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Just installed the latest GOG Galaxy after the old one said I should update and had to do to update Cyberpunk. No problem - I installed it and began updating CP. While that was going on, I see something about CP Twitch drops and click on a link ... won't connect.

That's strange. I see CP is updating, albeit quite slowly. Okay, I just do some of my usual browsing while waiting for it to complete. I can't access ANY web sites. Oh, must be having trouble with my connection; I'll reboot.

All is well again, I can browse without issue. Let's start the CP update again ... it's very slow. Can't browse, gee. I guess still having connection issues. I'll go read for awhile. That's strange - my streaming TV seems to be working fine on the same connection. I go back to the PC and can't browse. Hmm. Shut down GOG Galaxy. Browsing works fine again. Launch Galaxy - browsing doesn't work anymore. Quit Galaxy, all is fine, Run Galaxy, nothing works.

OMG! GOG Galaxy is causing serious network issues while it's running - something it, nor any other app should ever do. I know it's 'beta', but no app should ever do what GOG Galaxy is doing. I don't know what else to say.
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I assumed it was just hogging all of my bandwidth.
That's not it tho
networld: Just installed the latest GOG Galaxy after the old one said I should update and had to do to update Cyberpunk. No problem - I installed it and began updating CP. While that was going on, I see something about CP Twitch drops and click on a link ... won't connect.

That's strange. I see CP is updating, albeit quite slowly. Okay, I just do some of my usual browsing while waiting for it to complete. I can't access ANY web sites. Oh, must be having trouble with my connection; I'll reboot.

All is well again, I can browse without issue. Let's start the CP update again ... it's very slow. Can't browse, gee. I guess still having connection issues. I'll go read for awhile. That's strange - my streaming TV seems to be working fine on the same connection. I go back to the PC and can't browse. Hmm. Shut down GOG Galaxy. Browsing works fine again. Launch Galaxy - browsing doesn't work anymore. Quit Galaxy, all is fine, Run Galaxy, nothing works.

OMG! GOG Galaxy is causing serious network issues while it's running - something it, nor any other app should ever do. I know it's 'beta', but no app should ever do what GOG Galaxy is doing. I don't know what else to say.
I'm getting exactly the same issue. Even tried it on other machines and went end to end to check all my connections were OK aaand... no, it's exactly as you describe.
I finally just let the CP 2077 update run - it took about 12 hours in total during which time I could not use anything else that required connectivity. Once the update completed, everything worked normally, even with GOG galaxy running.

If you are experiencing the same issue, I recommend letting it let it run while you are not going to use your gear for some time (like while you are sleeping).

Now, I'll have to consider the ramifications of purchasing anything that requires the use of GOG Galaxy to maintain (keep updated).