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In the release thread of "Womanizer" I have already posted that the dev who made it (who also created "Three Kingdoms Story: Conussia" and "The Book of Bondmaids") is a really nice guy and also very much pro GOG. He updated his games years later just because I told him about some minor bugs (instead of telling me that he has moved on to womanizer and does not have the time anymore) and he is also working on improving the (unfortunately) subpar English localisation for Three Kingdoms Story. He uses the GOG forum and he also updates GOG in time: Galaxy AND offline installers. So for me it was a no brainer to buy "Womanizer" on day 1. After playing the game I decided to buy another copy and gift it away to support him a bit more and to give one other GOGer the opportunity to enjoy the game as well.

Some information about the game before you decide if you want to enter the giveaway:

- This is not your usual NSFW game as one might expect from the title. This is much more about dialogue choices and even with the free available NSFW DLC (not included so you'd need to add this after redeeming the key if you are interested) there are only a few possible sex scenes in it.
- It is also not just a simple VN without any gameplay at all. Each day has three phases and in each phase you might meet different people at different places so you will have to decide how to use your time and what to do ... because you also have a deadline ...
- Because of the deadline one playthrough of the game is not much longer than 3 hours but you won't be able to get all information and all possible options/outcomes when only playing it once. Try different choices in a new run and see how things will change. You will be surprised how much content there is in the game.

So please post if you are interested and I will draw a random winner and contact the winner via chat (so please set your chat settings accordingly). I will close this drawing on sunday 12/05/2024.
Post edited May 10, 2024 by MarkoH01
You made me to enter this. I saw your other post on devs attitude and I like it.

I'm glad you clarified regarding NSFW aspects. I want to check it out.

Offtopic: I wanted to ask people on which games and why they pick that are themed NSFW. But I will create another topic on that not to steal yours. I know some people will just get some games to get fake boobies or more and that's ok too (if they like it). But I was more curious if there are and people pick NSFW games that are deeper (jokes off :P ).

Thanks MarkoH01 for this chance :)
pawel-t: Offtopic: I wanted to ask people on which games and why they pick that are themed NSFW. But I will create another topic on that not to steal yours. I know some people will just get some games to get fake boobies or more and that's ok too (if they like it). But I was more curious if there are and people pick NSFW games that are deeper (jokes off :P ).
I'd be interested in reading and even participating in this thread of yours. Feel free to link it here as well. Imo it could be a really interesting discussion.
Post edited May 10, 2024 by MarkoH01
Not in because of all games in my backlog and language frontier, but +1 for your generous attitude supporting the dev and for the communitty.
Thanks for the giveaway. I would like to be in. I saw your post in the release thread and thought this seems neat, from a dev that cares about his product too. I've been gaming Persona quite heavily for the past months, and having the day divided into several phases and deciding what to do has been a very interesting gameplay mechanic (very different games though, obviously).
Not in, as Womanizer is not my type of game.

But, I did want to say kudos to you, MarkoH01, for generously buying an extra copy in support of a dev who's very much pro-GOG and respects his paying customers by keeping his games up-to-date here. ;)

Good luck to all participants! :D
I'm in, thanks.
Womanizer sounds like some of the better visual novels that I have played where choices actually matter and not everything can be done in one single playthrough. There's far too many games of the genre that are on rails to the extent that maybe only choice decision actually matters. Unfortunately I'm going to have to pass though as I'm really not its target audience.

+1 to you for being generous. <3
Not my type of games, but lets give it a try, I found incredible fun and interesting games like HuniePop, it's good to leave the confort zone! I'm in MarkoH01!
Why not. I am in too. Maybe i need a break from my 100 hours kings bounty impossible challange
Ive never heard of it.


I play quite a few visual novels. I look at them as modern romance novels. While sex is a component, its more about having more compelling and specific characters to interact with for me personally.

Its not specifically about more text, more about how well the text is used.
I'm in i'm inn i'm innn... thanks for the giveaway :)
Not entering, but great of you to do this.
Not in, but thank you for the interesting info and fot the giveaway, of course!
Good luck to everyone!
Thanks for the giveaway. It's long time since I played my last VN. So I'm in. Partly for closing mouth to all the complainers about all those NSFW games released here. To show them that this kind of games is playable.