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Elwin: Try GOG downloader ssometime. Awesome stuff.
Backe: I have, still corrupts, kinda random if I succed or not :/
Guess it has to do with my connection but I cant do anything about that right now.

It could also be because of corrupted memory, I had similar problems with downloading files on my old computer because of that. (I discovered that with memtest86)
Backe: I have, still corrupts, kinda random if I succed or not :/
Guess it has to do with my connection but I cant do anything about that right now.
rgx: It could also be because of corrupted memory, I had similar problems with downloading files on my old computer because of that. (I discovered that with memtest86)

Well... now that you mention it, i seam to have some memory problems... anyway this time it worked, so now im gona go postal :)
scharmers: The worst game you'll hate yourself for loving.
Brutally poor level architecture, as in "I learned how to use Unreal Ed two weeks ago" level design.
Terrible shooter mechanics. Just about every weapon is a weak hitscan dealie and the A.I. is about as smart as the dudes in ROTT.
Poor, bargain-basement design all out around. Crap jokes on dated, easy subjects.
The problem is that this is the only game I know up that almost rivals Carmageddon for sheer, gleeful, adolescent anarchy.

Pissing in someones mouth, then bashing their heads of with a shovel while they vomit never gets old!
That made me sound like a complete psycho, didn't it?
scharmers: The worst game you'll hate yourself for loving.
Brutally poor level architecture, as in "I learned how to use Unreal Ed two weeks ago" level design.
Terrible shooter mechanics. Just about every weapon is a weak hitscan dealie and the A.I. is about as smart as the dudes in ROTT.
Poor, bargain-basement design all out around. Crap jokes on dated, easy subjects.
The problem is that this is the only game I know up that almost rivals Carmageddon for sheer, gleeful, adolescent anarchy.
sheepdragon: Pissing in someones mouth, then bashing their heads of with a shovel while they vomit never gets old!
That made me sound like a complete psycho, didn't it?

scharmers: The worst game you'll hate yourself for loving.
Brutally poor level architecture, as in "I learned how to use Unreal Ed two weeks ago" level design.
Terrible shooter mechanics. Just about every weapon is a weak hitscan dealie and the A.I. is about as smart as the dudes in ROTT.
Poor, bargain-basement design all out around. Crap jokes on dated, easy subjects.
The problem is that this is the only game I know up that almost rivals Carmageddon for sheer, gleeful, adolescent anarchy.
sheepdragon: Pissing in someones mouth, then bashing their heads of with a shovel while they vomit never gets old!
That made me sound like a complete psycho, didn't it?
nah, just sounds like you're one of us.
Paul_cz: Well, it was about DAMN TIME!
Now...lets have some fun with playing head-football....
btw, I am completely mentally sane 21 year-old who actually finished this game already three years ago and DID NOT MURDER ANYONE.
yet, hehehehe

Yet being the most important word. >: D
Post edited May 07, 2009 by drmlessgames
sheepdragon: Pissing in someones mouth, then bashing their heads of with a shovel while they vomit never gets old!
That made me sound like a complete psycho, didn't it?
Weclock: nah, just sounds like you're one of us.

pecet: Best FPS game ever. Period.
Bought. .

You haven't played a lot of FPS games, do you?
I can't help it, being completely godless myself loving individual, I just love this game.I think RWS is a smart studio and this game is full of humour that is as politically incorrect as it can get.
Which is awesome.Plus, great gameplay and freedom helps.
And flawless voice of Postal Dude.
This has to be the best worst game I've ever played! And now it runs perfectly! No more crashes! Hurray!
DarthKaal: You haven't played a lot of FPS games, do you?

You haven't ever played this game, have you? I'm getting it first thing tomorrow so I have something to spend my weekend on. The word "fun" is something that is quite rare in today's games. Strange.
Woo, bought one for me and my friend. :D
soulgrindr: wow... for a game that got terrible reviews on release... this game sure is popular! ;-)
Well, I suppose the people who would like the Postal series are laid-back types, who aren't easily offended and just don't give a damn. This also means that they can't be bothered to be as vocal about their thoughts as whiners who can get offended by anything... ;) The latter, of course, like to cry publicly about how offended or disgusted they are, hence the good reception alongside the bad reviews, I guess... :D
Post edited May 08, 2009 by Stumpy
DarthKaal: You haven't played a lot of FPS games, do you?
poulwrist: You haven't ever played this game, have you? I'm getting it first thing tomorrow so I have something to spend my weekend on. The word "fun" is something that is quite rare in today's games. Strange.

Actually, I have played this game, and either you like or not the concept of the game (I do not like it, for me it's just one of the stupidiest game ever made, but that's not the point), the game is really really poor of content, technically poor, the graphics are not so bad but far from perfect (for its time).
Even if you find it "fun" to urinate on people, you can't honestly say that it's "the best FPS game ever".
Post edited May 08, 2009 by DarthKaal
This game is sick, twisted, shameless, demented, perverted, poor in taste and politically incorrect........... And absolutely bloody marvelous!
Those of delicate sensibility need not apply.