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Is the test over? I don't think so!
Thistler: Is the test over? I don't think so!
The teeest cannot beeee ohhhveeeer. That wouuuld contradiiiict the initial purrrrpose of the threeead. As suuuch this will be knoooowned from now ooon as "Perpeeetual Test Iniiiitiative"........ohh and haaave a nicee daaay subject.
Thistler: Is the test over? I don't think so!
Test over? Cannot compute!
Testing... testing. One, two, three....
PTUI... perpetual test until infinity!

~and cake...for science!
Cake? I wanted pie. Dutch Apple Pie. And now I just made myself hungry. Stupid tests offering cake making me hungry for Dutch Apple Pie.
the pie is a lie
If pie is a lie then I don't want to know the truth. Unless the truth is that the pie is a lie is a lie so I can have my Dutch Apple Pie.
mari29: Lager with no foam and one ice.
Why the ice? Why water it down even more?
If you want it chilled, have the glass chilled, but not to icing temperature. Or even better, drink the beer faster ;)
Are Danish cinnamon rolls illegal yet?
spindown: Testing... testing. One, two, three....
Wait, no one said there would be math....crap!!!
mari29: Lager with no foam and one ice.
JMich: Why the ice? Why water it down even more?
If you want it chilled, have the glass chilled, but not to icing temperature. Or even better, drink the beer faster ;)
You're ice, but my glass will be chilled in the freezer. Altho, most restaurants don't use real cold glasses.
spindown: Testing... testing. One, two, three....
flubbucket: Wait, no one said there would be math....crap!!!
This math isn't too bad. After one, two, three...hmmm, let me see...I know...the answer is four !!!!! Do I win ??
Post edited March 11, 2014 by mari29
mari29: Altho, most restaurants don't use real cold glasses.
Problem is if the glass is frozen, not chilled. In that case it is possible that the beer will have small icicles formed due to the glass temperature, which does modify the quality of it. So depending on the restaurant, it may use frozen glasses (bad), it may refuse to freeze glasses (good) or it may have chilled glasses (better). Question is how many restaurants know why the frozen glasses are bad.
JMich: Why the ice? Why water it down even more?
If you want it chilled, have the glass chilled, but not to icing temperature. Or even better, drink the beer faster ;)
mari29: You're ice, but my glass will be chilled in the freezer. Altho, most restaurants don't use real cold glasses.
flubbucket: Wait, no one said there would be math....crap!!!
mari29: This math isn't too bad. After one, two, three...hmmm, let me see...I know...the answer is four !!!!! Do I win ??
Nope I'm not fallin' for that again. Fool me once shame one me.

I'm not getting into the Free Hugs van a fourth time unless you are for real gonna give me the candy.
chezybezy: so why are we bumping?
Momo1991: For cake and science!
reminds me of that nice rendition of blinded me with science on Eureka, and i mean the Erueka version unfortunately there is not a youtube vid :(