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Children make terrible slave labor initially. But stick with it, they'll get better soon!
Post edited January 12, 2015 by Firebrand9
At least don't name her LIARA.
Congrats, darthspudius!
congrads man wish you the best
Like they say: A daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts this world has to give.
darthspudius: A baby girl on the way, Gaben help my wallet.*sobs*
Blasphemer! Thou darest call on the devil himself?

Er, I mean, congratulations and may your family know long years of happiness.
darthspudius: A baby girl on the way, Gaben help my wallet.*sobs*
ET3D: Blasphemer! Thou darest call on the devil himself?

Er, I mean, congratulations and may your family know long years of happiness.
The devil is responsible for pc gaming being alive and healthy, unlike some... I am quite grateful for it! :P
darthspudius: The devil is responsible for pc gaming being alive and healthy, unlike some... I am quite grateful for it! :P
That's the way deals with the devil go: you get your wish, but lose your soul.
darthspudius: The devil is responsible for pc gaming being alive and healthy, unlike some... I am quite grateful for it! :P
ET3D: That's the way deals with the devil go: you get your wish, but lose your soul.
You assume I had a soul to lose...
Congrats! :)
darthspudius: You assume I had a soul to lose...
Yeah, sorry, I tend to forget that kids suck your life and soul out of you, until you're but a walking husk at their beck and call.
darthspudius: You assume I had a soul to lose...
ET3D: Yeah, sorry, I tend to forget that kids suck your life and soul out of you, until you're but a walking husk at their beck and call.
Ah, you are so charming. lol
darthspudius: Ah, you are so charming. lol
Thanks. I try my best.