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I played the original Unreal when it came out... that game was GORGEOUS for its time, especially the sky. I was a little confused when that game morphed into the Tournaments, but I played the first two a bit and they were entertaining... I might buy them again if my current internet allowed for gaming (stupid university firewalls).
Is Unreal 2 (not tournament) any good? I've never played it
phanboy4: Quite simply the best multiplayer shooters available.

And quite simply the best SINGLE-player shooters available! The SP game is nothing more than the multiplayer modes with bots! Tons of bots!
Duke Nuken platforms (I-II-III) for me, thanks :-P
Very nice 'get' for GOG! I never did play the 2nd game...might have to get myself an early Christmas present...that and UT2004 would be a nice addition, I think. :)
Too nice
I guess we'll get Gears of War one day, hey? :)
chautemoc: I guess we'll get Gears of War one day, hey? :)

it's not that great.
I'm doing my happy dance now. Booyakasha!
phanboy4: Quite simply the best multiplayer shooters available.
BJWanlund: And quite simply the best SINGLE-player shooters available! The SP game is nothing more than the multiplayer modes with bots! Tons of bots!

Oh yes, the single player is really, really fun. This is one of the only times that the "single-player-is-multiplayer-with-bots" idea actually worked.
Post edited November 18, 2008 by phanboy4
I wonder if we'll also see Jazz Jackrabbit or Epic Pinball.
Ois: From memory, the original Unreal engine uses a variation on the S3M format for it's music (*.umx). Or at least, I recall it being recognized as S3M way back when I first got the game.
Just about any compatible tracker (Or a player I guess with the output plugin) can output it to wav/mp3/ogg-vorbis/FLAC.

I would suggest Modplug Player. It supports .UMX right from the start and lets you save the module as a .WAV file. I definitely suggest this over Winamp's solution.
Looks like you forgot to read the entire topic :P
phanboy4: Oh yes, the single player is really, really fun. This is one of the only times that the "single-player-is-multiplayer-with-bots" idea actually worked.

Right up until the very last battle, where they turn up the difficulty notch just one too high!
My advice to anyone starting single-player - play just one difficulty level below the hardest you think you can manage. It's really frustrating to not be able to finish the game when you've come so far.
Assault mode was the best. I can't believe they took it out of '03.
i wonder if they will ave all games of epic games
Does UT99 still have the CPU speed bug?