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One day I was playing around on the internet and came across an abandonware site. On it there was a game called Global Thermonuclear War. There wasn't much information on it so I figured I'd download and play it.

Long story short, the General said "he'd piss on a spark plug if it would do any good." I figured, "Why not?"
I peed and everything worked as normal.


I couldn't resist. I liked the first entry. That seemed very McGyverish and a bit dangerous.

- UncleElias
Thanks for the fantastic review~! Now I know that Tunguska is the best of the bunch, and have bumped it up on my wishlist. I'm not, however, going to be in since I have so many games I want to play RIGHT NOW, and I know this one would be put on the back burner for a while ;)

I'll be back when I can think of a good addition to the topic. Finding alternate solutions is an everyday thing for me; it's just how my mind works -- something I highly value in myself. ^__^
Not in,

When I was much younger than now, in another life time. I my brother and my 3 cousins went into the forest for adventures. During out sightseeing we found a huge bee nest high up in the trees.. So we took out our pocket knives and started building long poky thingi. We uses long young tree and strapped them together using soft bark. This flimsy poky thing was to heavy for one boy. So we all had to use our strengths to lift it up and reach the nest.. We poked it.. It fell.. Bees were not too happy with our device.. We ran for our lives... it really sucked to be the slowest in our group.. :P

End of that adventure...
awalterj: Wait a minute...didn't -you-create crew's new avatar? Aren't -you- the mastermind behind all this? I sense historical revisionism!
Hey now, I made her one with fake fur, not real fur. But she got ever so mad when she found out it was fake. She started shouting about wanting real bunny ears, and how she demanded only the best. Then she mumbled something about the Easter Bunny and grabbed her axe and went skipping along while singing the Barbie Girl song. :-)
Potzato: ... I met this gut once, Mayor Killian Darkwater, who had issues with some kind of casino ringleader, in that rusty watering hole of a town. Gizmo was the name, I could have use spy warfare, stealth, and electronnic devices, but I fixed criminal activities in the area with a cattle prod.

(/tribute to the McGiverish voice of Mayor Darkwater)
Ah, a painful reminder that the Fallout series are no longer on GOG. I wonder if that can be fixed with a cattle prod, too. I heard the responsible ringleaders can be found in a rusty watering hole of a town called Bethesda.

eligamer: One day I was playing around on the internet and came across an abandonware site. On it there was a game called Global Thermonuclear War. There wasn't much information on it so I figured I'd download and play it.

Long story short, the General said "he'd piss on a spark plug if it would do any good." I figured, "Why not?"
I peed and everything worked as normal.
Sounds like a most worthy idea for How It Should Have Ended, they specialize in that sorta thing!

genkicolleen: Thanks for the fantastic review~! Now I know that Tunguska is the best of the bunch, and have bumped it up on my wishlist. I'm not, however, going to be in since I have so many games I want to play RIGHT NOW, and I know this one would be put on the back burner for a while ;)

I'll be back when I can think of a good addition to the topic. Finding alternate solutions is an everyday thing for me; it's just how my mind works -- something I highly value in myself. ^__^
You're welcome! I have a feeling you would quite like this game and that you would sooner or later chance upon it. There aren't too many good adventure games from the mid 2000s but this is definitely one that's very much worth playing. If you change your mind, you can still participate. I'm not the fastest person with finishing the games I got gifted so I wouldn't expect my giftees to pull all-nighters and devour the games I gift them immediately, either :)

Wolfehunter: When I was much younger than now, in another life time. I my brother and my 3 cousins went into the forest for adventures. During out sightseeing we found a huge bee nest high up in the trees.. So we took out our pocket knives and started building long poky thingi. We uses long young tree and strapped them together using soft bark. This flimsy poky thing was to heavy for one boy. So we all had to use our strengths to lift it up and reach the nest.. We poked it.. It fell.. Bees were not too happy with our device.. We ran for our lives... it really sucked to be the slowest in our group.. :P

End of that adventure...
Hm, MacGyver is a good guy and only destroys stuff that belong to the bad guys, I feel bad for the poor bees. Then again, didn't we all do such things as kids at some point before we knew better, I can't really scold you for that. I used to throw snails at the neighbor's roof, something I feel ashamed of now. Back then, I was really into gardening and our garden was completely overrun with large snails that kept eating our plants and the miniature wild strawberries that we loved to pick and eat. Eating snails wasn't popular in my village, otherwise I could have made some cash by selling them to a restaurant. Regardless of the damage the snails did, they didn't deserve such a cruel fate and certainly not getting thrown and crushed on a rooftop where they either died slowly or got eaten by birds. This is worse than what the Romans did at the Tarpeian Rock, it's more similar to the medieval practice of being broken on the wheel and left outside as food for the crows.
I only did that horrible thing a few times and later switched to collecting the snails in a bucket and releasing them in a nearby forest. I also became an active member of the World Wildlife Fund and helped raising money for projects. It won't undo my terrible deed of aggravated snail murder though. I just hope my former neighbors aren't reading this.

ddickinson: Hey now, I made her one with fake fur, not real fur. But she got ever so mad when she found out it was fake. She started shouting about wanting real bunny ears, and how she demanded only the best. Then she mumbled something about the Easter Bunny and grabbed her axe and went skipping along while singing the Barbie Girl song. :-)
The Easter Bunny isn't real. Did I already tell the story about how my brother and I marked the carrots our parents made us place in front of the house as "sacrifice" for the Easter Bunny? And how we later found said carrots back in our fridge and used that as forensic evidence to convince ourselves and our little sister that the Easter Bunny was a myth and it was our parents who were behind all this. My little sister cried, and I never apologized for this even to this day. She's some kind of a lawyer now so I better not bring up this old story or else I'll get sued, for symbolically killing the Easter Bunny (conspiracy to murder and premeditated murder or something)
Post edited April 09, 2015 by awalterj
Not in, just here to tell my story because MacGyver was such an influential presence during my childhood.

I've had lot's of MacGyver moments in my life; using wire coat hangers to fix a toilet, building a make-shift pulley out of an old weight machine and copper wiring to move an old car, making my own plastic-type explosive to remove an old tree stump and fixing a loose bicycle chain with a license plate. Wait, that last one really was MacGyver!

Anyways, this is not the most MacGyverish thing I've ever done, but it's the one I'm most proud of:

Several years ago, my wife and I were driving across the country to visit my family. She was driving and mentioned that we were at a quarter tank of gas and she was getting tired, it was about 2:00 in the morning at this point. I told her to pull over at the next gas station and we could fill up and switch. We pulled into a small gas station in the middle of Utah and there was only one other person there, a guy in his mid 30's with his wife and kid asleep in the car while he had the hood up and an expression of someone who is lost in a foreign land. Apparently the car had died on the highway and he coasted into this station. He told his wife not to panic, that he would fix it. He went into the little store and bought the only "tools" he could think of, some electrical tape and a pair of needle nosed pliers. Then spent about 20 minutes with the hood open just staring at the engine because he didn't have the slightest clue how cars actually work. I told him it was his lucky day because I was an expert at this stuff. It turned out that one of the battery cables had come loose (not the end that's attached to the battery) because the bolt was stripped and the nut had fallen off. I pulled one of the sockets from my socket wrench kit and two old washers from the bottom of my tool box to act as a replacement nut, then reinforced it with the guys electrical tape. The whole time I was explaining to him what that cable was for, why it was causing his problems and the thought process behind my repair, just like MacGyver always explains why whatever he's doing is going to work. It was really a very minor MacGyverisim, but the look of relief and gratitude on that man's face when his car started right up makes it my favorite.

The funny part is that between the time I asked my wife to pull over and when we pulled into that station, we had passed two other gas stations and a big truck stop. She says she saw the other gas stations but kept forgetting we needed to stop until we passed them. Had we stopped at any of the earlier ones there is no telling how long that poor guy and his family would have been stuck there.

Wolfehunter: When I was much younger than now, in another life time. I my brother and my 3 cousins went into the forest for adventures. During out sightseeing we found a huge bee nest high up in the trees.. So we took out our pocket knives and started building long poky thingi. We uses long young tree and strapped them together using soft bark. This flimsy poky thing was to heavy for one boy. So we all had to use our strengths to lift it up and reach the nest.. We poked it.. It fell.. Bees were not too happy with our device.. We ran for our lives... it really sucked to be the slowest in our group.. :P

End of that adventure...
awalterj: Hm, MacGyver is a good guy and only destroys stuff that belong to the bad guys, I feel bad for the poor bees. Then again, didn't we all do such things as kids at some point before we knew better, I can't really scold you for that. I used to throw snails at the neighbor's roof, something I feel ashamed of now. Back then, I was really into gardening and our garden was completely overrun with large snails that kept eating our plants and the miniature wild strawberries that we loved to pick and eat. Eating snails wasn't popular in my village, otherwise I could have made some cash by selling them to a restaurant. Regardless of the damage the snails did, they didn't deserve such a cruel fate and certainly not getting thrown and crushed on a rooftop where they either died slowly or got eaten by birds. This is worse than what the Romans did at the Tarpeian Rock, it's more similar to the medieval practice of being broken on the wheel and left outside as food for the crows.
I only did that horrible thing a few times and later switched to collecting the snails in a bucket and releasing them in a nearby forest. I also became an active member of the World Wildlife Fund and helped raising money for projects. It won't undo my terrible deed of aggravated snail murder though. I just hope my former neighbors aren't reading this.
Don't forget the episode where MacGyver had to stop that swarm of killer ants. I'm sure he must have killed more than a few in the process.
Post edited April 09, 2015 by Stevedog13
Drove a 15 ton vehicle without power steering and a severely limited turning radius.
Post edited April 09, 2015 by oldschool
Not in.

Put together a Frankenstein sound system that include a Panasonic HIFI, Sony turntable, old English speakers and a Yamaha receiver. There was splicing up the ass let me tell you.

Also used cotton balls and one Kleenex to filter coffee at a job site.

Routinely opened paint cans with the handle of my pocket knife. Tightened screws with the blade. My favorite carry knife lasted 4 years with this constant abuse. What a trooper.
Stevedog13: I've had lot's of MacGyver moments in my life; using wire coat hangers to fix a toilet, building a make-shift pulley out of an old weight machine and copper wiring to move an old car, making my own plastic-type explosive to remove an old tree stump and fixing a loose bicycle chain with a license plate. Wait, that last one really was MacGyver!
Impressive! The toilet problem can also be fixed by eating more salad, but using wire coat hangers to unclog the toilet is quite ingenious.

Stevedog13: Several years ago, my wife and I were driving across the country to visit my family. She was driving and mentioned that we were at a quarter tank of gas and she was getting tired, it was about 2:00 in the morning at this point. I told her to pull over at the next gas station and we could fill up and switch. We pulled into a small gas station in the middle of Utah and there was only one other person there, a guy in his mid 30's with his wife and kid asleep in the car while he had the hood up and an expression of someone who is lost in a foreign land. Apparently the car had died on the highway and he coasted into this station. He told his wife not to panic, that he would fix it. He went into the little store and bought the only "tools" he could think of, some electrical tape and a pair of needle nosed pliers. Then spent about 20 minutes with the hood open just staring at the engine because he didn't have the slightest clue how cars actually work. I told him it was his lucky day because I was an expert at this stuff. It turned out that one of the battery cables had come loose (not the end that's attached to the battery) because the bolt was stripped and the nut had fallen off. I pulled one of the sockets from my socket wrench kit and two old washers from the bottom of my tool box to act as a replacement nut, then reinforced it with the guys electrical tape. The whole time I was explaining to him what that cable was for, why it was causing his problems and the thought process behind my repair, just like MacGyver always explains why whatever he's doing is going to work. It was really a very minor MacGyverisim, but the look of relief and gratitude on that man's face when his car started right up makes it my favorite.

The funny part is that between the time I asked my wife to pull over and when we pulled into that station, we had passed two other gas stations and a big truck stop. She says she saw the other gas stations but kept forgetting we needed to stop until we passed them. Had we stopped at any of the earlier ones there is no telling how long that poor guy and his family would have been stuck there.
Thanks for sharing, that was a perfect example and a great story, too. I had to read it 2-3 times to even understand what's going on because my knowledge of car mechanics is exactly zero. You deserve props not just for your skill but also for being helpful.

Stevedog13: Don't forget the episode where MacGyver had to stop that swarm of killer ants. I'm sure he must have killed more than a few in the process.
But those ants were the bad guys, so MacGyver is allowed to stop them! I learned from watching and reading Maya the Bee that bees are the good guys and wasps and red ants are the bad guys.

oldschool: Drove a 15 ton vehicle without power steering and a severely limited turning radius.
Sounds like a recipe for trouble, although if your sitting in a 15 ton vehicle and there's an accident you'll have the upper hand in most cases, unless it's a cliff you're up against.

ScotchMonkey: Not in.

Put together a Frankenstein sound system that include a Panasonic HIFI, Sony turntable, old English speakers and a Yamaha receiver. There was splicing up the ass let me tell you.
Most people nowadays can operate an i-pod at best, I guess that does make you Dr. Frankenstein-ish in terms of having unusual skills that border on the paranormal.

ScotchMonkey: Also used cotton balls and one Kleenex to filter coffee at a job site.
I wonder if a tampon and toilet paper would work, too, but then again I might not want to find out.
booting an imac G5 off a mac os X disc with a wonky dvd drive it cant read my first mac os X tiger installation disc and i dont have leopard

had to put a os x panther disc in the drive
attach one of my external blu rays to the imac G5 via usb
boot in to verbose mode
type in unix voodoo
the imac G5 for some vauge reason will only skip the internal drive if there is a disc in there it cant boot off even in verbose mode and then shunts towards the external drive and finally install tiger

was rather annoying
awalterj: What’s the most MacGyverish thing you ever did, in real life?
Grew a mullet.

In my defense, I was young and I needed the money!

PS. Not in for any giveaways, I already have everything I want from life.
Post edited April 10, 2015 by timppu
Not in. +1 for the fun interesting givaway =)

Ive probably had a few minor MacGyver moments. One I can clearly recall is chain hooking my videogame RF units and utilizing what outlets I could to get all my 8bit 16 bit 32 bit systems playing on my one TV ^_^
This date from before MacGyver.

I made kites using plastic drinking straws and newspapers.
Not in. And sadly I don't remember any good example. Most MacGyverish thing I've done... hm... using a toothpick to circumvent copy protection on a PSOne but that was a popular trick somebody else showed me.

Oh yeah, once I threw a toaster into a bathtub to kill somebody. I guess that may be more Hitman than MacGyver, though.
Post edited April 10, 2015 by F4LL0UT
Not in, and nothing special to say except that MacGyver is my favorite TV show of all time.