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Where they at?! Where them juicy delicious SEGA contract games at?!
in your heart
Soon, To Be Announced

Waiting to be defanged of the scourge that is DRM.
No actual release dates for any of the games are known and 'Coming Soon' can mean tomorrow, christmas, in a year, on St. Nimmerleinsday or anywhere in between. ;-)
Post edited July 19, 2022 by Mori_Yuki
On the Genesis
This is a company that can't even competently port their own old flagship titles over, why the heck would you want to give them the time of day?
SEGA will release their video games for sale 100% Digital Rights Management (DRM) free on once I purchase all of their video games on Steam and write negative reviews for every single SEGA video game on Steam telling them to release every single of their video games for sale 100% Digital Rights Management (DRM) free on

I have already begun doing this since 2021 for video games published by MicroSoft to SQUARE-ENIX to even VALVe's own developed video games.

I am not waiting ten years or fifteen years any more for video games to be released for sale on

I have to spend money to do something to make my (our) voices heard and it sucks, but I have to fight some how.

I might waste money, but I am at least doing something about it.
Johnathanamz: SEGA will release their video games for sale 100% Digital Rights Management (DRM) free on once I purchase all of their video games on Steam and write negative reviews for every single SEGA video game on Steam telling them to release every single of their video games for sale 100% Digital Rights Management (DRM) free on
I highly doubt that SEGA will notice this or even care.
Johnathanamz: I have already begun doing this since 2021 for video games published by MicroSoft to SQUARE-ENIX to even VALVe's own developed video games.
Well at least you are dedicated.
Johnathanamz: I am not waiting ten years or fifteen years any more for video games to be released for sale on
You do not have a choice on the matter, even lets say your actions alone have any effect, contracts can take time to set up and get going, so some waiting will be involved.
Johnathanamz: I have to spend money to do something to make my (our) voices heard and it sucks, but I have to fight some how.

I might waste money, but I am at least doing something about it.
Look John sometimes you annoy me, sometimes I stand by you, but do not put yourself in a bad financial position for GOG of all places, its not worth it, GOG may not survive the next year or the year after that or the next 10 years but do not do this PLEASE, I am begging you, fight the good fight for DRM free gaming but dont bankrupt yourself helping GOG, GOG isnt the only DRM free store in existence, please heed my advice on this.
Post edited July 19, 2022 by Lord_Kane
Johnathanamz: SEGA will release their video games for sale 100% Digital Rights Management (DRM) free on once I purchase all of their video games on Steam and write negative reviews for every single SEGA video game on Steam telling them to release every single of their video games for sale 100% Digital Rights Management (DRM) free on

I have already begun doing this since 2021 for video games published by MicroSoft to SQUARE-ENIX to even VALVe's own developed video games.

I am not waiting ten years or fifteen years any more for video games to be released for sale on

I have to spend money to do something to make my (our) voices heard and it sucks, but I have to fight some how.

I might waste money, but I am at least doing something about it.
You keep fighting your fight, but I can guarantee you that they don't give a crap about your negative review.

Not to mention that those reviews you're making would be considered "off-topic" to S**** and therefore not even count towards the aggregate score. So you're really doing nothing but wasting your time.

Also, it's clear that you're still willing to buy the games even with DRM, so they've already got you as a paying customer.

I agree with you that you shouldn't be waiting a decade (10 years) or more for games to "maybe" show up on GOG. If you're interested in playing something then you should just buy it on whatever store. It's like those Skyrim guys here on GOG who cry everytime a Bethesda publisher sale happens with no Skyrim GOG release. That game is over 10 years old at this point. Those people could have had over a decade of good times with the game if they just bought it on S****, but nope, they're here whining about DRM instead.

Again, you do whatever you want to do, but you really aren't doing anything here except wasting your valuable leisure time. You are buying those games and I'd assume you're playing them, so I won't say you're wasting your money.

If something you want releases on GOG and other stores same day, then buy it on GOG, but if you like stuff that is only releasing on something like S****, then why not just buy it and play it there? You're the only one who's missing out by not doing that.

Also, when you leave reviews like that, or if you're making forum posts complaining about S**** or DRM while promoting or "shilling" for GOG in the process, that doesn't really do GOG any favors. You're just contributing to a natural resentment towards GOG and it's community.

Do you think GOG staff is only playing games that release on GOG? Lol, no.
TheCleaner517: Where they at?! Where them juicy delicious SEGA contract games at?!
How about a round of single-player GWENT? :P

*Nods silently*
Post edited July 19, 2022 by WinterSnowfall
Warloch_Ahead: Soon
Johnathanamz: SEGA will release their video games for sale 100% Digital Rights Management (DRM) free on once I purchase all of their video games on Steam and write negative reviews for every single SEGA video game on Steam telling them to release every single of their video games for sale 100% Digital Rights Management (DRM) free on
Great that you're doing something, but isn't that a bit self-defeating? I mean, you've basically given them an extra sale by purchasing it on a DRM platform.

I don't buy games on DRM platforms because I don't want to give them the money (I will of course take freebies that are offered as that costs me nothing). I don't feel like I'm missing out by not playing DRM'd games as a) I've got loads to play anyway and b) some of the ones that I have fancied playing, like GTA 5, have been given away for free.

I mean, with Amazon Prime and the Epic Giveaways, I've literally got more games than I could conceivably play in the rest of my life anyway. And that's without attacking my GoG backlog.

That being said, it would be nice to get some Sega games on here, like the old arcade ports (Daytona USA), Motorsport Manager, or the Total War games.
pds41: Great that you're doing something, but isn't that a bit self-defeating? I mean, you've basically given them an extra sale by purchasing it on a DRM platform.

I don't buy games on DRM platforms because I don't want to give them the money (I will of course take freebies that are offered as that costs me nothing). I don't feel like I'm missing out by not playing DRM'd games as a) I've got loads to play anyway and b) some of the ones that I have fancied playing, like GTA 5, have been given away for free.

I mean, with Amazon Prime and the Epic Giveaways, I've literally got more games than I could conceivably play in the rest of my life anyway. And that's without attacking my GoG backlog.

That being said, it would be nice to get some Sega games on here, like the old arcade ports (Daytona USA), Motorsport Manager, or the Total War games.
The only thing that would be self-defeating is not playing games you're interested in because they're on a store that supports DRM. That user is wasting their time with the reviews, as I pointed out in my post, but they're at least playing the games they want even if it might not be on the store they prefer.

As for you, you might not buy games on stores that support DRM and developer / publisher choice, but you certainly still support those stores. For example with Epic, you're creating an account, redeeming free games, and are considered an active monthly user on the Epic Games platform.

You're also using "free" games from other stores (and I use the quotes there because you're paying in others ways), as a way to supplement GOG's weak catalogue. It's kind of disingenuous to have this "I don't support DRM supported stores" when you actually are willingly supporting and using DRM supported stores and games.

Just supporting SEGA games on GOG means that you'll willingly accept table scraps from a company that treats you like crap. Here GOG users, eat up this Alien: Isolation release when we've already sold this game on S**** a few years ago for TWO (2) United States Dollars.

That's what's most bizarre to me with a lot of GOG users. You act or claim you won't support DRM supported stores or games, but you're also so willing to let yourself be treated like crap by studios when you get a few throwaway games on GOG. You guys are also probably using Windows, a proprietary operating system which has DRM built in, but we'll ignore that fact, right?
releases are probably being spread out, time-wise, since big-deal games like those are rarely released on GOG.
Johnathanamz: SEGA will release their video games for sale 100% Digital Rights Management (DRM) free on once I purchase all of their video games on Steam and write negative reviews for every single SEGA video game on Steam telling them to release every single of their video games for sale 100% Digital Rights Management (DRM) free on

I have already begun doing this since 2021 for video games published by MicroSoft to SQUARE-ENIX to even VALVe's own developed video games.

I am not waiting ten years or fifteen years any more for video games to be released for sale on

I have to spend money to do something to make my (our) voices heard and it sucks, but I have to fight some how.

I might waste money, but I am at least doing something about it.
TomNuke: You keep fighting your fight, but I can guarantee you that they don't give a crap about your negative review.

Not to mention that those reviews you're making would be considered "off-topic" to S**** and therefore not even count towards the aggregate score. So you're really doing nothing but wasting your time.

Also, it's clear that you're still willing to buy the games even with DRM, so they've already got you as a paying customer.

I agree with you that you shouldn't be waiting a decade (10 years) or more for games to "maybe" show up on GOG. If you're interested in playing something then you should just buy it on whatever store. It's like those Skyrim guys here on GOG who cry everytime a Bethesda publisher sale happens with no Skyrim GOG release. That game is over 10 years old at this point. Those people could have had over a decade of good times with the game if they just bought it on S****, but nope, they're here whining about DRM instead.

Again, you do whatever you want to do, but you really aren't doing anything here except wasting your valuable leisure time. You are buying those games and I'd assume you're playing them, so I won't say you're wasting your money.

If something you want releases on GOG and other stores same day, then buy it on GOG, but if you like stuff that is only releasing on something like S****, then why not just buy it and play it there? You're the only one who's missing out by not doing that.

Also, when you leave reviews like that, or if you're making forum posts complaining about S**** or DRM while promoting or "shilling" for GOG in the process, that doesn't really do GOG any favors. You're just contributing to a natural resentment towards GOG and it's community.

Do you think GOG staff is only playing games that release on GOG? Lol, no.
Yes of course I am playing those video games that I purchase from Steam. I will not abandon my Steam account that I have had since 2004.

I play them for ten hours or for twenty hours and then I leave the negative review, when I leave the negative review in my introduction to the negative review I talk about why I love playing the video game and what I hate what is in the video game, then I only mention at the very end of my negative review. All of my negative reviews have play time accumulated at ten hours or so.

So my negative reviews for each of the video games are not considered off topic and if I look at the negative reviews for each of my video games that I have given negative reviews I can see them on my Steam account and if I ask a family member to log in into their Steam account to read my negative reviews for each of the individual video games that I have written negative reviews for that person in my family can see the negative reviews for those video games from their Steam account.

VALVe has not edited any of my negative Steam video games reviews yet at all. Not even my very first one from January of 2021.

One each of the individual video games that I have wrote negative reviews for I have gotten about fifty or so PC video gamers on Steam giving me this review is helpful to them and I have even gotten about four or so rewards from them. I have even had quite a few PC video gamers on Steam open up a chat with me who never knew what was and ask me about it and other PC video gamers on Steam open up a chat with me to say hey yeah man screw Digital Rights Management (DRM).

So it seems PC video gamers are slowly reaching out to me.

Wait til I write a negative review for SEGA's SHOGUN: Total War, for Medieval: Total War, for Total War: Rome Remastered, Medieval II: Total War, Napoleon: Total War, SHOGUN II: Total War, and so on and so on.