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PC because that would mean I have pc capable of running it... which I don't.
A Linux-powered PC. Preferably native, or -at the very least- an official Wine'd release, rather than the Windows release beaten into submission through Wine.

I have the massively-huge-box collector's edition, which I have not registered on GOG, and will buy it on GOG if/when a Linux release is made available (no, I don't have any hops for it, but I have other games to play and other stuff to do, so it matters little).
If I had an X1 on the cheap, I would just grab the X1 version and not worry about having a beast rig to run it at a decent 30FPS. Of course, a beast PC and an X1 cost a fortune either way where I am, and since I already have TW3 here...I can wait till I build the rig for it.
Why would you play anything on xbox when you can play it on PC?
I imagine it plays fine on both. I would go for PC but then, I can play it fine. If I couldn't XBOX would be fine.
I'll take the 165 Hz refresh rate please. Not really interested in the "cinematic" experience as Ubisoft once put it :). Once I moved up, 60 now feels to me like 30 felt to me when I was on 60.
PC. How is that even a question?
I bought it for both PC and PS4.

If I was forced to decide it'd be PC anytime though (which is also the platform I bought the CE for).
I'm sure the witcher 3 runs fine on console, but it has so many great mods. The PC also has great controller support. So I really can't think of a reason to choose the console over the PC.
PC without a doubt and because it would be my only chance to play TW3 with the first person MOD
Thank you for your replies. PC seemed like it would be better for a game like this but I wanted to make sure. I appreciate your thoughts.
If I say PC will you buy me a new graphics card?
If I say XBOX will you buy me a new PC?
If I say you have a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?
It depends of the PC specs and the Xbox One model (Fat, Slim, or X)
The better system, smoother and better graphics, though. ^_^