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We've recorded moving pictures and sound for you to watch!

Hey! For all those to busy to check every day, and those who like our announcements in a nice little audiovisual package, is happy to present [url=]This Week on GOG--new, funky, and fresh video that showcases the whole GOG-week (new releases, promos, and special events) in just few minutes.

Please let us know what do you think about the first episode of This Week on GOG. This is something completely new we're doing and we're willing to change to make you happier. Write comments on video page and in the forums--we're reading all of this!

Thanks for watching and see you (watch you?) next Friday!
Podcasts (audio ones) would be cool. Maybe featuring interviews with devs (especially as you've done kickstarter deals and pay what you want promo's to help devs).

We could have our community questions answered, and you could give us the latest GOG news on it too.
htown1980: I'd prefer "Next Week on GOG" :)
This is brilliant idea. They should release it on sunday or monday, those two days are 'empty' anyway.

edit. of course they should not reveal new games, only give some TEnigmatic tips.
Post edited October 19, 2012 by SLP2000
htown1980: I'd prefer "Next Week on GOG" :)
But then there would e no surprises... And I like checking up on GOG couple times a week just to see what's going on.
Fuzzyfireball: You forgot some releases, also you should answer tweets and forum questions. That'd be interesting.
We wanted to keep the main part of the video under 3,5 minutes and we had to include a whole large chunk about our Mac debut. We decided not to include Edna & Harvey, as Depoinia2 is an offer from the same developer. We also skipped Warsow, which is a freebie. In regular weekly shows we won't have to make such choices and all of the releases will be there, along with the weekend promo announcement.

Answering questions? It's a nice idea but for another show. We want to keep this one short and informative, so all users get something out of it.
Asbeau: I think I'll watch it next week instead, this week's announcements have been a big disappointment to me.
Well, hopefully next week will be better. I am not a user of any iOS/MacOS devices, but it's good that GOG will support more gamers - they have to keep up with Steam and the rest.... There was quite a few new releases, but I suppose you are waiting for something old and good....
Good idea, although I already check GOG every day for announcements and stuff.
htown1980: I'd prefer "Next Week on GOG" :)
xep624: But then there would e no surprises... And I like checking up on GOG couple times a week just to see what's going on.
true true
htown1980: I'd prefer "Next Week on GOG" :)
SLP2000: This is brilliant idea. They should release it on sunday or monday, those two days are 'empty' anyway. edit. of course they should not reveal new games, only give some TEnigmatic tips.
agreed that would be better.
Post edited October 19, 2012 by htown1980
Nothing new for RSS subscribers, but good for those who like their news in video form.
Fuzzyfireball: You forgot some releases, also you should answer tweets and forum questions. That'd be interesting.
G-Doc: We wanted to keep the main part of the video under 3,5 minutes and we had to include a whole large chunk about our Mac debut. We decided not to include Edna & Harvey, as Depoinia2 is an offer from the same developer. We also skipped Warsow, which is a freebie. In regular weekly shows we won't have to make such choices and all of the releases will be there, along with the weekend promo announcement. Answering questions? It's a nice idea but for another show. We want to keep this one short and informative, so all users get something out of it.

Anyone in marketing knows you don't jam a whole bunch of different things in one video (answering questions, talking about upcoming promotions etc.), you pick one idea (the week in review) and stick to it.

I see this kind of thing from amateurs on YouTube all the time -- jam as much as they can into a 10 minute video thinking it will interest more people. It doesn't. It just becomes a jumble sale of crap nobody watches.

Plus, this new GOG video is a great promotional piece, especially for new customers, who have absolutely no interest in answers the interminably boring nitpicking questions some of the gamers on GOG ask :)

Really really like this!!!
Even though you already have your weekend promo it's very nice to see another update today on Friday

Though, I have to admit that I have been somewhat dissapointed by the lack of community events and the attention to it recently, perhaps you should do another Q&A live session sometime? Answer some forum questions?
I like the idea, but it feels a bit like an afterthought: "this is what you could have bought at a discount if you had been paying attention to our website last week". Instead I'd like to know what's coming, pitching a game before it comes to GOG or before it gets a price cut makes more sense in my opinion. You should take a look at Giant Bomb (I love mondays, preferably the OLD format which was more structured). Also quick looks of old games would be appreciated. I often look up "let's play" videos on YouTube. But those are usually not based on the GOG build so I still don't know if my experience will be similar.

Plus, I get these kinds of comments about my website all the time -- "It would be better if you added this", "Don't include that", "You should have added a podcast".

Here's a thought.........START YOUR OWN WEBSITE :)

You can never please everyone, and the people who try are destined to failure.
Good job GOG Team!! Nice video, good summary of recent events. I'm really glad you're making steps forward (new market segments, new ideas, new customers). You're last year dream of becoming number 2 in games digital distribution is coming closer and closer to reality. Don't forget about old-school gamers though (those that remember that GOG used to stand for- Good Old Games). You made me very happy this year with Silent Storm 2 - that was my number one wish listed game. Of course I bought a few new ones and old ones too and I will continue to spend my money here.
And BTW: I supported Project Eternity straight away after they announced that they will be on GOG in 2014... Future looks good....
avatar This is something completely new we're doing and we're willing to change to make you happier.
Great idea. Like others have said, including a Q/A section as the bulk of the weekly video would be awesome. Most of us can catch up on the news via the emails you guys send out or browsing the front page, but we won't necessarily know the answers to the many questions that you receive via Twitter, Facebook, Support, etc.
ZwaanME: I like the idea, but it feels a bit like an afterthought: "this is what you could have bought at a discount if you had been paying attention to our website last week".[snip]
We'll be releasing TWOGOG videos every Friday, along with the weekend promo announcement. We're talking about current week's releases and the promo that will last three more days. We don't talk about GOG Gem Promo that lasts only till Thursday. You don't get any outdated news in the video.