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All classic Fallout games available FREE for 48 hours!

Holiday season is upon us! If you are a long-time user you know well enough--or if you're relatively new to our service, you're about to learn--that we just love offering great games for free whenever it's possible. This year for instance, we've given away innumerable copies of the action-rpg gem <i>Torchlight</i>. Today, we're taking our gifting habit a step further. No, actually make that two steps, as we're handing out a package of three games this time around. For the upcoming 48 hours you'll be able to add [url=]Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics to your collection, completely FREE of charge. That's $0.00 (or, if you prefer the currency of the nuclear wasteland, 0.00 bottle caps) for all the three classic games in the legendary post-apocalyptic RPG series, until Saturday, December 14, at 1:59PM GMT.

Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics for FREE on video

Section updated: Don't forget about your gamer friends that may not know yet! Sadly, for the sake of unburdening what servers we have, we had to turn off the option for gifting free games. But you can always just let them know they can sign up with and claim a free gift of Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics. On top of that, when they register to our service, they'll receive all the 12 free games we add to all the newly-created accounts. That way your friends will start their adventure with with a collection of 15 great games total already on their virtual shelves! Be kind, share the good news! :-)

Please note that all three classic Fallout titles are pending right holder change. Sadly, to the best of our knowledge, we'll be forced to remove , [url=]Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics from our offer. That doesn't mean, however, that you won't be able to download them if they are already a part of collection by then. Secure your copies today (or anytime before Saturday, December 14, at 1:59PM GMT)!

While you come to grab your free classic Fallout games, make sure to stay a while and browse through our 2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale selection of 600+ games discounted by 50% or more, special bundle deals up to 80% off, and daily personal deals, including the mysteriously mysterious mystery box! All that and more, now covered with our new 30-day Worldwide Money Back Guarantee, for online game-shopping safer than ever before!

We're currently experiencing server issues due to the highest traffic ever noted on We did anticipate much interest in our 2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale, as well as our Fallout 1,2, & Tactics giveaway, but the number of visits exceeded our highest expectations by far. And we mean FAR. For today, we've prepared double the number of servers that were needed to support our highest day in traffic to date, but it turned out to be not nearly sufficient. We're working on quadrupling our server supply, now.

We're terribly sorry for all the inconvenience you might encounter today, while visiting store. If you're new to the site, rest assure that this is far from our day-to-day standards. We're working around the clock until all the problems are fixed, and everyone can enjoy everything we have to offer. If you've encountered any problems, please give it some time. Most issues will be resolved automatically, soon, as the first batch of extra servers is coming on-line right now. If you're affected by something more serious, please be assured that our support team will assist you and fix whatever needs fixing.

Again, we apologize for the user experience, that is not up to our usual standards.
Post edited December 14, 2013 by Chamb
Gandos: This is probably the first time I'm ever sad to see games being given out for free, since this most likely means that GOG hasn't had any luck in their negotiations with Zenimax.

I was hoping that the rights transfer would be a golden opportunity for GOG to not only convince Zenimax to keep the Fallout games on the service, but to also release Bethesda and id classics on GOG as well. Unfortunately, if this promo is any indication, they haven't even had any luck of achieving the former.

Oh well, even if the chances of success are slim, I hope GOG will continue trying to negotiate with them.
For whatever reason Zenimax strongly believes in DRM, even for their ancient titles. It's ridiculous, but it is what it is.
ALH: Will gift codes still be valid after the Fallout games are out of the gog lineup?
Saw a post on cheap ass gamer that said they tried to redeem a code for the pack and was told it was valid indefinitely.

So stock up.
FYI, future gifting of these three titles has now been disabled.

Notice: We're very sorry, but gifting free games has been disabled. If you want your friends to get some free goodies from us, feel free to share a link to our site with them.
Post edited December 12, 2013 by foxworks
foxworks: FYI, future gifting of these three titles has now been disabled.
What exactly do you mean by that?
This is exactly what I wanted for Christmas, GOG. Thanks for making my dreams come true. :']
foxworks: FYI, future gifting of these three titles has now been disabled.
Wishbone: What exactly do you mean by that?
Meaning, you can no longer "purchase" these titles if you already have them in your collection. GOG disabled that feature.
Wow!! What a nice gift! Server crashing but thanks, GOG!!
ALH: Will gift codes still be valid after the Fallout games are out of the gog lineup?
Fictionvision: Saw a post on cheap ass gamer that said they tried to redeem a code for the pack and was told it was valid indefinitely.

So stock up.
Thx for the reply.As written above the gifting option for the Fallout Games is disabled now but it is all good.Thx Gog for the free games.

I still would like to know how long the overall sale will run.Until New Year?
Wishbone: What exactly do you mean by that?
foxworks: Meaning, you can no longer "purchase" these titles if you already have them in your collection. GOG disabled that feature.
I just noticed that myself.

Fortunately, I managed to grab one code before they shut it off....
I already own these but I really hope they get the stick around for 2014 and beyond.
foxworks: Meaning, you can no longer "purchase" these titles if you already have them in your collection. GOG disabled that feature.
AngloZaxxon: I just noticed that myself.

Fortunately, I managed to grab one code before they shut it off....
Maybe that will ease their traffic congestion a bit. ;)
What a surprise, just wanted to see if there might be a sale for FO Tactics and got it for free.
Thanks gog! :)

damn, sad to see the Fallouts go. FO2 is what initially lured me to gog.
*sigh* May whatever publisher guy decided on that move to get it off gog choke on whomevers anus he aimed to please.
Post edited December 12, 2013 by anothername
Certainly recommend them to those who don't already have them. For all those swarming to get the games, don't forget to swarm the modpack sites as well!
So sad to see Fallout go. These are some of the most iconic games in the GOG catalog.
Due to the massive server hammering, Dev just told me that they've turned off gifting of free games. Sorry, if you were trying to stock up. :(