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I bought this game in the Holiday Sale. On starting it, I noticed that there weren't any widescreen resolutions available in the options. The first place I looked was here, but there didn't seem to be any mention of it on the forum. So I dug around on the net, and found a solution here.
Tested Resolution: 720p (1280x720)
Stretch: Barely noticeable
Method: Manual configuration
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Ghost Master\SaveGames

(For me, with the GOG release on Vista64, this was at C:\Users\Public\Documents\Ghost Master\SaveGames)
There is an .opt file with a series of numbers before it, which you can open in your favorite hex editor (I use Hex Workshop) and look for your player's name at the top. The file with your player's name will be the config file to edit.
Make a backup copy of the file you've chosen to edit. (Hex Workshop asks you if you want to make a backup when you save.) Now do a search type "16 Bit Signed Short" on a resolution value you are using. For instance, if you set your resolution to 1024x768, search for "1024". Then replace all instances of it with 1280. Then find "768" and replace all instances of it with 720. In Hex Workshop, you can replace these

I've tried this myself, using 1680x1050 as the resolution, and as near as I can tell, it works perfectly.
I thought I'd post it since someone else on here might find it useful.
Wishbone: I thought I'd post it since someone else on here might find it useful.

thanks broseph!!

It really does work perfectly. Stretch is not just "barely noticable:" the game actually calculates a proper FOV.
I just tried this with my game, I set it at 1920x1080, it looks wonderful!
Thanks for the widescreen tip!
Really rocks on 1920x1080. I had problems with monitor scaling on lower resolutions on Windows 7. Thank you very much.
I am so new to this. Can someone go through this using the frhed hex editor? I see my name at the top of the save game file, but nothing else.
There's a far simpler way of doing this, which doesn't even require a Hex Editor. I've already set it up.

The only thing which I changed where the Max Height and Max Width values, I just set them to 0. The game will automatically be set to the native monitor resolution.

(Sorry wrote this in a rush)
Post edited August 15, 2015 by RaTcHeT302
RaTcHeT302: There's a far simpler way of doing this, which doesn't even require a Hex Editor. I've already set it up.

The only thing which I changed where the Max Height and Max Width values, I just set them to 0. The game will automatically be set to the native monitor resolution.
Excellent. Thx.
I had some problems with the resolution on the steam version, but I got it working. Here is what i did:

Go to the install folder and right click ghost.exe

Click compability

Click deactive "disable display scaling on high dpi settings"

save and start game.

Set desired resolution

restart game
