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Anyone else experiencing lag in videos, menus and in game?
for some reason i have this huge lag that prevents me from playing this game
Issue was with 180.42 beta drivers for nvidia gfxcards
I too am having problems with lag in Vista.
My graphics card is a VIA/S3G Unichrome Pro IGP.
I've tried updating the drivers for my graphics card but to no avail.
Any ideas? The game is unplayable as it is.
Got the same Problem: Choppy graphics from the point the game enters 3D-Mode, looks like it "runs" with 3 fps. Unplayable, in spite of driver updates for graphics and sounds.
AMD Athlon 64x2 Dual Core 5200+, 2.6 Ghz
nivida Geforce 9600 GT
Running the computer just single core didn't help, neither did turning the video cards settings up or down.
I had the opportunity to test it on a much slower Computer:
AMD Athlon 1.3 Ghz, 512 GB RAM, Geforce 3 Ti 200, XP SP3
It runs fine on this one!
I am very disappointet. Any guesses what to try next ?
Post edited December 13, 2008 by DanceHans
DanceHans, does the problem persist when you install the most recent WHQL-certified drivers?
Firek: DanceHans, does the problem persist when you install the most recent WHQL-certified drivers?

Yes, it does. I installed 180.48_geforce_winxp_32bit_international_whql.exe,
downloaded from
Driver settings: let the application decide.
On low graphic settings in the game (640x480, low texture) it runs at 7 (seven) fps. On high settings at 6.
There are no problems with other games (Supreme Commander, Prince of Persia or Citizen Kabuto :).
From other topic on similar problem:
Found this on the developer's website:
"Users of certain graphics cards may experience minor problems with the mouse pointer. In most cases these problems can be avoided by selecting to use a basic in-game mouse pointer. To use the basic in-game mouse pointer, follow these steps:
1. Via the main menu or pause menu, select "Options"
2. Using the options category tabs at the top of the screen, navigate to the
display section by clicking on "Display"
3. Disable the "Enhanced Cursor" (so that no tick appears in the box)"
Skreczi: From other topic on similar problem:
3. Disable the "Enhanced Cursor" (so that no tick appears in the box)"

This was one of the first things i tried, amoungst sliding the resolution, texture and audio quality levers up and down, ticking and unticking the mentioned boxes plus the boxes in the audio options.
Then I updated graphics, audio and motherboard drivers, tried to run it in singlecore mode, altered the sound and directx accelerations in the Windows Xp options, turned off and on antivirus software and the firewall.
Nothing helped.
I think it's a graphics card issue.
Added on 2009-01-03:
BTW, same problem with the demo of the game.
Post edited January 03, 2009 by DanceHans
The issue is with the GFXcard drivers. remove old drivers entirely.
And after that install latest drivers from your manufacturer
Afthartos: The issue is with the GFXcard drivers. remove old drivers entirely.
And after that install latest drivers from your manufacturer

I just gave it a try again; i used Driver Cleaner PE 1.5 to get rid of all old parts of the driver.
The agin installed the latest driver. Nothing changed, still 3 - 4 fps. :-(
@ DanceHans
Since we have the same CPU, my guess is make sure your affinity settings are set to just one (1) CPU core. I've noticed older games really take a beating with dual core CPUs. And for the most part this seems to clear up any choppiness I have had.
(yes I know this post is old, and DanceHans has probably given up, but there are others too :P)
Due to certain circumstances i have a new graphics card and a new motherboard now, and well: all works fine now, high framrates at the highest quality settings.
GordanShumway: Since we have the same CPU, my guess is make sure your affinity settings are set to just one (1) CPU core.

Thanks to all of you guys for trying to help me here! :-)
I'm also having similar issues, not playing in Vista though but Windows XP. It's using about 50% of my CPU if not more just loading menus, etc. :(

Tried setting affinity for 1 CPU and no luck, and I also tried setting it at a high priority to see if it helped any, and no luck there either. Also, the special cursor was already disabled. Assuming it's a driver issue/card incompatibility issue, seems like I run into a lot of these.
I still can't get my copy to work, (serious lag, Win7, 6 mo old laptop) and I'm not a techie-type person (I just wanted to finally finish the d*mn game)... seriously, I wouldn't have bought it if I'd known that it would appear to load fine, and then be slower than molasses, making gameplay impossible. I don't want to fiddle about with drivers, cores or anything worse than 'Run under XP'...if GOG promised 'runs under Windows 7', they should ensure it's the truth for as many setups as possible.