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hello, i have a slight issue with the game, that being, i can't seem to be able to play any of the videos. I've typed many things into the database and many clips are returned, except, whenever i try to play them, it does absolutely nothing. I have tried running the game at various resolutions, and doesn't change anything. i have clicked on every single icon in the game itself, and still nothing.

thanks for any assistance.
Same here. I can open every single icon in the game's desktop, I can even play the deleted game inside the "Rubbish Bin", but I can't, for the life of me, play any of the videos. Tried running as administrator and several compatibility options, to no avail. If anyone could help with this issue, it would be greatly appreciated, as I plan to enjoy this game.
I'm having the same problem. Videos do not play. And I wish I knew how to fix it!
Her Story's videos use the FFMPEG 4 (aka FMP4) codec. To see if you can play the videos you can find them in your "Her Story" Folder - on Windows it usually is \GOG Games\Her Story\HerStory_Data\StreamingAssets on your drive of choice (default would be C:).

Pick the one called D101.avi as it doesn't spoil anything, it is just her asking for a cup of coffee (it's also the first video, obviously), although unlikely to be the first you would watch anyway.

If you can't play the video you can try to get the latest codec release from - although I didn't need it. I also have VLC - - installed with which I can play the videos without hitch, albeit without subtitles, I suppose those are hardcoded into the game.

Also, the vidoes themselves do not have the interlacing and glare present when you turn the in-game option "Anti-Glare Filter" off (click on the little toolbox next to the search bar to find the options to turn off the subtitles and the "filter"). So try to play the vidoes WITHOUT subtitles but WITH the anti-glare filter turned on to see if any of those two cause the problems.

Hope that helps, it really is an interesting game.:)
ghosterl: Her Story's videos use the FFMPEG 4 (aka FMP4) codec. To see if you can play the videos you can find them in your "Her Story" Folder - on Windows it usually is \GOG Games\Her Story\HerStory_Data\StreamingAssets on your drive of choice (default would be C:).

Pick the one called D101.avi as it doesn't spoil anything, it is just her asking for a cup of coffee (it's also the first video, obviously), although unlikely to be the first you would watch anyway.

If you can't play the video you can try to get the latest codec release from - although I didn't need it. I also have VLC - - installed with which I can play the videos without hitch, albeit without subtitles, I suppose those are hardcoded into the game.

Also, the vidoes themselves do not have the interlacing and glare present when you turn the in-game option "Anti-Glare Filter" off (click on the little toolbox next to the search bar to find the options to turn off the subtitles and the "filter"). So try to play the vidoes WITHOUT subtitles but WITH the anti-glare filter turned on to see if any of those two cause the problems.

Hope that helps, it really is an interesting game.:)
I can watch the videos in the game folder with VLC, but they still won't play in-game... I was wondering whether this was a codec issue myself, I'll try downloading the latest codec release from ffmpeg, though I kind of doubt it'll help, since both VLC and Media Player Classic -- which I have installed -- both come with a comprehensive and extensive list of video codecs that should cover the needs to play the in-game videos in Her Story. I'll also try turning subtitles off and keep the glare on, I must admit I didn't try meddling with in-game options, aside from resolution.

Thanks for all your help, I'm really looking forward to experiencing this game.
Post edited July 02, 2015 by groze

I tried playing the game with the glare on and the subtitles off and a whole number of combinations between the two, I downloaded the codecs from ffmpeg, but I still can't play the videos in-game (I can watch them just fine outside the game using VLC), so, I don't know what to do next.

I guess it's time to submit a ticket to GOG Support, since no one actually seems interested or knowledgeable enough to help those of us experiencing this annoying issue that prevents us from effectively playing the game. Plus, if only this was the Fallout, Baldur's Gate or Ultima subforums, at least there would be more people present and active, but apparently those are the only GOG forums people care about, as if those games were the only ones that mattered...

Oh, well. Thanks, anyway.
so I have paid for an installed but I cant seem to find it! where do I go for help
Cindy-Lee: so I have paid for an installed but I cant seem to find it! where do I go for help
You may have already solved this, but in case you haven't:

Are you using GOG galaxy or did you just not know where it downloaded to? You might try the searching for it as many operating systems have search feature.