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As our catalog gets bigger and better every week, it’s easy to lose track of some of the awesome games that we have to offer. We’ve been running one day “Gaming Gem” promos for a while now to highlight some classic titles that don’t get the love of some of our best-known blockbusters like Baldur’s Gate or Duke Nukem 3D. To celebrate summer, for the next two weeks until July 25th, we’re going to run a Gaming Gem promo every day, so you can rediscover these lesser-known classics! Grab that plastic toy shovel and dig out gem after gem over the next 18 days. We think every game we’re going to be offering on our Summer Gem Extravaganza will be an excellent title, and we hope you give them all a try.

How does the conceived nick strain? The fun stare embeds the design. The digital digest joins the spit past the executive negative!

What’s that, you say? We’re sounding a bit crazy? You’re probably right. Either that, or we’re writing a description for a game about being crazy. It’s anyone’s guess what’s happening. Wifflebats!

Actually, we’re taking our one-day promos to the next level.

Our very first promo is for the unparallelled Sanitarium. A frightening look into the mind of madness, you find yourself continually wondering, as you make your way through the five worlds that your insanity takes you to: is this encounter real, or only the product of a fevered imagination? You are a recent victim of a car crash, and one who has complete amnesia. You awaken in an insane asylum, and immediately you must fend for yourself in a world gone mad—unless it’s you who’s gone mad, and the world is just a reflection of that.

With a gripping, haunting story and a graphics engine that has stood the test of time (the graphics look rather like the Infinity Engine games), Sanitarium is one of those games that grabs hold of you and just doesn’t let go. Give it a try on for just $3.99. This offer expires tomorrow, when we’ll have another hidden gaming classic on sale, so check back in to see what game we’re offering then for your hassle dashes inveigle marpuk snozznozzle.

F1ach: Just a heads up, I got Amnesia from STEAM today because of this post, its a pretty interesting game FPS view but a horror survival game basically, it was on sale for sub $4.

Alot of people seem to have a problem running Amnesia, first thing is make sure your gfx drivers are up to date, other than that it seems to work fine on win 7, although it seems to require a fairly intensive system to run, compared to whats displayed onscreen graphically.

I was disappointed with the gfx, They are good looking, but are not as awesome as you would expect after jumping through the hoops to get it working, but a quite scary game none the less, reminded me a little of Eternal Darkness on Gamecube, where you get gfx anomolies, to denote your loss of sanity (HP).
bladeofBG: Glad to be of assistance!

I was at a store today wherein Amnesia: The Dark Descent was being sold for $20.00 (a very fair price, given that its not even a year old). But even though I prefer physical copies of games to digital & it looks like it has no DRM on it, I didn't think to buy it, juss b/c of the 5 games I recently bought from the Interplay sale here on GoG. Perhaps I'll buy it one day though.

Did you pick up Sanitarium on Friday as well?
Yes Blade, I was initially doubtful as to whether it would work on win 7, but I took a chance and it worked fine.

As regards Planescape Torment, I still have the original game, but got it on GOG, due to the patching and the hi res information, available on its forum, which is also handy for Fallout and BG2.
F1ach: (snip)
Planescape: Torment's availability is what brought me to GoG (and the 2nd game I bought was Sanitarium!)! It was a game I never thought I'd have the chance to play, but I got it, played it, and loved it!

I had the original BG games, but I bought the GoG copies on the last day of the big December 2010 sale, only to find out that they're better than my retail copies (some of the spells are different ie-Sanctuary can be cast on party members as per original 2e AD&D rules, whereas in my retail copy, the clerics could only cast it on themselves)!
The greatest adventure ever.

People should play some games before they die, and Sanitarium is one of the games.
F1ach: (snip)
bladeofBG: Planescape: Torment's availability is what brought me to GoG (and the 2nd game I bought was Sanitarium!)! It was a game I never thought I'd have the chance to play, but I got it, played it, and loved it!

I had the original BG games, but I bought the GoG copies on the last day of the big December 2010 sale, only to find out that they're better than my retail copies (some of the spells are different ie-Sanctuary can be cast on party members as per original 2e AD&D rules, whereas in my retail copy, the clerics could only cast it on themselves)!
I bought PST, on GOG, but I still have the original, it just saves me having to disc swap :)

Didnt realise that about Sanctuary, currently playing the original BG2 as a Cleric with Viconia, would have been nice to have Sanctuary as a party buff :)
Post edited July 14, 2011 by F1ach
If you missed it... its worth $9.99. Great classic adventure game with a fantastic story told very well.
F1ach: (snip)
Yeah it now operates more like a lesser (or rather, different) variation of Invisibility.
avatar As our catalog gets bigger and better every week, it’s easy to lose track of some of the awesome games that we have to offer. We’ve been running one day “Gaming Gem” promos for a while now to highlight some classic titles that don’t get the love of some of our best-known blockbusters like Baldur’s Gate or Duke Nukem 3D. To celebrate summer, for the next two weeks until July 25th, we’re going to run a Gaming Gem promo every day, so you can rediscover these lesser-known classics! Grab that plastic toy shovel and dig out gem after gem over the next 18 days. We think every game we’re going to be offering on our Summer Gem Extravaganza will be an excellent title, and we hope you give them all a try.

How does the conceived nick strain? The fun stare embeds the design. The digital digest joins the spit past the executive negative!

What’s that, you say? We’re sounding a bit crazy? You’re probably right. Either that, or we’re writing a description for a game about being crazy. It’s anyone’s guess what’s happening. Wifflebats!

Actually, we’re taking our one-day promos to the next level.

Our very first promo is for the unparallelled Sanitarium. A frightening look into the mind of madness, you find yourself continually wondering, as you make your way through the five worlds that your insanity takes you to: is this encounter real, or only the product of a fevered imagination? You are a recent victim of a car crash, and one who has complete amnesia. You awaken in an insane asylum, and immediately you must fend for yourself in a world gone mad—unless it’s you who’s gone mad, and the world is just a reflection of that.

With a gripping, haunting story and a graphics engine that has stood the test of time (the graphics look rather like the Infinity Engine games), Sanitarium is one of those games that grabs hold of you and just doesn’t let go. Give it a try on for just $3.99. This offer expires tomorrow, when we’ll have another hidden gaming classic on sale, so check back in to see what game we’re offering then for your hassle dashes inveigle marpuk snozznozzle.
