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Devil's Dare, a 2D pixel-zombie beat'em up, supporting up to 4 players to co-op and fight together locally, is available 20% off on That's $10.39 for the first week.

Devil's Dare doesn't just rely on grinding and leveling up, but instead introduces permadeath to keep players on their toes. With every kill, the player makes some cash, which you can use to purchase upgrades or save it to revive when you're dead. When you run out of cash completely, you are dead for good and it's time to start over again. This is a mechanic inspired by the good old arcade days, where every death meant another penny wasted! The creators' main influence were some of Capcom's classics like Alien vs. Predator, Battle Circuit, Final Fight as well as Sega's Streets of Rage Series. If you were a fans of those, give it a shot!

It's Halloween, the best time to reunite the living with the dead. Or the dead with the fists of the living in Devil's Dare, for only $10.39 on The special 20% off release discount lasts until Friday, November 7, at 10:59AM GMT.

System compatibility notice:
The DRM-free Mac OS X version of the game is currently under preparation and will be arriving at at a later date. We apologize for any inconvenience this might be causing you.
Looks like massive fun but...

The devs might be in for a hell of a wave of C&D orders and worse. Anybody remember Revenge of Shinobi which had to be censored due to all the movie tie-ins?
Awesome trailer, and the game looks pretty good, to boot!

I've been itching for something simple and silly to play with my partner, so... sold! :D
In case anyone's curious, 悪魔の挑戦 (akuma no chousen) does in fact translate to Devil's Dare.

Looks fun and well made, but the horror setting isn't really my cup of tea.
This game looks fun, and what an awesome trailer!

To the wishlist it goes until Christmas, when I'll hopefully have more money to spend.
Tobe's Vertical Adventure was mentioned in the trailer. Any chance of it coming to GOG?

Vote for it on the wishlist:
Post edited October 31, 2014 by Barry_Woodward
OMG!! Them guys/gal know how to make a trailer! The game looks awesome too and i really like permadeath feature vs "insert coin to continue"..
Good game! Thanks to VampiroAlhazred I now have it in my collection, and I've just played a few rounds. It's quite tough, and is very much in the Streets Of Rage mold. I suspect this is a great one to crowd around the screen with friends to play.

One slight glitch I encountered, when pausing the game and resuming, it lost the movement mapping for my Xbox controller (which I had to set manually before playing). The joystick suddenly treated all directions as LEFT. Reseting the mappings didn't help, I had to quit that game. But it's only happened once, so may just have been a transient glitch.

Happy Halloween fun otherwise! ^o,_,o^
Very catchy, that trailer there... chock full of references too!
Well, i'm probably in a parallel world because i think that trailer is cringeworthy... :|
I just tried to play through it and though the game is nice and pretty exactly what you expect, it's buggy. Some clipping issues and the typical get-stuck-in-level-because-script-didn't-execute bug. Nice game, but wait for patch before purchase.
Cyraxpt: Well, i'm probably in a parallel world because i think that trailer is cringeworthy... :|
It's meant to be cringe-worthy in a campy sort of way. It's not a very serious game so it would be rather out of character if they were to take a stone faced approach.
Cyraxpt: Well, i'm probably in a parallel world because i think that trailer is cringeworthy... :|
ShadowWulfe: It's meant to be cringe-worthy in a campy sort of way. It's not a very serious game so it would be rather out of character if they were to take a stone faced approach.
How about a simple trailer without any person on it, just gameplay?

Well, at least this one shows alot of gameplay, the others usually it's 90% terrible acting and 10% (or less) gameplay...
Great release!
best trailer ever !!!

instabuy, really like the style
Is that a magitek armor? It is! And that trailer is so...radical. Wishlisted as a reminder.