, so you can fix it later if necessary.
1. Create Documents directory on your local machine, ideally `c:\Users\<username>\Documents`
2. Windows > Run > `regedit`
3. Locate all the keys under following paths that contain the path to your current Documents specifically (ignore other stuff like My Music, My Pictures, ...)
* `Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders`
* `Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders`
4. You probably end up with the key `Personal = <server>\<path>\Documents` in both + one hexadecimal, change them to the path you created (`c:\Users\<username>\Documents`)
5. Reinstall the game
* Reinstall might not be necessary, I did it
* Your documents will not be moved, they stayed on the network drive
* This may mess up other programs on your computer if they rely on the path to Documents, I recommend changing the values back to the original once you finish your gaming session
* If you decide to keep the new values, they might be changed back to the original values automatically after a while because of the group policy
