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Damnation: He doesn't. Damuna outright stated so in the mafia scumchat
Oh, thats pretty harsh then.

So does that mean Rob knew you were out to get him?
Damnation: He doesn't. Damuna outright stated so in the mafia scumchat
Nazarush: Oh, thats pretty harsh then.

So does that mean Rob knew you were out to get him?
I don't think so, so it's a bit unfair, really.

I do feel particularly scummy right now, not only backstabbing Robbeasy, but also tricking you into helping me. :p
Damnation: I don't think so, so it's a bit unfair, really.

I do feel particularly scummy right now, not only backstabbing Robbeasy, but also tricking you into helping me. :p
yeah, you played everyone for the fool, very nicely done
Damnation: I don't think so, so it's a bit unfair, really.

I do feel particularly scummy right now, not only backstabbing Robbeasy, but also tricking you into helping me. :p
Nazarush: yeah, you played everyone for the fool, very nicely done
Indeed I did :) But I did have quite a degree of luck. Had Typhoon45 not nightkilled jesskitten, I would most likely never have survived the following day :p

jesskitten: Yeah Dam, saw that just before I posted, nice. Poor Robb! :( You heartless Mafia!
Hey, could you refrain from refering to me as "Dam"? :p Had this same thing happen in mafia 1 :p Practical reason why it's not good - you'll get me and Damuna confused :p Personal reason - I'm not a nation consisting of beaver products! :p
Nazarush: yeah, you played everyone for the fool, very nicely done
Damnation: Indeed I did :) But I did have quite a degree of luck. Had Typhoon45 not nightkilled jesskitten, I would most likely never have survived the following day :p

jesskitten: Yeah Dam, saw that just before I posted, nice. Poor Robb! :( You heartless Mafia!
Damnation: Hey, could you refrain from refering to me as "Dam"? :p Had this same thing happen in mafia 1 :p Practical reason why it's not good - you'll get me and Damuna confused :p Personal reason - I'm not a nation consisting of beaver products! :p
I broke the I broke the dame.....we ALL broke the dam.

(Sorry, my bad, i'll leave....I've just been reading with interest and couldn't help but respond to that obvious setup. Later, gentlemen.)
Flavour is never pointless :D
Nazarush: Oh, thats pretty harsh then.

So does that mean Rob knew you were out to get him?
Damnation: I don't think so, so it's a bit unfair, really.

I do feel particularly scummy right now, not only backstabbing Robbeasy, but also tricking you into helping me. :p
Proper Backstabbing as well!! We'd discussed various strategies for the coming day, and even when Damnation fingered me, I still thought it was a heck of a move - i get killed, he has a strong reason to be voted toen, we win anyway!!

Imagine my dismay when I got the news from Damuna......;o(

Naz - Im 0-3 as well, and I've even been Mafia in one game!! Still really enjoyed it though, and don't take it to heart. There's always the next one!!

Anyway, well played Damnation, and by extension Ubivis. Ubivis sacrificed himself early on, but did it a way as to throw suspicion off both the other two.

Sorry Damuna - excellent job by the way!!
Post edited May 05, 2011 by Robbeasy
Great job, Damantion.
And good job everyone. This was really hard for Naz, so much responsibility.
Though I suppose it was because I was looking from outside and had not this responsibility on my shoulders but I saw Damnation almost as certain mafia over pazzer.
Damnation: Flavour is never pointless :D
My flavour is pointless.
Nation of dams indeed. But sorry.

And oops sorry Damuna! Figured everyone else had revealed roles already. Really enjoyed your flavour through the game, however, thank you very much!

I didn't think there was an SK in the game (due to there only being 1 NK each night) and I knew pazzer was town but was trying to figure out if Typhoon was the town. Totally had dirty, dirty Damnation fingered for a bit (though may not have ended up attacking you) but did not suspect Robb up till he was outed by Damnation. Robb's play always seems pro-town heh.

I think I may have blocked the kill on Typhoon once, thus dooming myself as well. I am still curious who shot nmillar the first time, and when (But will wait for Damuna to say it, don't tell etc).

This was a great game to read/play too though. (Both were). Thanks for modding Damuna!
yep... thank you Damuna any my fellow mafia colleagues :)

Was a pleasure and a lot of fun with all of you.
This game was a blast to play, and to read the final events as the transpired. It was great playing with everyone, and thank you Damuna for the time and effort you put into the game!
Heh, sorry about the NK Jess, but I figured that you were the only one left alive (town) who would have fingered me as a killer. So you had to go.

No hard feelings? :P
No, no hard feelings, but expect an RVS vote next time we play!

I would never have fingered you as a serial killer if there continued to be only one kill per night. I would have fingered you as Mafia though, the day after the night I died, if someone else besides pazzer or you had died. But on the off chance you weren't, I had to protect you (as I was gambling but reasonably sure Mafia would not try to hit pazzer again, the night after failing to kill him).

I protected you N1 and N3 though (pazzer N2), this is the kind of repayment I get. I doomed myself by protecting you and you doomed yourself by killing me. :P