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David9855: I can't say the upcoming Metro game interests me much as I feel Artyoms story finished in last light, with the bitter sweat ending and it's time for a new adventure with a new character, but that is just my 2cents.

Candesco says
"Company might be called thq nordic, but it's more nordic then thq."
If you took the time to learn you'd know that THQ Nordic is a new company not THQ re-branded.

stop whining.
And if you took the time to read and to understand what i mean, then you wouldn't post that.
THQ Nordic is not a new company, just Nordic rebranded. Nordic acquired the thq name and decide to change their name from just Nordic games to THQ Nordic.

And saying stop whining is a lack on words. It's just weak to say that.
Post edited February 17, 2018 by candesco
johnnygoging: I think it's actually more likely that we could now see an Agents of Mayhem release. Hell, perhaps even some new content, though I doubt it. Everything you've read about that game was true but it wasn't horrible.
jalister: In my own opinion, I feel like two major misses in Agents of Mayhem were no character creation, and no multiplayer. I believe I understand the reasonings, but those are two features I really missed. It would have been great to make one character, and then select the other two teammates from the ones Volition made in the game, like Mass Effect for example. Imagine the fun if Volition could have put in three person multiplayer. Multiplayer in Saints Row 3 and 4 was a ton of fun.
lack of a customizable character being a sore spot was something I'd seen repeated often. for me personally, that wasn't even a factor. they were going for an ensemble cast of characters and that was the game they were making. I think a create-a-character while not impossible to pull off in that setting, wasn't what they were going for. and I pretty much agree with everyone that they fucking nailed the characters. they should have gotten the message across that they weren't making SR5.
ThomNG: Exciting times :)
Andrey82: Congratulations! Now I hope that we will get someday Warhammer Mark of Chaos and Metro Exodus soon after release. :)

Johnathanamz: THQ Nordic should now release
Andrey82: Why everyone forgot about Warhammer Mark of Chaos? :/ This game wasn't that bad at all!
Oh Yeah...Mark of Chaos and Battle March got a lot of play from me back in the day. Would be insta-buys for me
Post edited February 17, 2018 by Zoltan999
Andrey82: Congratulations! Now I hope that we will get someday Warhammer Mark of Chaos and Metro Exodus soon after release. :)

Why everyone forgot about Warhammer Mark of Chaos? :/ This game wasn't that bad at all!
Zoltan999: Oh Yeah...Mark of Chaos and Battle March got a lot of play from me back in the day. Would be insta-buys for me
Me too insta buys.i am fun of Warhammer Universe:)
candesco: snip
Deep Silver actually let Volition do their thing, there weren't any restrictions or anything of that kind..
candesco: snip
NuffCatnip: Deep Silver actually let Volition do their thing, there weren't any restrictions or anything of that kind..
I didn't mention restrictions, i mentioned about support and how Deep Silver dropped that. Volition was fully owned by Deep Silver and set as their developing branch. Officially the full name was Deep Silver Volition and Deep Silver made the deciscions. It wasn't the same as with THQ (original one), where Volition made their own deciscions.