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A dungeon-crawling adventure to last a lifetime (served in 10-minute chunks)!

Desktop Dungeons, a coffee-break turn-based dungeon crawler with tons of varied content, comedic style, and insanely high replayability, is available for Windows and Mac OS X, 33% off on That's only $9.99 for the first week. Also available, Goatperson DLC, adding an extra character class and the hunger factor to the game, for only $3.32 (that's 33% off for the first week).

Here's the perfect coffee-break game: fight your way through fantasy dungeons in as little as 10 minutes. You'll never play the same location twice. Each dungeon is randomly generated, yet always (somehow) winnable. Explore the finely-tuned gameplay as you learn more and more impressive ways to beat vicious bosses and unlock new items, gods and heroes to play. This is the classic roguelike play re-imagined as a unique award-winning single-screen puzzle adventure!

Desktop Dungeons is a quick-play, roguelike-like puzzle game that gives you 10-20 minutes of dungeon-crawling action per serving. Casual players can enjoy endless coffee-break gaming sessions in infinitely random dungeons, while hardcore enthusiasts can unearth the game’s subtleties and tackle challenges of unrealistic viciousness. Down all paths lies frequent death, easy accessibility and the urge to play just one more dungeon. The Goatperson DLC adds a new playable class to Desktop Dungeons' already large roster of characters. The use of this character introduces one of the classic roguelike problems: hunger! It also enables a useful Item Lottery for players with more gold than sense, as well as a series of unique Triple Quests that pit players against three randomly generated dungeons in a row.

Both Desktop Dungeons and the Goatperson DLC are available 33% off (that's $9.99 and $3.32 respectively) on, until Tuesday, June 17, at 9:59AM GMT. Set out on an neverending adventure, today!

Desktop Dungeons has a completely optional cloud-saving system that's useful if you plan to play the same Kingdom on multiple machines, the browser version and mobile versions (coming soon).Your unique cloud-key can be found under My Account. In order to also enjoy the DLC features in your browser version, please use them first in your desktop version and save the game via the the cloud-saving system.
Lashiec: For those who pre-ordered the game via QCF Design, do we get a key to redeem the GOG version?
DukeNukemForever: It wasn't mentioned in the news post, so we need to ask the developers. I tried to reply the news on the QFC-webpage, but as I wasn't registered as forum-user before my posting will not show up before it's checked. If you have a valid forum account, it would be nice if you could also ask the developers there. I guess that's the fastest and easiest way to get an answer for now ;-)
I asked on the forums.
DukeNukemForever: It wasn't mentioned in the news post, so we need to ask the developers. I tried to reply the news on the QFC-webpage, but as I wasn't registered as forum-user before my posting will not show up before it's checked. If you have a valid forum account, it would be nice if you could also ask the developers there. I guess that's the fastest and easiest way to get an answer for now ;-)
berpdreyfuss: I asked on the forums.
I know, thanks for doing this ;-)

Edit: And there is already the answer, sad news:
At the moment, no, pre-orders can't get their games redeemed as GoG purchases. Sorry.
Post edited June 10, 2014 by DukeNukemForever
Redfoxe: And DLC...ech!
The DLC is end-game content, so you're not missing anything if you choose to upgrade only after you've finished all the other challenges the game has to offer.

Licurg: Never heard of this before. Is it any good ?
It's awesome. I've been a huge fan since alpha and through beta.

TheEddevilish: and far from being a coffee-break game it started requiring absolutely optimal play on order to win
Most of the game actually has a significantly larger margin of error than first appears. There is definitely a steep learning curve, but it's not nearly as unforgiving as it seems.

gandalf.nho: Looks interesting, how's the difficulty for casual players?
It's quite difficult, but each level is relatively short and there's no actual penalty for failure, so there's a bit of a "try again, doing a little bit better every time until you win" vibe to it.

Also, no GOG keys for pre-orders at this time.
$14.99 base price, immediate DLC, cloud saves, upcoming mobile and browser versions. In my current mood, all of that greatly outweighs any decent reviews. I'll "save $ for the summer sale" and resume buying tomorrow. :)
budejovice: $14.99 base price, immediate DLC, cloud saves, upcoming mobile and browser versions. In my current mood, all of that greatly outweighs any decent reviews. I'll "save $ for the summer sale" and resume buying tomorrow. :)
The cloud save is optional and like Darvin said the DLC is endgame content and was introduced as a bonus for preorders.

What is wrong with a mobile version? (Or a browser version, which was there throughout the beta to provide updates easily and they kept it up)
Got it now thanks to a very generous and most unexpected gifting, so I can render my own opinion of the game eventually. Thank you, you know who you are! :)
Looks interesting, guess I'll be deciding whether or not to try it out.
Seems similar to Tower of the Sorcerer:
Well if it plays anything like Dungeons of Dredmor I'll probably enjoy it. Speaking of, why isn't that one here yet? Time to go hunt down the wishlist for it.
Post edited June 10, 2014 by Melhelix
berpdreyfuss: The cloud save is optional and like Darvin said the DLC is endgame content and was introduced as a bonus for preorders.

What is wrong with a mobile version? (Or a browser version, which was there throughout the beta to provide updates easily and they kept it up)
Everything that I listed is a turnoff for some - maybe even many - GOG buyers. Having to apologize each one away gives me a first impression that the devs are taking folks on a journey that I might not want to join. My point of view could obviously change, but I'll take a seat on the sidelines for now.

Another nail in my day 1 purchase coffin - if you preordered you don't get a gog key. I obviously didn't preorder, but it could only have helped my opinion of the release if they didn't leave you guys out in the cold.

It's funny that a game like 1849, released last month at $14.99 and with no cloud saves or DLC, and just looking like a mobile game, was and remains thoroughly trashed by the users of this site. Maybe the subject matter has something to do with it - this is an amazingly international audience that probably doesn't identify much with gold rush California, an area to which I travel often for mountain climbing.

I have over 250 games on my shelf, including plenty of as-yet-unplayed roguelikes. It's OK if I skip a release every now and then! As long as I give my reasons... :)
Post edited June 10, 2014 by budejovice
Redfoxe: And DLC...ech!
Cut content DLC. I just opted to pirate the game when it came out. Though I've still yet to play it.

Wonder why not, considering GOG is perfectly willing to let devs do that.

I'm guessing they just want people to buy the game again. Greedy devs.
Post edited June 10, 2014 by Immoli
Immoli: Cut content DLC. I just opted to pirate the game when it came out. Though I've still yet to play it.
Having followed the beta from start to finish and seeing each piece of content added/changed as it came, I can attest that the DLC really was produced at the very end long after everything else was finished. Take from that what you will, but I think QCF did a pretty good job of keeping things fair. People who buy the game without the DLC are getting a complete game, and fans who love it and want more can get more.

Immoli: Wonder why not, considering GOG is perfectly willing to let devs do that.
I'd be interested in knowing why, as well. I'll give it a little bit (any new release always has the devs scrambling) but I should be able to get a straight answer from them on the issue.

Immoli: I'm guessing they just want people to buy the game again. Greedy devs.
Not their style. They could have easily broken the stuff like the bonus class challenges into separate DLC if they really wanted to milk their fans for cash. There's a lot of content in there that was introduced during the beta that they could have easily tried to charge extra for.
I remember playing the free version of Desktop Dungeons years ago... You can still get it but there is new features not present in this version for sure. Plenty of hours sunk into it, never did get all that far...
This is an excellent game However, I think it should be pointed out that the native resolution is a mere 800x600; and the scaling is not pretty. Understandable for a free alpha, but harder to swallow for a $15 game in 2014.
Post edited June 10, 2014 by Magentia
Note to developers in general - Stop treating GOG like a second-class platform and only putting things out here after months of them sitting everywhere else. You WILL lose sales that way. Put them here on release, not after you've run your products through the competition's grinders.
At this point, Gabe could come to my house offering a handjob and every game in the competitor's catalog, and I'd still tell them to piss off.
Post edited June 10, 2014 by CarrionCrow