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marcob: Hey, I'm italian. No stereotyped generalisation?! I'm moved.

No. Not in the same meaning and impact. It's like saying buying an apple is the saying as acquiring the 51% of Apple Inc.
dick1982: in this case, it would be russians buying a polandball apple. except the apple salesman decided not to sell apples anymore to virtue signal. it does not help ukraine at all, and it just means russians would have more money to spend on other things.

i don't mean russian gamers would suddenly donate their excess money to the Putin's war machine, but it doesn't help stop the war at all. not selling games to russia, won't make their economy poorer. that and russia has a long history of pirating ALL of the GOG games anyway. it's all so pointless.
serpantino: Let's not kid ourselves, this isn't about gog making a moral stand, this is financial pure and simple. With the way the ruble is crashing paired with the difficulty in converting it now, it's probably not financially viable for gog to accept it.

Gog has always backtracked on their supposed morals whenever they impacted them financially**, much to the anger of longterm gogers, why should this situation be any different?

** Examples include single global price, fair price guarantee, bending to the Chinese (many gamers), pushing galaxy & allowing drm.
dick1982: oh yeah. i totally forgot about the russian ruble crashing and burning. so.... will GOG accept russian buttcoins now?
Which, ironically, would have been another "somewhat-a-bit-more-commercially-justified" reason stated to quit Russian market. We have proof that a majority of russian customers violate copyright on our products, so unfortunately...

(This thing is another little bit that can be exploited by propaganda. I studied Fascism in my country: they actually capitalised on older versions of "our enemy even don't allow our teens to buy games"). Now I stop. Being too political. i think it was fair given the exceptionality of the policy but stop)
Post edited March 04, 2022 by marcob
kondakov: Soldiers. Killing each other. Not okay with that, they are people, but at least they have somewhat equal chances.
I think you completely missed the point here. We were talking about Poland's acts of transgressions towards Russia and how outraged you were that a Polish video gaming company deemed to take a stance against your invasion of an innocent country by blocking all Russians, completely ignoring the major acts of aggressions otherwise and belittling them (like sending military equipment to kill Russians).

And it might be war, soldier vs. soldier, but there would be no war if Russia hadn't brutally invaded the country. THey are literally defending their homes. Needless pointless deaths due to a madman dictator's ambitions and ego.

kondakov: You got it all backwards. Sanctions are not the way to deal with conflicts. They never were, they never worked toward this. Conflicts are an excuse to impose sanctions. Goal being to free up market shares. Now, without Russia's natural resources Europe will be forced to buy them from USA. At triple (at least) the cost.
There are so many non-sequiturs here I don't know where to start. If your theory and definitions are accurate, then the countries imposing the sanctions would have to be the ones instigating them. Who instigated the invasion of Ukraine in 2022? Russia is of course completely innocent in this, they can't possibly have anything to do with it, so then it must the big bad America who played Putler like a fiddle to invade Ukraine to get some fossil fuel export money. Some genius dictator that is, am I right? Does any of this makes sense to you? Because to me, it sounds completely absurd and something only a person brainwashed in Russian propaganda would even consider.

kondakov: Now, when Russia sees no alternative to aggression
There's always an alternative to an invasion, when the reasons for your forced condition is made up from misinformation.

Let me ask you this. Do you think Ukraine deserves to be invaded by Russia to de-nazify it? This is directly from Putler, he said Ukraine needs to be de-nazified. Do you believe this to be true? Do you believe this outrageous propaganda and pretense?
low rated
kondakov: Soldiers. Killing each other. Not okay with that, they are people, but at least they have somewhat equal chances.
rojimboo: I think you completely missed the point here. We were talking about Poland's acts of transgressions towards Russia and how outraged you were that a Polish video gaming company deemed to take a stance against your invasion of an innocent country by blocking all Russians, completely ignoring the major acts of aggressions otherwise and belittling them (like sending military equipment to kill Russians).

And it might be war, soldier vs. soldier, but there would be no war if Russia hadn't brutally invaded the country. THey are literally defending their homes. Needless pointless deaths due to a madman dictator's ambitions and ego.

kondakov: You got it all backwards. Sanctions are not the way to deal with conflicts. They never were, they never worked toward this. Conflicts are an excuse to impose sanctions. Goal being to free up market shares. Now, without Russia's natural resources Europe will be forced to buy them from USA. At triple (at least) the cost.
rojimboo: There are so many non-sequiturs here I don't know where to start. If your theory and definitions are accurate, then the countries imposing the sanctions would have to be the ones instigating them. Who instigated the invasion of Ukraine in 2022? Russia is of course completely innocent in this, they can't possibly have anything to do with it, so then it must the big bad America who played Putler like a fiddle to invade Ukraine to get some fossil fuel export money. Some genius dictator that is, am I right? Does any of this makes sense to you? Because to me, it sounds completely absurd and something only a person brainwashed in Russian propaganda would even consider.

kondakov: Now, when Russia sees no alternative to aggression
rojimboo: There's always an alternative to an invasion, when the reasons for your forced condition is made up from misinformation.

Let me ask you this. Do you think Ukraine deserves to be invaded by Russia to de-nazify it? This is directly from Putler, he said Ukraine needs to be de-nazified. Do you believe this to be true? Do you believe this outrageous propaganda and pretense?
Like I said. Still no one is willing to listen. I am not saying anything about agreeing. Just listen... but no.
Brainwashed me and non-brainwashed you will burn in the nuclear fire at the same rate of combustion. =((
Just a note, if you're going to "de-nazify" a country, maybe choose one that hasn't got a Jewish president. And please don't bomb their Holocaust memorial sites.
low rated
AlKim: Just a note, if you're going to "de-nazify" a country, maybe choose one that hasn't got a Jewish president. And please don't bomb their Holocaust memorial sites.
Ehm. So just being jewish means you're somehow immune to being a nazi? That is nazi rhetoric. Believe me, I am jewish myself so that means I am an authority on the subject, right?
kondakov: Like I said. Still no one is willing to listen. I am not saying anything about agreeing. Just listen... but no.
Brainwashed me and non-brainwashed you will burn in the nuclear fire at the same rate of combustion. =((
I don't think you understand. Russia has more nuclear weapons than NATO put together. To threaten Russia by putting missiles next to their door step would be very foolish, especially with a madman dicator at the reins.

Before you were talking about the need for diplomacy, then you constantly bring up nuclear weapons. It sounds me to like you already gave up on any notion of peace.

And how is Russia being threatened by Ukraine? They gave their nukes away (in no small part to Russian 'diplomacy'). Will the nazis of Ukraine invade Russia? Is this the 'Western threat' that you allude to?

Why are you so insistent in not seeing anything bad about the invasion? Can you even call it that anymore in Russia? I thought they banned it. Wouldn't want you or anyone else knowing the truth, right?
low rated
rojimboo: I'm struggling to think of which "western dictatorship" I'm under. I mean, the US democratic system is quite woeful but even they aren't poisoning the opposition, or 'suiciding' them for daring to want to make their country a better place.

I'm not unsympathetic to your plight - if I were a Russian kid at this time, I would probably do what you do - spout the propaganda fed to me to those eviiil westerners. I'd also be afraid to do anything else. It's ok. I get it.

But maybe consider that your so-called 'enemy' in the West is a boogeyman invented to rally your troops to justify a bloody invasion. You don't even have a free press, so how could you know any different.

Don't take this the wrong way, but I do feel sorry for you.
Don't feel sorry for me. Enjoy being ignorant.
It never fails. 100% of all geopolitical discussions ultimately end in one or both groups being called Nazis.
rojimboo: I don't think you understand. Russia has more nuclear weapons than NATO put together. To threaten Russia by putting missiles next to their door step would be very foolish, especially with a madman dicator at the reins.
Yet this is exactly what NATO has been doing for 30 years since USSR collapsed.

rojimboo: Before you were talking about the need for diplomacy, then you constantly bring up nuclear weapons. It sounds me to like you already gave up on any notion of peace.
All the remaining shreds of an optimist inside me are hoping for a peaceful resolution. A realist inside me is checking off what I can from my bucket list.

rojimboo: Why are you so insistent in not seeing anything bad about the invasion? Can you even call it that anymore in Russia? I thought they banned it. Wouldn't want you or anyone else knowing the truth, right?
Could you, maybe, quote me where exactly did I said that I see nothing bad about invasion?
FYI I have close relatives in Ukraine hiding in basements and being bombed right now. I see nothing good about that invasion. None at all. I just don't think that punishing regular russian people for it is going to solve anything, instead it is just going to spread hate. Which it does right now as we speak.
Escape into this stuff, called gaming, is about the only thing that is keeping me somewhat sane while I worry about my close ones in Ukraine. And then some f@#s in CDPR decide they should take it away from me. You how that makes me feel? Makes me feel sorry to be russian? No, that makes me angry. Not at Putin. I was angry at him long before that happened.
"Why didn't you do anything then?"
What? Go out, publicly protest and be arrested? I am a sole provider, who's gonna care about my elderly mother and my family? And most important it would be pointless. Completely. For a protest to have some hope of success there has to be at least two centers of power in a country. We have ONE. Which has full support of police forces and army. And a good chuck of a population. And you know what those sanctions are doing? They help to grow that support! Out of anger. Doesn't that completely defeat the purpose?

rojimboo: And how is Russia being threatened by Ukraine? They gave their nukes away (in no small part to Russian 'diplomacy'). Will the nazis of Ukraine invade Russia? Is this the 'Western threat' that you allude to?
I don't know how. But I don't buy into that idealistic rhetoric about "mad dictator". Putin is not some fairy tale villain who rules alone with magical superpowers and can kill you just by looking at you. For this invasion to be backed up by all high ranking military and high ranking business elites of Russia they had to be cornered into it. I don't buy into "de-nazification" pretense, but I don't buy into "mad dictator". Even Hitler's atrocities had financial reasons, not: "he's evil cause he's evil".
This thread is another duplicate of the closed one by SmollestLight yesterday: Unfortunately I have to close it as well.
kondakov: I don't know how.
Finally we agree on something. I don't know how either to punish Putler without war and without sanctions and crippling his economy. And nobody (except Putler) wants war. So sanctions it is then.

Consider that he and his cronies control the wealth and any trade with Russia will just mean more means to terrorise other countries, or their own populace by spending it on the oppressive regime machine.

What else can Europe and others do? What would you have them do? By not crippling his economy, and continuing doing business with Russia, we would be partly complicit in the atroscities being committed by the Russians in Ukraine.

Will crippling sanctions work to oust him finally? Nobody knows, but at least the war machinery and coffers will be empty for the next invasion.

GOG did the only thing they could, and they took a stance. The actual practical implications of it are small, as Russians will struggle with payments anyways due to the SWIFT ban, plus greatly weakened currency.