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The review scores that Galaxy uses seem to come from some bizarre, arcane corner of the internet that doesn't match up with reality most of the time. Critically acclaimed games like Asseto Corsa or Max Payne have a twenty point gulf between the Galaxy rating and the more mainstream ratings from Metacritic et al. Swathes of games like Morrowind or TW Rome II have no critics rating at all.
I get if Metacritic are blocking some sort of official integration, but surely there's some better method of implementing it?

Really sometimes we got kinda weird ratings.
I know this is an old post but yeah, they really desperately need to add another source so they're not just using IGDB. I'd love for them to add mobygames into the mix as I think between the two, we'd start getting more balanced scores. There are 1000s of games that have no critic review score on igdb, even though they might have a metacritic or be an old game with legitimate scores out there.