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timppu: Co to jest Antygaming i dlaczego powinno mnie to obchodzić?

(See? I can discuss with furriners without knowing a word of their language! Google Translator rocks!)
TrepYzator: Biorąc pod uwagę że CD-PROJECT jest polską firmą to wy tu jesteście obcokrajowcami. Działamy tylko po polsku tak więc raczej nie dla ciebie. Przepraszam. Złoty obcy.
POLAND BALL is strong
Nie rób kichy na cały świat, GoG to portal międzynarodowy i jako taki, język angielski jest mową urzedową.

For those who actually want to know what the guy is talking about, he is just trying to promote his YouTube channel and streams.
Post edited May 25, 2015 by Yeshu
Randalator: What? He completely glossed over the socio-political ramifications of his insane scheme.
Also, he had no idea where to obtain seven tritanium codpieces within the proposed timeframe.
He didn't gloss over them, he trimmed them expertly. And the deadline was flexible anyway. You opposition to akelarres blinds you.

you need more training. I know a good program to practice, if you want.
Yeshu: For those who actually want to know what the guy is talking about, he is just trying to promote his YouTube channel and streams.
I'll ignore that if you don't mind. The thread is a lot more fun in my head.
Post edited May 25, 2015 by P1na
Realizacja tego jest w planach (zobacz wątek na community wishlist - możesz tam zagłosować). Teraz jeśli nie chcesz robić tego poprzez pisanie na forum, możesz dodać kogoś do znajomych przez jego wishlistę, np.:
Wystarczy najechać kursorem na avatar lub nazwę usera i dodać do znajomych. Musi mieć jednak publiczną wishlistę - można to zmienić w ustawieniach prywatności.

It's on our roadmap (see community wishlist topic and you can vote there). Right now without posting on forum you could go to user wishlist via URL, for example:
and add someone via tooltip on this site. This requires user to have public wishlist (you can change it in privacy settings)
Post edited May 25, 2015 by Johny.

We just want to find our friends in GOG and nothing more. We don't want to promote anything.

Niech sobie będzie portal międzynarodowy, piszemy po polsku, bo to informacja dla polskich znajomych i tyle. Jak się znajdziemy to wątek można wywalić.
listvaPL: Guys

We just want to find our friends in GOG and nothing more. We don't want to promote anything.

Niech sobie będzie portal międzynarodowy, piszemy po polsku, bo to informacja dla polskich znajomych i tyle. Jak się znajdziemy to wątek można wywalić.
So? You don't have to explain yourself to anyone, nor do you need to prove that how clearly wrong you were. Once a useless thread like this has been created, it's up to the derail brigade (that's me) to mess it up. We just want to have some fun and nothing more. Well, there's a few other things I personally want, but that's off topic.
It's not useless. It's just not useful for you. That's not the same. If you really have to write something, you can do it. You've got my permission ;). And I really want to hear about what you personally want.
listvaPL: It's not useless. It's just not useful for you. That's not the same. If you really have to write something, you can do it. You've got my permission ;). And I really want to hear about what you personally want.
What I want? Not much. I just want to stop getting the forum flooded by friend threads. That and the goat fucking thing, sounds cool.
Johny.: for example:
and add someone via tooltip on this site. This requires user to have public wishlist (you can change it in privacy settings)
Poor thing. Your wishlist is empty :(

Can I recommend you anything?
ZFR: Poor thing. Your wishlist is empty :(

Can I recommend you anything?
Life feels so empty without dreams. :(
me.png (6 Kb)
Post edited May 26, 2015 by Johny.
"ireffffey rey edey ifelley ooffhey ooverdeececey ooveley undey etdey ooffhey edey oonffurmeestcey: edey esheeunebleffey oon-cunffurmeestney" - ayn rand.
zgadzam sie
TrepYzator: Temat dla wszystkich powiązanych z działalnością dumnego serwisu Antygaming oraz rzeszy fanów. Napiszcie jak bardzo denerwuje was sposób dodawania znajomych i dodajmy się wszyscy.
Czy można tu zadawać pytania na setny podcast?
Pozdrawiam serdecznie całą załogę Antygaming!
I will lock this thread, as this is the global forums where we speak english. If you wish to speak polish then please use the Polish Forums. =)