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Bungie's Marathon Trilogy

Marathon 2: Durandal
Marathon Infinity

Get 'em free here:
Post edited September 12, 2016 by Barry_Woodward
Breja: Something I don't already own :D

Seriously though, I'd like to see the original King's Bounty here, and while I could see it being a freebie, it probably woulnd't be a standalone freebie, but more like ELder Scrolls I&II added to the new King's Bounty games.
astroclay: While I think it would be cool to have a few more games released here for free (a la Bio Menace), I wouldn't mind it all that much if companies saw fit to bundle their older games together with their newer counterparts. In fact, that's the reason why the Bard's Tale landed on my wishlist. It's pretty cool knowing that I can pick up the entire series in one go!

Darvond: Joke: Starbound.
astroclay: Darvond, your distaste for Starbound always makes me laugh. I say that with the full realization that I got swept up in the game's hype during its release and paid full price for it. I've been disappointed with myself ever since :P
I'm trying to lighten up, really. I sent a list of nitpicks to the developers in the vain hope that it might get them to focus less on "MORE THINGS" and more on "POLISH THINGS THAT EXIST".
seppelfred: It's not free for german users.
PaterAlf: It is. Just ask another user to send you a gift key. ;)
I bought it before it was blocked. ;)
Darvond: I'm trying to lighten up, really. I sent a list of nitpicks to the developers in the vain hope that it might get them to focus less on "MORE THINGS" and more on "POLISH THINGS THAT EXIST".
Ha ha, no worries. I think it's great that you're being so proactive. As for me, well, I've learned my lesson so I don't think that I'll be buying anymore fancy, retro-looking indie games until they've been thoroughly vetted on the internet for weeks or months in advance.

Barry_Woodward: Bungie's Marathon Trilogy

Marathon 2: Durandal
Marathon Infinity

Get 'em free here:
I always thought the Marathon series was locked to Mac. Were the games also released for Windows or DOS?
Another freeware classic reasonably high up on the wishlist, like - as already mentioned - Alien Carnage.
Darvond: I'm trying to lighten up, really. I sent a list of nitpicks to the developers in the vain hope that it might get them to focus less on "MORE THINGS" and more on "POLISH THINGS THAT EXIST".
astroclay: Ha ha, no worries. I think it's great that you're being so proactive. As for me, well, I've learned my lesson so I don't think that I'll be buying anymore fancy, retro-looking indie games until they've been thoroughly vetted on the internet for weeks or months in advance.
The problem is that Starbound was looking to be good right up to a certain point, but then after a certain build, they got out the chainsaws.

Also the new story sucks.
astroclay: I always thought the Marathon series was locked to Mac. Were the games also released for Windows or DOS?
Marathon 2: Durandal was the only game in the series to be released officially on Windows (95 to be exact). The Aleph One open-source ports that are available now run on Windows, Mac and Linux.
Post edited September 12, 2016 by Barry_Woodward
Definitely One Must Fall 2097.

But also, they really should release the original DOS version of Tetris.
If the question was phrased as "What do you think would be really cool if it were the next free game on GOG?" then that's something I could certainly answer in a heartbeat, as having game companies offer free games for promotional purposes or just out of the kindness of their hearts or some other reason is pretty cool in my eyes. But as worded I can not answer it because "should" implies to me (whether that was actually intended or not) that video game companies have some kind of obligation to give us free stuff ever, and I personally do not agree that they're ever obligated to give anyone anything for free. If they do however, then that's pretty cool (whether I like or want the free game or not).

If and when another free game shows up in the future, it'll be cool to have no matter what it is, but even cooler if it just so happens to be on my wishlist. :)
Half Life 3. XD
Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 originals. They aren't sold anymore anyway, Beamdog made them "extras" and not "game" anyway, plus most people come here crushing barking and yelling "where are those 2?", anyway!

For crying out loud!
Next free games... I would vote for Xixit, and Castle of the Winds. Both are classics. Too bad Xixit's company went bankrupt 10+ years ago, although the owners of CotW are supposedly doing something with it.
..since they're not sold anywhere

Need for Speed I - IV
So, I've decided to take it upon myself to contact the creators of One Must Fall: 2097 to see if they would be open to releasing the full game here on GOG. After all, it has been declared freeware for quite some time. However, I'm having trouble locating key personnel from OMF since the developer -- Diversions Entertainment -- closed its doors several years back.

Does anyone have any information pertaining to designer Rob Elam's contact information? I would even settle for a twitter handle just so I could politely send a note describing the situation.

Oh, and for the sake of posterity, I'll go ahead and add the wishlist entry for One Must Fall: 2097. Don't forget to vote to show your support!
astroclay: So, I've decided to take it upon myself to contact the creators of One Must Fall: 2097 to see if they would be open to releasing the full game here on GOG.
It seems others have tried to do that already, sadly to no avail.