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Every user can grab a free copy of Torchlight until Thursday, June 20, at 12:59PM GMT.

The title says it all: to celebrate the beginning of our phenomenal 2013 #noDRM Summer Sale, we're giving away the hack-and-slash masterpiece [url=]Torchlight for absolutely free to all of our users, for both Windows and Mac. You have exactly 48 hours to grab your copy of that incredibly fun and addicting action-RPG, complete with a level editor and a sensational MP3 soundtrack. No strings attached, and--of course--absolutely #NoDRM!

All you need to do, is to visit the product page and put it in your cart. You'll pay exactly $0.00 for it, as long as you complete your purchase before Thursday, June 20, at 12:59PM GMT. Say, since you're putting games in your cart, why don't you take a look at all the other fantastic deals we've prepared for you in our [url=]2013 #NoDRM Summer Sale? For instance, just $4.48 more gets you the Wide A. Wake Bundle, a complete collection of Alan Wake games. More deals coming up, so visit us frequently.

Have a great day, and enjoy your free game!
Post edited June 18, 2013 by TheEnigmaticT
nice, while I bought it ages ago on steam during a sale I picked it up here as well, since free is free.
Also I can now knock a few more games off my wishlist..right now I'm contemplating getting KNND 1 and 2 along with Secret Agent, Freespace 1+2 or Jagged Alliance 1+2.. decisions, decisions, decisions.. leaning towards KNND 1+2 since the whole mess with Atari and it would be my luck by time I get around to getting them again they may not be here.
Post edited June 18, 2013 by DCT
Thank you GOG!
Post edited June 18, 2013 by kolchak86
Just pleeeeease put Planescape:Torment on it's own on sale for 75 percent off or something like that.I beg of you, i need that game.
Oh wow, honestly wasn't expecting this game to be given away. Now I've got a good excuse to try it out! Thanks GOG!
GOG reigns supreme! Thank you.
i play torchlight ii and was hooked for a long time , looking forward to play this thanks for this, love you guys
I already bought this one during the indie sale a few months back, but I highly appreciate GOG for doing things like this, and for this Summer Sale. It seems we've had Christmas in summer twice now. First the highly sought after Worlds of Ultima games, and now a free game and a massive sale! I have images of Santa Claus wearing a hawaiian shirt and bermudas and passing out Pina Coladas for some reason... Or maybe a T-Shirt and bermudas...

But I highly agree with the poster above. definitely loves and appreciates its customers... and we customers feel the same way about
For example, has anyone gone to Amazon and looked at the Ultima Series WITHOUT Underworlds or Worlds of Ultima?
$500 clams! Here during the sale: Ultima 1-3-$2.99, Ultima 4-6-$2.99,Ultima 7 1&2 (with add-ins) $2.99 (We're up to $9.00 so far) Worlds of Ultima Savage Empire-$0.00, Ultima Worlds of Adventure Martian Dreams- $0.00, Ultima VII-$2.99 (We've hit $12) Ultima IX-$2.99, Ultima Underworld 1&2-$2.99 so that brings us to a grand total of about $18.

Compare that to the $500 for the Ultima Collection, $100+ for each of the Worlds games if you're lucky enough to find them on Ebay, and a pretty good chunk for each of the Underworlds also on Ebay.
Oh, and by the way, all of the games have already been tweaked to work on modern computers.
There are many other classics and series here as well, I just used Ultima as an example.
Post edited June 18, 2013 by ZapMcRaygunn
Thanks GoG! You always know how to treat a lady. Even when she's really not one :P
BloodMist: Just pleeeeease put Planescape:Torment on it's own on sale for 75 percent off or something like that.I beg of you, i need that game.
I maybe wrong on that but I believe it's not really their call on that but the right's holder
Thanks GoG! Awesome as ever!
Thank you for this free game GOG!
I almost, almost miss this.
Thank you! Woke up to the email notification, was a lovely start to the day. :)
What a lovely email message to start the day. Now I can't get any work done because I'm too busy browsing your site.

I'm starting to wonder though, what do people at GOG eat with prices as cheap as these?
Thank You guys nice to see a company giving away a quality game for free. Not many do it, and even less do it for a game like torchlight. Stay classy GOG, and thank you very much again, I appreciate it.