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This is the last highlight of the incredible &lsquo;Interplay Summer Staycation&rsquo; offer before it ends this Monday, July 4 at 11:59 p.m. EDT. We know there are plenty of awesome destinations in this deal, but we wanted to bring your attention to a package that should appeal to every fan of great classics
Stonekeep was my first game bought here (I think GOG offered around 5 titles in that time :) and I must say it's one of the most atmospheric dungeon games ever made!
I think I've got just about every game I want from Interplay....nothing else really jumps out at me from the page, so WELL DONE, GOG!

I'll keep an eye out for Star Trek 25th Anniversary and the like, but I'm not holding my breath :(
Please, could you change your RSS settings so that it shows full posts rather than only the first paragraph or two? I like to read news feeds in Google Reader, and many times I don't read the full text of GOG ones because I can't, for one reason or another, visit other sites, and forget to look them later. So, a lot of the time I miss your promotions details and end up not purchasing games I would otherwise have purchased...
Kick-Ass promo, purchased:

Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Shogo: Mobile Armor Division
Redneck Rampage Collection
Freespace + Expansion
Freespace 2
Fallout 2
Fallout Tactics
Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader
Earthworm Jim 1 + 2

and considering Stonekeep and Screamer

Not a Descent fan at all.
As a Wing Commander fan (but not Privateer), I had never really been interested in the Freespace games. They always looked like good games, but they're not Wing Commander. I always told myself I'd pick them up if they went on sale, but I wasn't particularly excited about them.

Wow, these are REALLY good space combat games! I hadn't expected them to be this good. I bought a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro before picking up the games, and it works great with them.
Edmund: Kick-Ass promo, purchased:

Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Shogo: Mobile Armor Division
Redneck Rampage Collection
Freespace + Expansion
Freespace 2
Fallout 2
Fallout Tactics
Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader
Earthworm Jim 1 + 2

and considering Stonekeep and Screamer

Not a Descent fan at all.
get Stonekeep and download the novel, i don't think it's included with gog package, and it's a shame, but search the forums for it.

Oh and if you like all those weird interplay games like MDK and Giants consider to take Evolva too
Please stop using the word Staycation, there's no such thing as a staycation. There's either a vacation or you stay home. Staycation is just a word people use when they can't afford to go on vacation.
browncoat1984: Please stop using the word Staycation, there's no such thing as a staycation. There's either a vacation or you stay home. Staycation is just a word people use when they can't afford to go on vacation.
That's the entire point! Are you even reading the writeups?
Do any of the Windows-based Staycation games no longer install from the original discs in 64-bit Windows 7? I have all the Interplay classics already, but I might be tempted to re-buy to avoid installation problems.

Just pulled the trigger on

Castles + Castles 2
Conquest of the New World
Fallout 2
Fallout Tactics
Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader

That should keep me busy for a few hours...days...weeks...months....years!! :)

Adding to the "historical" theme of the package referring to Stonekeep, if you'd like to experience colonial life in the era of the Conquistadors but don't want to go on an (expensive) trip to numerous settlements/battlefields of historical importance across America, grab Conquest of the New World, which, with its addictive gameplay involving building your own colonial settlement and waging war against hostile natives and other European colonies, can entertain any TBS fan for a very long time, thanks in part to the random map generator that ensures you get a new landscape every time you play. As a bonus, you also get to read about historical facts and trivia in the "Colonial Gazette"!
It seems I'm not going to shorten my backlog this summer.
intp.jpg (173 Kb)
wvpr: Do any of the Windows-based Staycation games no longer install from the original discs in 64-bit Windows 7? I have all the Interplay classics already, but I might be tempted to re-buy to avoid installation problems.
Bingo! This is what I would like to know as well.
Blew my wad first week of the staycation, looking forward to the next one or next EA release!