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Man, this is driving me crazy. I was just playing Ravenloft: Stone Prophet when I had a sudden memory of playing another first-person RPG. I just looked through the RPG section and GOG and don't think it's there. I can't remember much of it at all - I didn't even play it that long ago, comfortably within the last 3 years.

Sadly, a lot of this sounds generic as hell, but please guess away if you can....

I am 99% sure that it's not a Wizardry or Might and Magic.

You start in a castle, most of the walls are grey. It's not fully 3D, it's one of the pseudo-3D ones IIRC yet it doesn't look as rugged and pixelly as those often do. You wander around a bit before being given your task by someone. The rooms are quite detailed and not just empty cells. I believe there're quite a few items to collect from them. Your task takes you down some stairs in the castle to a lower level where it's a bit darker and there's a blacksmith that you talk to. The stairs down are things you actually walk down, it doesn't just load you into a different area... I think. I'm also getting vague recollections that there was something more to the combat than the usual clickfest.

Now this stuff is really vague and I'm not even sure if I'm remembering it right. I have a memory of a black woman, most likely my character but I'm not 100% sure. I also seem to remember there being a blocking mechanic, like an Elder Scrolls game. I remember my friend watching me play and I think I was saying something about how good the graphics were for the time, something about it made it stand out to me against other similar games and I was telling him about that.
This question / problem has been solved by NoNewTaleToTellimage
Have you checked Forgotten Realms: The Archives, especially Collection One and Three?
That sounds a lot like Anvil of Dawn, have you checked it out?
i know that feelin man ;D

Eye of the beholder series?
v3: Have you checked Forgotten Realms: The Archives, especially Collection One and Three?
NoNewTaleToTell: That sounds a lot like Anvil of Dawn, have you checked it out?
mikopotato: i know that feelin man ;D

Eye of the beholder series?
+1 to all for coming to my aid so quickly but NoNewTaleToTell has the correct game. Thanks, that was really annoying me that I couldn't remember! Given how the vague the description was, I'm impressed that you figured it out.
mikopotato: i know that feelin man ;D

Eye of the beholder series?
Export: +1 to all for coming to my aid so quickly but NoNewTaleToTell has the correct game. Thanks, that was really annoying me that I couldn't remember! Given how the vague the description was, I'm impressed that you figured it out.
Oh yeah the stairs down to the blacksmith was a dead giveaway, when I was playing the game it must've took me ten minutes to get to the blacksmith so that part is kinda burned into my memory haha. Great game!
Also worth to mention is that Anvil of Dawn is here on GOG in case you missed that.
mikopotato: i know that feelin man ;D

Eye of the beholder series?
Export: +1 to all for coming to my aid so quickly but NoNewTaleToTell has the correct game. Thanks, that was really annoying me that I couldn't remember! Given how the vague the description was, I'm impressed that you figured it out.
Glad you got it all sorted out pretty fast.

Have fun man!
Anvil of Dawn... I was wondering where I have heard that game title... until I realized that apparently I have bought it on GOG. :)