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Get on with it.
Fairfox: But Imma mean dancer!
zeogold: The court kindly requests that you leave all meanness to the prosecution. They're getting paid for that.
Fine. I'll make sure she swings.
zeogold: The court kindly requests that you leave all meanness to the prosecution. They're getting paid for that.
JunglePredator: Fine. I'll make sure she swings.
I don't think she's into that, but you can certainly ask.
JunglePredator: Fine. I'll make sure she swings.
bler144: I don't think she's into that, but you can certainly ask.
Well according the the puzzlemaster I think I'm supposed to be mean about it I think.

So it's going to be more like gym class than midsummer eve.
bler144: I don't think she's into that, but you can certainly ask.
JunglePredator: Well according the the puzzlemaster I think I'm supposed to be mean about it I think.

So it's going to be more like gym class than midsummer eve.
Now I'm confused as to what you're even talking about.
JunglePredator: Well according the the puzzlemaster I think I'm supposed to be mean about it I think.

So it's going to be more like gym class than midsummer eve.
bler144: Now I'm confused as to what you're even talking about.

A time for dance.

Whatever the kind of dance it is. (NSF work or small minds)
Don't make me have to start a "no-dancing" rule. We end this nonsense with the following:

The judge calls for silence! Please cease posting until the next day.
The prosecution would like to call to the witness stand Bre Ja; witness to Ms. Fox's actus reus.
I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so anyway…

We assume it was the first shot that missed, since the witnesses described a heavy thud after the second. For the longest time we couldn't locate that first bullet. Only after accidentally, but expertly, tripping over my shoelaces and landing on my back did I locate it- it was in the ceiling, clear across the room from the desk where the body was found.

Upon close examination with our state-of-the-art equipment we discovered, that the desk's bottom right drawer was open about a quarter of the way. There were fresh scratches in the wood of the drawer's inside edge. These scratches match tiny slivers of wood on the sides of the revolver handle. The window was open, but there was no sign of an intruder, and only two officers fell out of it during examination of the crime scene- our department’s best result yet. The door to the dumbwaiter was closed.
Breja: I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so anyway…

We assume it was the first shot that missed, since the witnesses described a heavy thud after the second. For the longest time we couldn't locate that first bullet. Only after accidentally, but expertly, tripping over my shoelaces and landing on my back did I locate it- it was in the ceiling, clear across the room from the desk where the body was found.

Upon close examination with our state-of-the-art equipment we discovered, that the desk's bottom right drawer was open about a quarter of the way. There were fresh scratches in the wood of the drawer's inside edge. These scratches match tiny slivers of wood on the sides of the revolver handle. The window was open, but there was no sign of an intruder, and only two officers fell out of it during examination of the crime scene- our department’s best result yet. The door to the dumbwaiter was closed.
The prosecution is interested in knowing if the dumbwaiter drawer may be opened from the inside of the unit?
Wold Ms. Fox been unable to escape the box as she claims or perfectly capable of surprising the lord by opening the box from the inside?
JunglePredator: The prosecution is interested in knowing if the dumbwaiter drawer may be opened from the inside of the unit?
Wold Ms. Fox been unable to escape the box as she claims or perfectly capable of surprising the lord by opening the box from the inside?
No, it can't be opened from the inside. But you can close it from the inside. The deceased could have opened it. Before being killed that is. As a deceased person he would not be able to, due to severe imperment of his motor functions. As she left, Miss Fox could've closed it.
JunglePredator: The prosecution is interested in knowing if the dumbwaiter drawer may be opened from the inside of the unit?
Wold Ms. Fox been unable to escape the box as she claims or perfectly capable of surprising the lord by opening the box from the inside?
Breja: No, it can't be opened from the inside. But you can close it from the inside. The deceased could have opened it. Before being killed that is. As a deceased person he would not be able to, due to severe imperment of his motor functions. As she left, Miss Fox could've closed it.
Does the witness have any ideas if Ms. Fox's prints were found in the room?
Post edited July 11, 2016 by JunglePredator
JunglePredator: Does the witness have any ideas if Ms. Fox's prints were found in the room?
No. But we did find two puzzling objects beside the body. We sent them to the lab for analysis and they were identified as, I quote, "a pair of men's gloves". I have no clue, you know what it's like with those eggheads. Oh, and traces of gnu oil were found on them, and how a wildebeest got there I have no... ah wait, sorry, it's "gun oil". The letter's are tiny in those lab reports.
Post edited July 11, 2016 by Breja
Thank you for your time, Officer Ja.
We should all get some rest for now.
Well, I have some good news and some bad news.
The bad news is that, during the night, Sunshinecorp decided to get frisky with Ms. Katt, who proceeded to slap him, causing him to fall back on Puzzle-Bot and hit his Time Travel button. As a result, both Sunshinecorp and his motorcycle have been teleported to an unknown year, and will not be joining us any longer.
The good news is that Ashwald can stop giving Bler dirty looks, as he now has his 12th spot back. Also, I was able to recall Puzzle-Bot using the remote control I recently fixed, so we'll be able to get out of here as soon as I fix that Time Travel button properly.

We're now at the final piece of evidence, so now is either the time to move on or give your verdict.