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As our catalog gets bigger and better every week, it's easy to lose track of some of the awesome games that we have to offer. We've been running one day "Gaming Gem" promos for a while now to highlight some classic titles that don't get the love of some of our best-known blockbusters like Baldur's Gate or Duke Nukem 3D. To celebrate summer, for the next two weeks until July 25th, we're going to run a Gaming Gem promo every day, so you can rediscover these lesser-known classics! Grab that plastic toy shovel and dig out gem after gem over the next 18 days. We think every game we're going to be offering on our Summer Gem Extravaganza will be an excellent title, and we hope you give them all a try.

[url=]Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator is a brave game in the history of PC gaming. It brings the old school SNES console feel to the same platform that had the great D&D RPGs and it excels at this task to the maximum. JRPG’s are a unique flavor of role playing game that have grown along their own path, evolving and eliminating the weak spots just to reach this point of gaming excellence.

Septerra is a planet composed of “layers” orbiting the Core, which holds a great mystery Gift from the Creator of the planet. You control Maya who lives on the lowest layer of the planet. She scavenges through the junk that the inhabitants of the top layers (called the Chosen) throw down. One day she becomes aware of the fact that they want to reach the Core.

Gather your friends from a plethora of colorful and masterfully crafted characters. The sheer volume of dialogues, quests, loot to obtain, and monsters to kill makes Septerra Core one of the biggest games on ever! The whole role-playing content is augmented by a deep and sophisticated combat system.

There’s no running away from the Chosen now, not with this promo. Get Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator for just $2.39 for the next 24 hours on!
Maxxer: Own it.... Not played yet for some reason :/
Same here.
wolfsnake: I like the look of this one, but as it's not listed as a Windows 7 game I'm not going to take the chance.
I own the game and it runs fine on my win7/64bit system.
Hey, the first Hidden Gem that I own. That's awesome. I think. I've never gotten around to finishing it, but I will. Some day.
I actually own this on disk, but that one requires QuickTime so I stopped playing it.

Does this require QuickTime to work?
Foxhack: Does this require QuickTime to work?
Interesting question :)

BTW: have you tried some replacements to QuickTime? Like QuickTime Alternative?
Foxhack: Does this require QuickTime to work?
Lexor: Interesting question :)

BTW: have you tried some replacements to QuickTime? Like QuickTime Alternative?

They suck as much as the normal QuickTime. I refuse to let any variation of that CANCER to be installed on my machine.
Ug, this game starts promising, but the battles get SO repetitive it's almost unfinishable without cheating just out of pure boredom. This was one of the first gog's I bought, and I still haven't finished it :/
Foxhack: I actually own this on disk, but that one requires QuickTime so I stopped playing it.

Does this require QuickTime to work?
I don't think it does. At least, I don't remember needing it.
midloo: Also - how would we redeem the codes that people post on here? I know we have to be the first one to try, but I don't even see where to go!
Down at the bottom of this page is a link that says "Redeem gift." Click on it and you'll be taken to the appropriate webpage.

Wallet is shutting down GOG, apparently all the games I want aren't exactly "hidden gems"

GOG vs Wallet 0:9
Ugh. I forgot this game was available here. I don't even like JRPGs at the best of times.

GOG : 4 - Wallet : 5
First post... you can say I'm not really communicative. But this time I have to say a huge thanks for the GOG team. Haven't played this game for at least six or seven years now, but I still remember it fondly.

And for all those who don't know what it is: yes, it is a Western-made JRPG. Can't really compare it to Western style RPGs as the two genres are quite different. JRPGs are usually centered around a story with minimal effort put into gameplay. Heck, most of the gameplay basics laid down in the eighties are still represented in some of the games made in 2011: You go from one world/continent/city/whatever (levels, if you like) to the other, get better stuff, face tougher enemies, don't really have much control in the events (no real 'role-playing' involved), and enjoy the usually quite complex stories which somehow always end up stopping the long-haired evil guy from destroying the world in his quest for ultimate power. This one is no exception, but what makes it worthwhile is that it's one of the few non-indie JRPGs made outside of Japan that are really, really able to catch the atmosphere of their more famous Japanese-made counterparts.
So... yeah. You could say I'd recommend it. Especially since it's quite a good starting point to get to know JRPGs a little better. Not as complex as the original ones, yet fun enough to convince one to try some of the more known Japanese stuff. At least this is how it was for me. :)
Aaaannnd the next hidden g(e)(a)m(e)s will be:

1. go to "Games Catalog"
2. select "browse by bestselling"
3. scroll down ;-)

I actually have some on my whishlist, which are at the last places, so I am eager to see what comes. Too bad, that many others I have on my list are at the top of bestselling (Planescape Torment, D&D games)

EDIT: Just noticed, that the very last games in the list have been added to in the last days/weeks. So, of course, those are not hidden gems, just poor sales, yet.
Post edited July 16, 2011 by amix
amix: Aaaannnd the next hidden g(e)(a)m(e)s will be
My money is on Silent Hunter 2 or Red Baron pack, they seem like Sunday gems to me for some reason (or maybe Monday? I'm so confused now! ;P ). Anyhow, its been awhile since there was a 9.99 gem, we are due I think. ;-)
morecowbell24: Wallet is shutting down GOG, apparently all the games I want aren't exactly "hidden gems"

GOG vs Wallet 0:9
Same here, unfortunately...
Couldn't tell you why, but I'm somewhat reluctant when it comes to giving JRPGs a try - just doesn't really intrigue me.
Still waiting for "my" hidden gems...
Icewind Dale, perhaps? Come on people, that's a *hidden* gem, right? RIGHT? (Everyone just say "Yes" ;D )