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Thanks for the GA, would like to enter for...
...Disciples: Sacred Lands Gold & KING'S BOUNTY: DARK SIDE - PREMIUM EDITION!

Will try to craft that birthday card soon, although I don´t wanna be in for Grim Fandango! (already preordered it!)
Pick 1: Vanishing of Ethan Carter, The
Pick 2:Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Complete

Sachys made you a cake ;)
foxbday.png (228 Kb)
Post edited January 14, 2015 by SalarShushan
Happy birthday!

Not in.
Happy Birthday !

You should have picked Chaos Overlords (as there is a mission 'The Big 40' inside)

Edit : and not in
Post edited January 15, 2015 by Potzato
ZFR: Happy birthday grandpa!!

All the best wishes to you on this day :)

I'd like to be in please

Pick 1: Silver
Pick 2: Arx Fatalis

If the decision was on me, so far, I'd pick your card. It's cool
Here's to being old enough to know better, young enough to do it, and too old to care whether you should or should not!

Happy 40th Birthday!
Happy birthday, foxworks.

I'd guess that 40 is not that different from 39. I stopped expecting things. No more disappointments that way...

Enjoy your day.
foxworks: ...You always have an idea what 30 or 40 should be like. Never turns out that way. But today's a good day :D
Happy Birthday old fox! Good to hear it's a good one. Enjoy the day.

Terrific giveaway you've set up. Big +1
I'll see if I come up with something creative, worthy to enter.

EDIT: Not in, because I don't like my creation so far. Simply not good enough.
Post edited January 31, 2015 by DeMignon
Happy birthday, you dirty animal!

1. Ether One Deluxe Edition
2. Arx Fatalis

Your card.

Fun giveaway! thanks!

Nice cards, too, everybody!

Happy Birthday Foxworks!

I'd like to be in for "The Vanishing of Ethan Carter"...

Here's your birthday card, with the help of Paint Shop Pro, The Gimp and Inkscape...

PS: Look closely. Both you and Sachys appear on the card! :-)

Post edited January 17, 2015 by _Slaugh_
A Happy Birthday card from the Chimp~
Happy Birthday.

No time for a card today, but I did get you a hat.
fbh.png (85 Kb)
I'm enjoying these birthday cards. Keep them coming! :D
Happy Birthday, foxworks! Welcome to the club. :-)

Thanks for a great giveaway! Not in.