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low rated
What video games from the 1980's up to 1985 are still not sold on List me names please.

I know Activision has a lot of them. You do not need to list them.

I know MicroSoft is missing some, but what did they have besides Flight Simulator?

Does Atari have any?

Does CapCom have any?

Does MicroPose even have any at all?

Just name me the most well known video games.
Probably because games from 80-85 look like ass. It wasn't till 85 when Amiga and EGA graphics was released that the games started to look somewhat passable (though in my humble opinion it wasn't till the VGA adapter of 1987 that IBM/DOS games really started to look good).
Post edited February 21, 2022 by Crosmando
While I wouldn't mind for those games to be sold here, maintaining them (making emulation for modern systems, keeping tech support staff) would be more costly than any possible income.

Considering that most of them are abandonware anyways, you can download them for free without infringing copyright. Their actual developers wouldn't get money anyway.
LootHunter: While I wouldn't mind for those games to be sold here, maintaining them (making emulation for modern systems, keeping tech support staff) would be more costly than any possible income.

Considering that most of them are abandonware anyways, you can download them for free without infringing copyright. Their actual developers wouldn't get money anyway.
I am asking for people who know of any to name them.

I am not asking why they are not sold here.

I just want the names of the video games.
Castle Wolfenstein and Beyond Castle Wolfenstein
The early Wizardry games
The rest of Infocom's output

Those are the big ones that come to my mind, at least for DOS. Most of the best games from that era were on other systems, or if they had DOS versions, those versions were the worst of the lot (e.g., Temple of Apshai).
LootHunter: While I wouldn't mind for those games to be sold here, maintaining them (making emulation for modern systems, keeping tech support staff) would be more costly than any possible income.

Considering that most of them are abandonware anyways, you can download them for free without infringing copyright. Their actual developers wouldn't get money anyway.
Johnathanamz: I am asking for people who know of any to name them.

I am not asking why they are not sold here.

I just want the names of the video games.
Unless you are offering financial reward, I don’t see anyone volunteering! As a starting point:
andysheets1975: Castle Wolfenstein and Beyond Castle Wolfenstein
The early Wizardry games
The rest of Infocom's output

Those are the big ones that come to my mind, at least for DOS. Most of the best games from that era were on other systems, or if they had DOS versions, those versions were the worst of the lot (e.g., Temple of Apshai).
Does anyone know who owns Castle Wolfenstein and Beyond Castle Wolfenstein?

Does ID Software own it or does someone else?
low rated
Johnathanamz: What video games from the 1980's up to 1985 are still not sold on List me names please.

I know Activision has a lot of them. You do not need to list them.

I know MicroSoft is missing some, but what did they have besides Flight Simulator?

Does Atari have any?

Does CapCom have any?

Does MicroPose even have any at all?

Just name me the most well known video games.
Typo. I honestly thought 19080 were some obscure early arcade processor :)
There are quite a few games from back then that actually were incredibly good, off the top of my head:
Sherlock Holmes in Anothjer Bow
Sun Tzu's The Ancient Art of War
Lode Runner
Alley Cat, which was remade few years ago
Moon Patrol

Some of them were PC Booters so that may complicate things when it comes to make them run on modern systems.
Every time I Look at screenshot of games in 640*200 2 colors I can't help being mesmerized by them.
Most of the interesting stuff of that era was on arcade machines.
While incredibly tantalizing back in the day, their tendency to eat up your coins doesn't make for compelling gameplay these days.
Impossible Mission (1984)
One of the first games I ever played, and likely the earliest action-roguelike. The unarmed player has to dodge robots as well as a floatin ball taken from the cult TV serial The Prisoner. You move through a randomly generated set of rooms, inspired by Rogue. You have 6 hours to beat the game, and for each death, you loose ten seconds (I had no clue of this at the time)

Robotron 2084 (1982)
The most pure and intense twin-stick shooter. Sadly I never played it on the arcade, only on the PC port.

Prince of Persia (1989)
Harsh, stylished platformer with stellar animations.

SimCity (1989)
I never played this one, sadly.

Tetris (1985)
A simple formula that just works.

International Karate (1985)
Player-vs-player karate game. Unlike later brawler games, such as Streetfighter or Mortal Combat, the fighting isn't dependent on convulsed button combinations. Instead, you simply can move the joystick in 8 directions with or without the button, resulting in a total of 16 moves.

Bubble Bubble (1986)
Upbeat single-screen platformer with a shitload of levels, each one with its own design and physics.

Bubbles (1982)
Widely ignored, but a solid game nonetheless, with unique floating physics. Like Pacman, the gameplay is centered around eating everything and avoiding getting caught.

Kaptajn Kaper in Kategat (1985)
Classic danish roguelike pirate sim, writen in BASIC. Rather dated, but easy to get into.
You can play the english version at my collection The Shareware Motherlode, as well as some other early games.
KasperHviid: Impossible Mission (1984)
One of the first games I ever played, and likely the earliest action-roguelike. The unarmed player has to dodge robots as well as a floatin ball taken from the cult TV serial The Prisoner. You move through a randomly generated set of rooms, inspired by Rogue. You have 6 hours to beat the game, and for each death, you loose ten seconds (I had no clue of this at the time)
From what I understand, there was one version of this game that was actually impossible. (I believe a key was locked behind a door that could only be opened with that key, or something along those lines.)

Also, the term "loose" doesn't make sense in that context. Perhaps you mean "lose"?
LootHunter: Considering that most of them are abandonware anyways, you can download them for free without infringing copyright.
Actually, that's not true. Unless the copyright holder has given permission, it is still illegal to download such games. (Excluding those that are old enough to be in the public domain, but that would require the game to be 95 years old (according to US copyright law), and no video game is that old.)

(Whether it's moral or ethical to download such games is a different question; this reply is only my understanding of whether it's *legal* to do so. With that said, note that the copyright holder would have to send a notice or file a lawsuit, and that might not happen if the copyright holder doesn't exist.)
Post edited February 21, 2022 by dtgreene
I had an Atari console. The joysticks were crappy quality. I broke 3 or 4. I remeber these games:

Pole Position
Mario Bros.
Berzerk- First time I played this, the robot voice scared the piss out of me. I yelled for my mom. I thought someone was in the room with me.
Donkey Kong
Most of the games from that era worth playing have either been released as freeware, been remade into better forms, or were so experimental as to be rendered unplayable. You ever try to play Akalabeth? It's uh, very basic.

Not to mention that 1980 would have still been the era of the micros like the Commodore VIC-20 or the ZX80. Before the PC even existed as a platform. Then consoles like the SC-1000 III would overshadow things for a bit while the PC found it's footing. Remember, the IBM PC didn't have graphical modes, and CP/M was still king.

Hack, the other half of Nethack didn't come out until 1984, Rouge and Zork were both introduced in 1980, and they're quite easy to play these days along with most other Infocom titles, but why would you willfully subject yourself to the text adventure of stepping on a rake repeatedly?

(People saying that things like Moon Patrol are still playable today should consider giving it a try. It wouldn't last 5 minutes to most people.)

Oh, if you manage to get games from 19080 BCE or 19080 CE, make sure to let me know.
Post edited February 21, 2022 by Darvond
-wobbily points thumb toward Wikipedia- Honestly -urp!-, the thought of doing general data recovery for others tends to make me a bit...antsy. Dig into the guts of the internet, sir or madam, and best wishes to you. May you come back here in a month or three with a list of utterly obscure titles, mostly forgotten by any potential customers as well as by time itself.

Edit: I mean, sure, you might end up with an undiscovered pile of goodness that could elicit literally dozens of purchases on GOG, but still. Don't give up, never give up, even when that tiny click in the back of your mind after weeks or months tells you need to finally ignore it, DON'T! What need is there with rationality in this!?! I just might need a football game from 1982 to comfortably sink into the nooks and wedges of my day-to-day existence! You could be the one to provide such things! Keep going! Keep posting! No matter what anyone might say, keep on with the current trend of "you doing you"!
Post edited February 21, 2022 by CarrionCrow