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Rar or equivalent.
A download manager would be nice for all of us with sh***ty unstable connections. Or at least the possibility to download in chunks.
+1 for 7zip packed games
Yup, I second the 7zip option in the case of zipped downloads. Otherwise, I'm still pretty happy with the single exe file download, but I'm not using vista...
As some have already said, being able to choose between .exe and .zip downloads would be great. As for the download manager, there are lots already out there and those with unstable connections are probably already using there favourte one, so I don't really think that's a necessity.
Initially I'd say do whatever works best for you at this stage. Like Oskar said, most people who have a tendency to drop downloads are very likely to already have a download manager installed.
And isn't the whole exe vs. zip kinda moot? Mind you, I might be way off base but when a big-arsed application comes in one, big, happy exe file isn't that usually just a compressed archive with the unpacker built in? The installer unzips the initial exe file in order for all the little application files to be copied to wherever they need to go. Either way your virusprogram will sniff it to see if there are any liquid explosives hiding in there somewhere.
But then again - I might be completely wrong. Actually, I usually am... and stuff... um...
As a rule I'm not very fond on "downloader" apps. Something fishy about their nature :P
I'd also say both - let people choose between EXE and ZIP. 7ZIP might go as well, But its not as popular still.
As for a dedicated downloader.. I don't know. People don't want to install stuff around that isn't absolutely needed, from what i have experienced.
I support the BitTorrent notion, But that might not be the most secure thing, Unless we're talking about passkey torrents (personal torrent files that include each user's personal passkey attached to the tracker address) or anything like that.
Strogge: If I'm paying for a game I don't want to also be paying for the bandwidth.
What do you mean? Why would you pay for the bandwidth when using torrents?
My upstream that could be used for something else, say sharing torrents of other really free things where the provider has nearly no money for such upstream (such as Ubuntu Linux, etc). I pay for my internet connection's limited upstream (compared to the downstream), therefore I'm paying for it instead of the download service paying for additional hosting bandwidth.
It's the same reason why I really dislike the Blizzard Downloader.
Post edited September 08, 2008 by Kunikos
I love the simplicity of GoG, don't need to install any crappy downloaders/torrents/clients/anything, please don't change it and you can count on my support.
chaosblade: I'd also say both - let people choose between EXE and ZIP. 7ZIP might go as well, But its not as popular still.

7-Zip supports self-extracting EXE just like most ZIP programs, and it has an SDK if they wanted to package their game payloads in a 7-zip behind the scenes and have the downloader app extract the files for people without them knowing what it is archived as (similar to how Steam works, I bet).
Post edited September 08, 2008 by Kunikos
exe files are ok with me, even large ones. After all, almost everyone has high speed connections these days.
About the downloader software: if it's simple, doesn't eat too much resources and works properly...why not? But only if it's an option not a necessity.
The key is in having options to suit everyone's needs (or at least as many as possible), so exes and zip files, and direct download and downloading software, let people decide.
But the way it works now it's just fine, IMHO.
I really preffer an logged application that shows and allows download / install my titles when I wish, like Steam works.
Of course is appreciate an clear and light version of that, without tabs, chat, etc etc etc, only an list do download, install and remove these titles from HD.
* standalone downloader (an app to download each program) never will be appreciated ;)
Post edited September 08, 2008 by doomer
Kunikos: Since when? Vista doesn't include a virus scanner.

Yes yes, you're right. I was thinking about the UAC's heuristics check / file scan to determine whether app requires admin privileges or not.
I have no strong opinion on the EXE vs ZIP issue.
A GoG download application sounds okay to me as long as it remains completely optional. I prefer using a download manager of my choice, and I wouldn't want to be forced into using a particular one to download from GoG.
Post edited September 09, 2008 by Arundor
7zip can extact it's own self-exctracting executables can't it?
Personally I'd just like to be able to choose between some nifty application which can download it all for me and a direct HTTP link. (Not FTP though).