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low rated
Forget Fusion, I Abisha deliver the best solution to endless power
meet the Heat-pomp according to science it's a absolute beast it brakes conservation of energy.
it can according to science brakes the barrier of whats known for each watt of power it gives 3 a 5 times more heat
it even is so magical technological device it can even abstract heat from frozen air.... ???
spit in the face of second law of thermodynamics

so doing the solution.
The secret to unlimited energy has already been solved.
In this forum we obey the laws of thermodynamics!
Why is that troll even allowed to post?
InkPanther: Why is that troll even allowed to post?
Do you want unlimited energy or not? XD
InkPanther: Why is that troll even allowed to post?
J Lo: Do you want unlimited energy or not? XD
Like you have already pointed out with the appropriate illustration, the problem was solved long time ago. ;P
low rated
The question of extracting energy from the atmosphere around you, or the spacecraft one was travelling in, had been solved as far back as July 1947, and was apparent to scientists who studied and analyzed the remains of an extra-terrestrial craft that had been struck by lightning, exploded, and crashed near Roswell, NM. The craft design appeared to indicate it was for exploration, monitoring, or sampling purposes only. Therefore, benign in nature, and no real threat to earth, or its inhabitants. Common sense would dictate that it should've been viewed, and dealt with, in that rational light. It wasn't. Not when DC sewer Brass Hat egos were involved.
Abishia: Forget Fusion, I Abisha deliver the best solution to endless power
What utter nonsense! Everyone knows the true answer to getting unlimited power is becoming a sith lord.
Randalator: In this forum we obey the laws of thermodynamics!
I AM the senate! :P
Post edited June 17, 2022 by WinterSnowfall
Poor Fusion, no one believes in him and now we are told to forget him?!?
It brakes the law of thermodynamics?
Be careful of your speed, you don't want to go off road!