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It is once again *that* time, so without further ado....

Frank Zappa - Outside Now
Songs by Perturbator
Radikale Arbeitszeitverkuerzung – Utopie oder Notwendigkeit?
Evil Eye by Motorhead.
Loesch Dich! So organisiert ist der Hate im Netz I Doku ueber Hater und Trolle
Eurovision contest. Wife watches, i listen in the background while browsing GOG. :p
The Moody Blues - Legend Of A Mind
Franz Liszt - Totentanz
I'm not listening to anything right now, but thanks for asking. :)
Deichkind - Denken Sie Gross (Official Video)

Deichkind - Bueck Dich Hoch (Official Video)

Deichkind - Arbeit Nervt
Post edited May 14, 2018 by viperfdl

and many other Good Old Radioshows:

Free Old Time Radio Shows - Free OTR Downloads In MP3
Saga - Only Time Will Tell
KenFM im Gespraech mit: Domenico Losurdo ("Wenn die Linke fehlt...Gesellschaft des Spektakels, Krise, Krieg")
Dimmu Borgir - Eonian
Castlevania - Simon's Theme (Church Organ Arrangement by Joshua Burner)