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I would love to see Gunship 2000 come to GOG. I played it to death on the Amiga.
Mr: I would love to see Gunship 2000 come to GOG. I played it to death on the Amiga.
Yes please! I'm tempted to just buy this Walmart-brand Gunship just to show GOG we want Gunship 2000! (And the Islands and Ice expansion back!)
somebody post the wishlist entry please :)

I assume if Retroism had the rights we'd have seen the game on Steam by now, so it may be legally complex unfortunately. hope it shows up for you guys eventually though!
tfishell: somebody post the wishlist entry please :)

I assume if Retroism had the rights we'd have seen the game on Steam by now, so it may be legally complex unfortunately. hope it shows up for you guys eventually though!
The expansion pac was not available on the Amiga version, I would love to play it.
Agreed. I'd love to see Gunship 2000, and would have preferred it to this.
GOG should bring us these two fantastic sims of old:

Gunship 2000

Bloody fun both of them!
OldOldGamer: GOG should bring us these two fantastic sims of old:

Gunship 2000

Bloody fun both of them!
Also longbow and the rest of the Jane's series.
OldOldGamer: GOG should bring us these two fantastic sims of old:

Gunship 2000

Bloody fun both of them!
Yes LHX would be great. I still have my boxed copy but having easy access to it on GOG would be ideal. (They should throw in SU25 Stormovik while they're at it too haha.)

The 90s era of DOS flight sims was the best imho. They had just the right amount of complexity. Today's sims are too preoccupied with details and realism and not enough with fun / accessibility.
Agreed. I think DOS era with modern graphics and a slightly bit more details would be spot on.
Flight sim like DCS are overly complex and yet they lack:

* Polish
* Terrain variety
* Dynamic campaign
* Requires too much dedication
* Surprisingly... in the end lack realism :D

I think the perfect balance has been reached with Jane's F-15 and F-18.
I urge anyone who wishes to play some retro games to get familiar with DOSBox. It will open a wide array of possibilities and your reliance on GOG or Steam for releasing those old titles will be gone.

I've been playing all those classics like LHX, Gunship 2000, USNF, Jane's ATF, Tornado, TFX, EF2000 and many, many more for years now and was able to configure DOSBox better than any other GOG/Steam release which usually need a bit of tinkering in dosbox.conf anyway.
to get back on topic:

Yes, Gunship 2000 please!
I prefer DosBox, MAME and UAE for my retro trips.
Old windows games most often just don't hit the nail, for me.
OldOldGamer: Agreed. I think DOS era with modern graphics and a slightly bit more details would be spot on.
Flight sim like DCS are overly complex and yet they lack:

* Polish
* Terrain variety
* Dynamic campaign
* Requires too much dedication
* Surprisingly... in the end lack realism :D

I think the perfect balance has been reached with Jane's F-15 and F-18.
You have not included the Falcon game series and Enemy Engaged series, as those has had the golden standard for dynamic campaigns and are for post-DOS. And they ain't so complex after getting to them.

Both can be modded to very good state, like AllMods for EE:CH and famous BMS for Falcon 4.0.
The BMS is now in 4.37 version and it just got couple days ago that released and it includes VR support, first time!

But I do get your point, a simple games like Digital Interactive Apache Longbow and Hind are great examples how you get like 20-30 bindings and get far with just 10.
Ah, nice one for the EECH.
I was modding in back in the days.

I tried the new mods but seems they don't work, for some reasons.