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dbushik: Any chance we're going to see stuff compatible with OSX? Everything I'm seeing here is Vista/XP.
Keph: Damn, and there I thought the thread was going to be about old games specific to mac like, I don't know, this Marathon thing I keep hearing about.
Speaking of which: should gog ever get their hands on the original Prince of Persia, I remember the mac version being very similar, only with two more bucketfuls of awesome thrown in for good measure ;)

i'd pay GOG 6 bucks to give me a OSX 10.5 compatible version of Prince of Persia 2. That would be too awesome.
Yet another vote of support for Mac OS X. I have no intention of ever buying another Windows machine, EVER. I won't even run Windows on this MacBook I'm typing this post on. I may try playing some of the DOS games until you fix this (though I give no guarantees).
Rubberduck: to go back on the original topic, i know that monkey island also came in a mac version
and it appears to be freeware? O_O

Freeware? Lucasarts? That's a new an interesting idea, but there's nothing on the lucasarts site to indicate that its true. Softpedia isn't a reliable source, anyone can upload anything and claim it has a freeware license. And, historically, Lucasarts have been one of the tighter companies when it comes to their old games.
Post edited September 19, 2008 by Andrewas
And another vote for OSX compatibility. I love the fact that you guys are releasing classics, DRM free and -cheap-, but if you had OSX support... well you'd be kings.
I've been a die-hard windows user for more than a decade, but perhaps you're running into an issue. With age (good OLD games) comes wisdom, and OSX is just... I dunno... easier, more elegant. And it WORKS.
Yes, please support for mac os-x. I would buy such games very frequently.
I think PowerPC Mac support is probably a hopeless cause. Lots of work for a vanishing platform.
However, there's a version of DOSBox for Intel Mac OS X and it works great. So technically there's not even a need to muck around with Parallels, the DOSBox config files and everything else should be pretty much identical to the Windows version. (Of course that only works for DOS-only games; Windows stuff does require Parallels or something like it.)
I understand that officially supporting another platform is not a trivial thing to do -- you need local experts on that platform, you have more permutations to test before releasing stuff, and all that. But it's something to think about.
Post edited September 23, 2008 by Mongo42
I second the interest in running the games in an Intel Mac environment. Spore managed it with Cider as the bridge between Windows and OSX, so if something more reliable than using Parallels or having to reboot into Boot Camp would be most welcome.
I know that I would definitely support a company that allowed me to play these classics easily on my 24" iMac.
Cook: We're currently focusing on optimizing the games on Windows XP and Vista. Maybe in the future we will develop some technology to support Mac OSX.

I am really happy to hear that, I have a Vista laptop and a Macbook pro I switch between, it would definitely be great to play these games on both
Crossover games will get a number of games working. It's a commercial wine varient that makes life a bit easier. I will do some testing (just waiting for Fallout to finish coming down) and let everyone know.
Throwing in another vote for Mac support. While bringing back old legacy Classic PPC games is likely beyond this site, wrapping these classic Windows games in Cider isn't. You could be on the verge of bringing tones of great classic games that never saw the Mac to the Mac. I'd buy Fallout 1+2 wrapped in cider. Maybe twice.
And another vote here, especially if they could be made to run on the lower end Macbooks (non-Pro).
Seconded. That would be awesome.
Actually, I guess it would be thirded or fourded or whatever...
Post edited September 26, 2008 by caseytolan
Very nice to hear about a possibility, but so far I'm very happy with my Bootcamp and the option to play these wonderful games!
I just bought Freespace 2 and I found out that it is playable on a Mac with little to no problems. Especially with Open Source Project installed it should be a beautiful experience :)
More info is found on these forums in the freespace series forum and info about the Open Source Project can be found here.
Good luck with those :)
I've been trying to get Fallout (bought and downloaded here from GOG) running under OSX (10.5) using (specifically the Darwine binaries available [url=]here).
So far without luck (I'm getting an error that it can't find the master data file). According to the Linux thread, it should run under Wine without issues but the OSX port is still young. If I get it working, I'll post back.
If GOG wants to make Mac compatible games somewhere down the line, I think an .app bundle with the game wrapped up in a preconfigured version of Wine would be perfect. Actually, if I get Fallout working at all I'll see how much work that would be (I'm betting not much).
I'll definitely try running them in Boot Camp, especially when I get my hands on one of those new Macbooks (and a legit copy of Windows, of course)!