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Zimerius: Men......, your idea of of free is a bit ... distorted i guess, how much free do you want? everything? with everything given away already

and what kind of benefit are you talking about? according to sales figures epic's crowd grew expansionally without seeing this back in their revenue
Abishia: i personally find your thinking about "free" a bit naïve it's not free if it's on their platform is it not?. bit like google nothing is free their anything is valued and quantified.

at some point it pay's back if not they can close the accounts and you have absolute nothing because you don't have it for free.
Ah, the extension of the digital vs reality discussion.

Well, i'm not really eager to get into that one so, let me tell you that .... i try to balance out the games i pick for free, and buy on epic. Just for my own peace of mind or sense of morality.... See, so it seems i will be in no danger at all to suddenly see my account closed because i did not pay for a certain game.
I do find myself in doubt btw..

Will i buy at steam or on Epic ?? ?

Epic will probably go without achievements ( but epic is striving to make achievements happen real soon so the feeling of a community/more then a store will be included in their launcher, /// really from a certain sense that is the only thing that GoG does good ( ( outside excellent new gaming additions ) ) \\\

But sometimes i feel that steam mods are following my every move .... like on facebook , i swear this facebook chick was following my every move when i had my I'm spiritual period ... or so called gaming groups that hack you ( ( all under the name of protection of course ) )

I do wonder if more steam users are a bit .. conflicted sounds a bit over the top but i guess will do ... um if more CA players question their point of purchase concerning 3 .. with CA's future idea of creating their own launcher that will work with content from any store purchase....

Still i would not want to do anything that could endanger my mortal empire thing
Post edited February 05, 2021 by Zimerius
I thought it was pretty underwhelming as far as trailers go. I really don't know anything about the lore of Warhammer Fantasy, but the trailers for TW: Warhammer games and expansions have generally been super epic. Monsters, battles, etc. etc.

Here we just got some frost sorcerer and a lot of fog really. It seemed very.. meh. But everyone who knows the lore that I've seen, has gone crazy over it, so I guess it just comes down to me not knowing anything.

Not going to pretend I won't get it or anything, but I just wish they'd made a more epic trailer is all.
Crosmando: Looks pretty cool bros, Kislev and Grand Cathay are the new factions (with Chaos Dwarves and Ogres presumably to be DLC). It seems also that you can send armies into the realm of chaos itself to fight daemons. If they extend TW3 to Mortal Empires, that pretty much means the entire Warhammer world will be available in a single campaign.
Elmofongo: They tell me its impossible now, but I'm still hoping Kislev and Cathay opens the doors for Araby and Southern Kingdoms and hell even Nippon and Ind.
Ogres would be the best bet as they are an officially supported army with models in WHFB. Next I'd say Chaos Dwarves. As for the other minor factions, who knows.
After some hesitation, I did jump on TA Warhammer series. Boy, the game is awesome, particularly with numerous mods, don't even want or need the DLCs, particularly after the last round of price increases a year or 2 back. Can't wait to play the unified 1-3 map lol :)
are these games dlc spammers? if not i would like to try them out


and those other guys.
nurlge is the best
Post edited February 06, 2021 by Orkhepaj
Elmofongo: They tell me its impossible now, but I'm still hoping Kislev and Cathay opens the doors for Araby and Southern Kingdoms and hell even Nippon and Ind.
Zimerius: but but but those are not official content in any sense? How could GW endorse this?
GW and Creative Assembly are both working on the new Cathay lore together apparently, GWS is going to release Cathay material around the same time TW:WH3 releases.

It just goes to show just how much GW's tabletop games are in decline these days. I wouldn't be surprised if they got more money from video game adaptations than the actual tabletop games (though it's no surprise, when you make things like Age of SHITMAR you deserve to fail).
Post edited February 06, 2021 by Crosmando
Zimerius: but but but those are not official content in any sense? How could GW endorse this?
Crosmando: GW and Creative Assembly are both working on the new Cathay lore together apparently, GWS is going to release Cathay material around the same time TW:WH3 releases.

It just goes to show just how much GW's tabletop games are in decline these days. I wouldn't be surprised if they got more money from video game adaptations than the actual tabletop games (though it's no surprise, when you make things like Age of SHITMAR you deserve to fail).
Cathay? never heard of it
Zimerius: but but but those are not official content in any sense? How could GW endorse this?
Crosmando: GW and Creative Assembly are both working on the new Cathay lore together apparently, GWS is going to release Cathay material around the same time TW:WH3 releases.

It just goes to show just how much GW's tabletop games are in decline these days. I wouldn't be surprised if they got more money from video game adaptations than the actual tabletop games (though it's no surprise, when you make things like Age of SHITMAR you deserve to fail).
They've actually had a huge resurgence in tabletop sales in the last couple of years, to the point where their supply chain can't keep up with demand. Stock price is way up, too--one of if not the biggest gains on the London Stock Exchange in the 2010s.

tl,dr; They ditched their old-and-busted CEO in 2015 and the new guy is more business-y and less ego-strokey.
Orkhepaj: nurlge is the best
Indeed. At least papa Nurgle cares.
Crosmando: GW and Creative Assembly are both working on the new Cathay lore together apparently, GWS is going to release Cathay material around the same time TW:WH3 releases.

It just goes to show just how much GW's tabletop games are in decline these days. I wouldn't be surprised if they got more money from video game adaptations than the actual tabletop games (though it's no surprise, when you make things like Age of SHITMAR you deserve to fail).
NovusBogus: They've actually had a huge resurgence in tabletop sales in the last couple of years, to the point where their supply chain can't keep up with demand. Stock price is way up, too--one of if not the biggest gains on the London Stock Exchange in the 2010s.

tl,dr; They ditched their old-and-busted CEO in 2015 and the new guy is more business-y and less ego-strokey.
all the figures are too expensive imho
Zimerius: but but but those are not official content in any sense? How could GW endorse this?
Crosmando: GW and Creative Assembly are both working on the new Cathay lore together apparently, GWS is going to release Cathay material around the same time TW:WH3 releases.

It just goes to show just how much GW's tabletop games are in decline these days. I wouldn't be surprised if they got more money from video game adaptations than the actual tabletop games (though it's no surprise, when you make things like Age of SHITMAR you deserve to fail).
Well, lets see how this will turn out, i have to say that a whole 1001 nights themed army would have been a nice addition but sadly only to be found in mods
Orkhepaj: are these games dlc spammers? if not i would like to try them out


and those other guys.
Orkhepaj: nurlge is the best
Well as you said in your last comment.. everything gw does is overpriced ....

this translates to their games as well

and total war is also know for its various DLC but......

Total War is actually a quite nice series to follow in that regard. All the races that are added afterwards will be added to your game but are only playable if you own the corresponding dlc. There are no dlc that add certain gamefeatures or upgrade the engine in any way. And of course there are 2 or maybe 3 major overhaul mods available that give you access to a lot of units and sometimes a.i. improvements for free. Of course it is up to you to decide to support the modder in question
Post edited February 06, 2021 by Zimerius
Orkhepaj: all the figures are too expensive imho
The box sets and packages of ten basic guys aren't too bad, but I agree that there's some serious pay2win price gouging going on with the more advanced units. I just paint 28mm so I have the luxury of choosing my wallet battles. Paint and tools are of good quality but carry about a 25% GW tax, which may or may not be worth it depending on what else if anything one's local stores carry.

The math on the 40K Indomitus box works out to around three bucks a mini--less than Wizkids D&D casts--so it sold out in like 10 minutes.
Jinxtah: I thought it was pretty underwhelming as far as trailers go. I really don't know anything about the lore of Warhammer Fantasy, but the trailers for TW: Warhammer games and expansions have generally been super epic. Monsters, battles, etc. etc.

Here we just got some frost sorcerer and a lot of fog really. It seemed very.. meh. But everyone who knows the lore that I've seen, has gone crazy over it, so I guess it just comes down to me not knowing anything.

Not going to pretend I won't get it or anything, but I just wish they'd made a more epic trailer is all.
it's a tease or reveal trailer i would not put much though on those after all they are all animated and far from reality of the game.

it tells only a few things for the die hard fans of Warhammer what's it's about. For us mortals that just play Warhammer for it's strategic value it means almost nothing.
Post edited February 06, 2021 by Abishia
Abishia: it tells only a few things for the die hard fans of Warhammer what's it's about. For us mortals that just play Warhammer for it's strategic value it means almost nothing.
Well, for a cinematic teaser it is relatively revealing. The inclusion of Cathay was totally unexpected, Kislev not as much but very welcomed amongst the fanbase nonetheless, and it also hints towards different Chaos factions (one for each god). So even though we don't know the how of the game, we know a little bit of the how much (9 characters confirmed) and for an animated teaser I'd say that's ok (although I wished they had been bolder and shown a siege). Hopefully they'll be more descriptive soon enough.
Post edited February 06, 2021 by Punington