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TerriblePurpose: So this is about a character, Geralt, that appears in a game not made or sold by CDPR? I... don't see the connection.
TStael: As in Baldur's Gate, PlaneScape and Neverwinter Nights not being in the Faurûn? Infinity Engine / Aurora Engine.

I frankly think the proof of burden is unto you.
Apologies, but I have no idea what you're trying to say.
low rated
TStael: Even as a female gamer, whom never took the turtured titties as a narrative simpleton?

Even if Geralt oh so coyly turns away, those tortured titties were written as a fanservice. Like Yennefer being a bitch. Geralt is meant to be uncritically enjoyeded,

Will there be content with Cyperpunk 2077 for women, besides being scantily clad, sexy, and bitchy? Pray tell.
richlind33: Your tortured grammar is a far greater concern, I think. o.O
Do tell.

Where was the grammar severely tortured?

Where could it prompt your critical faculties, in form, when CD Project RED is unable to do so in substance?
Anothername: Don't get me wrong; I'm a big fan of boobs (female version) and think they can be a great topic. But don't you think you read... a lot out of Linkos post; whats with this titties obsession? Something Geralt does in SC; collecting cards from female SC fighters or something like that?
TStael: I know I am bumping this up, but "replies to your posts" has been forever the second most sketchiest feature of these fora, so here goes. But if you like to game analytically or to discuss, I do not think you'll mind excessively, Anothername.

Boobs are fine. And so are dicks. And butts of all kinds.

The three occasions I recall in-game dick being a thing is as follows:

Rust because you could not choose and boost it; Conan because you could boost it - and Excalibur because AngryJoe reacted to the Japanese dick featuring advert with "WTF" - while taking the tit and butt on his stride. (Playful, for sure, but still yet telling)

The only dick extravagantly tortured in the RPG genre is that of Dethmold. Which I am known to take as very homophobic scene.

As to sexual sadism concerning female boobs, and so forth, from LaValette The Withcer graduated to Whoreson Junior and that Eternal Priest feller torturing Nettie.And probably more.

Do you earnestly argue CD Project RED put that much sexual sadism on naked femalies in their writing just for the random "gritty world"? No, it was writtern there for you, for your titillation, I bet.

But hey, you can turn your back, while the camera pans on the LaValette boobies.

I hope I can buy Cyberpunk, but "harsh gameworld" just typically signals lazy writing. PlaneScape Torment was a harsh gameworld, for comparison.Take it from there...
Yeah, it has been for a few months it occasionally does not register post replies :/

So... dick is ok, pussy not? ;)

Well, in a regular game I won't mind either if there is some context. Or its just a scene where it makes sense without any sexualisation. Although I would not go out and seek games just for the sake of watching either. Unless its a porn game. But that is just because I'm depraved.

I only played Witcher 1 and have not finished it (still trying though). While it did had quite a few ladies and lewd tendencies I do not remember specific sexualized torture/boob sadism (in the blood and pain sense; or any other regardless how much I try to remember). It was more on the fun side of things. I take it as a warning that this is what comes in W2&3. Blood ' n gore should stay in combat otherwise its a major eww and a super turn off for me. I'm surprised that there has not been a gigantic outrage because of that. oO

I ducked LaValette and besides a reference to New Jersey and a boat I found that guy narrowing it down to search with Witcher. Yeah.. no, no desire to see his "boobies" but then again it depends on the context if I mind his bare chest showing or not.

No clue about Cyberpunk; with the scratching of a TPP mode they scratched themselves from my wanted list. But I would not be completely surprised if one would encounter some kind of BDSM scene with associated missions to it in there. If they mix it with actual torture IDK, I hope not but essentially I don't care since I do not plan to play it anyway.
Linko90: Normally I'd say I understand the frustration, but in this case, I truly do not. The game was not developed or sold by Red/GOG. Namco Bandai has a history with Red. Red still develop and sell DRM-free games that avoid loot boxes and cut-up content. There's no statement behind it.

Enjoy Cyberpunk 2077 when it comes out, DRM-free and bullshit practice free!
fr33kSh0w2012: Also hopefully Not riddled with GRRL power and SJW/PC/Virtue Signalling HorseCrap.

Also don't do Bitchy Guy's I'm real tired of bitchy If I want Bitchy All I have to do is walk outside.

Also Don't do whiny either my sister is a hyper Turbo whiner that can whine on for WHOLE DAYS all day and into the night NON STOP.

It does this: Dental Drill sound effect to my SKULL.
And why would you ask CD Project RED to be absolved of narrative challenge?

Putting a lynched corpse at almost any pole serves as a narrative tag for "hard game world" by CD Project RED.

Other game developers tag quite as much, only there you puirport to disapprove, as opposed to demanding CD Project RED to write better, and more nuanced.
Patience everyone; you will get to play both SC and MHW soon Via GOG me thinks :). And Please be nice to the staff and developers they're doing their best to make you happy.
Post edited December 11, 2018 by NovumZ
NovumZ: Patience everyone; you will get to play both SC and MHW soon Via GOG me thinks :). And Please be nice to the staff and developers they're doing their best to make you happy.
NovumZ: Patience everyone; you will get to play both SC and MHW soon Via GOG me thinks :). And Please be nice to the staff and developers they're doing their best to make you happy.
Like I wrote. Stay Positive and Be Patient. :)