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I like The Cat Lady. It's really really dark and that's what I like about it. Maybe because I can somehow relate? Who knows.
Depressing.... that's the #1 reason I ain't touching it. :P
Having not yet played either game yet, for some reason I keep mixing this game with the Edna&Harvey games. Maybe it is the graphics in the screenshots, something similar in them... or not, dunno.

Hence I am always a bit surprised when people mention that there is gore or whatever in Cat Lady. Then again, I could get a similar impression of the legendary Salad Fingers.

EDIT: Now looking at the screenshots again... I have no idea how I could have mixed them up. They don't seem similar at all.:D I _think_ I have once installed and watched the beginning of the Cat Lady, just to see it run...
Post edited October 19, 2016 by timppu
There's a point in the game an...accident occurs, and it results in your running back and forth across the screen gyrating like crazy to some heavy music.

I just found the whole thing so hilariously out of place, I couldn't stop laughing, and...never got back to the game.
Oh, this one. I saw a stream of it on Twitch and was really not very impressed. It`s a totally weird game.
Vythonaut: Depressing.... that's the #1 reason I ain't touching it. :P
indeed. it's rainy out anyway, plus with it getting dark earlier now, the game definitely gave today a dank & murky vibe.
tinyE: Downfall is the prequel right? But it came after Cat Lady. What should I play first?
Original Downfall first, Cat Lady second, Downfall Remake third.

Nice avatar by the way.
The Cat Lady.... now there's an interesting game. The title is more interesting to me than the actual game, since I have a friend called 'the cat lady' as well, and has cats. Well... enough on that.

I've played this game a bit. It is outright creepy, confusing, you start off dead and going over bodies and collecting items until you can manage to find an old lady at the beginning who would help you return to being alive (to hunt down 6 evil people). You're effectively 'immortal' for a while, since when you die you will just come back. The REAL creepy part starts when you have to give a drop of blood for the ritual... That freaked me out.

The netherworld, the hospital, the psychologist, the eyeball asking you to choose a door and one will lead to a game over.

The imagery is... disturbing. Not disturbing in a reality kind of way, more in a jarring way, and I wonder if some of these are actually cases of serial killers and murderers and how they would think and act.

I'm not into horror games much myself, although I could play it, I'm not sure if I will return to it.
Great storytelling and rather unique visuals. I can recommend this game to everyone looking for an adult point'n'click as long as they aren't afraid of gore and find the idea of a depressive antiheroine protagonist interesting.

The Cat Lady is superior to Downfall and the games aren't really connected. Although there are references in The Cat Lady to the original Downfall as well as references to The Cat Lady in Downfall Redux. Those are fun to see, but don't add much to the respective storylines.
How long has Downfall redux been here? :P I never noticed it. I wish I could get a discount on it because I have the original.

Guess I'll play Downfall first just to be perfect. :D
fortune_p_dawg: jesus this game is like the crow without ernie hudson and way more gore.
tinyE: Downfall is the prequel right? But it came after Cat Lady. What should I play first?
They aren't "that" connected, you can play them in any order. However I think the "ideal" play order would be the original version of Downfall, then The Cat Lady then Downfall Redux.

For anybody that doesn't know, you can get the original Downfall (the first game set in the universe that The Cat Lady is set in) from the publisher's website for free :)!/free-games

There is a good bit of difference between the original Downfall and Downfall Redux, and I definitely recommend you give each a playthrough. They even have different endings. My only complaint about either of the Downfalls is that Downfall Redux's endings don't particularly mesh well with The Cat Lady, which seems a bit sloppy since came out a good bit after The Cat Lady.

Anyway, I love all three games, The Cat Lady in particular. I'm REALLY looking forward to Lorelai, the next game set in this universe. Which, by the way, the Downfall/Cat Lady/Lorelai trilogy is apparently named the "Devil Came Through Here" trilogy, so there is a useless bit of potentially false info I read.

One final link: If you like the music in The Cat Lady and/or Downfall Redux, check out Warmer, he (Jesse Gunn) did a lot of the music in both of them, and voiced the character in Joe in both.
tinyE: Downfall is the prequel right? But it came after Cat Lady. What should I play first?
Gengar78: this one
I have to give you that one.
tinyE: How long has Downfall redux been here? :P I never noticed it. I wish I could get a discount on it because I have the original.

Guess I'll play Downfall first just to be perfect. :D
For those owning the original were given a 50% off code for the Redux version tucked away inside the original Downfall shelf item - found in your library. Once you click on the shelf item you should see the following below the download link:

Message from

Thank you for purchasing Downfall! Please accept this 50% discount code, courtesy of Harvester Games and Screen 7, for Downfall Redux: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

You can redeem this code at
I cannot be certain there was an expiration for the code but never hurts to try it. Hope this helps.
I played The Cat Lady after finishing Downfall Redux. While Downfall Redux is more akin to The Shining, The Cat Lady deals with the themes of depression, suicide, substance abuse, loneliness, loss and death. I didn't find it very depressing myself, on the contrary, the ending I got gave reason for hope while I went into the game expecting to want to kill myself after playing :)

I did enjoy the art style (similar to Downfall Redux) and some of the puzzles were very meta/symbolic and interesting.
Post edited October 20, 2016 by dizzy_plays