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tinyE: The only thing snowkatt has ever called me is tinyP.
you prefer tinyD then ? ;p
zeogold: Eram?
tinyE: And yes I get the references. :P
Just for clarification for those who are probably going "What the heck, Zeo?" right about now:
Eram - who Regals claims tinyE is
Jim - the guy who introduced himself on the forum and gained a lot of love right before he disappeared without a trace
Chief/McCloud - reference to an MST3K episode
tinyE: The only thing snowkatt has ever called me is tinyP.
snowkatt: you prefer tinyD then ? ;p there something between you two that I'm not aware o-
Actually, come to think of it, I don't want to know.
Post edited November 13, 2016 by zeogold
snowkatt: you prefer tinyD then ? ;p
zeogold: there something between you two that I'm not aware o-
Actually, come to think of it, I don't want to know.
i just call him tiny patrick and tiny dork is all
Let me try this again. :P

This is getting weird. I'd better go.
tinyE: Let me try this again. :P

This is getting weird. I'd better go.
As I was saying:
tinyE: Let me try this again. :P

This is getting weird. I'd better go.
Yeah, we are talking about you, so what do YOU expect :P
low rated
tinyE: Regals calls me Eram, though the other day he slipped up and called someone else that which means he's getting his alts all mixed up.
Nice try want me to post your picture and address again illegal?
Regals: Nice try want me to post your picture and address again illegal?
If I would be, what you called me, you would not be here.

So any more irrelevant stuff from your side? Anything else you have to spout?
I would really suggest that you try to get some medical help, some of those new treatments might really help you. If you need help finding the right places, you do have internet and if needed I can get you the right search terms as your vocabulary seems to be rather limited.
tinyE: And I'm not a trinity, I'm just a dork.
Well, you have a trinity, and an adorable one at that. That's close enough ;-)
tinyE: And I'm not a trinity, I'm just a dork.
Wishbone: Well, you have a trinity, and an adorable one at that. That's close enough ;-)
It took me way too long to realize that you were talking about his donkeys and not me and snowkatt.
low rated
Goodaltgamer: I SUCK COCK
Sorry Don't associate with 2 fags 1 cup type.

Never understood why you nazi's love to eat so much crap.
Goodaltgamer: I SUCK COCK
Regals: Sorry Don't associate with 2 fags 1 cup type.

Never understood why you nazi's love to eat so much crap.
Now where did I put that soap with dihydromonoxide and tertrachloride... so you could wash your mouth with it :p
Back to on-topic:

I've noticed that you don't really appreciate TinyE until you've lost him. When he is not around anymore, you start missing him.

So in essence, losing him over and over again is the best way to increase your appreciation for him. Just keep doing that, every day.

I'm not sure if that really makes sense but at this point that doesn't really matter, does it?